2009 Horoscopes… pre-order now…

Dear Friends and Readers,

Happy New Moon, its that time of the year again when we look back at all that has been and look at how we can do things differently this time around the Sun. I have to say 2009 is looking to be a rather hopeful year in spite the current climate of uncertainty, starting with a very powerful set of eclipses at the end of January, early February.

I have begun writing the in-depth 2009 horoscopes, which include a General and a Love and Relationship forecast for each sign covering the coming year.

The price of the horoscopes will go up on release depending on the final length of the horoscopes. If you order now, you can get the horoscopes for a reduced pre-order price at this link.

Check in this week for Daily Horoscopes for your sign…



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