Dear Friends,
We’re moving through some serious energy here. I can hear it in my consultations with clients, even if I didn’t have enough proof of it in my own life.
We can attribute it to the planets or, for the “non-believers,” it could just be one of those times of epic change. But any way you analyze this current period, it will be long remembered as one when things began to change.
As I write this on Tuesday evening in NYC, Mars (in Libra) is currently triggering the T-square. Over the weekend Mars completed aspects to Uranus and Saturn, and on early Wednesday EDT it opposes Jupiter while both Mars and Jupiter square Pluto in Capricorn at the apex of the T-square.
There are huge politics being played out in the world and in our lives, but ultimately this is helping us to shift and readdress crucial balances in our world. Definitely avoid power struggles at this time.
Pluto at the apex in Capricorn asks that we become aware of our own unconscious agenda, which could create the very barrier that we are trying to break through. With Mars and Jupiter in opposition, these feelings are due to be magnified.
But this is an internal evolution that asks for maturity and reminds us that there are consequences to our actions. Avoid trying to manipulate any situation or to overreact anytime you feel insecure. Instead, find a way to cooperate; establish mutual trust.
Currently, the Moon is in Taurus and will be at the time of these aspects, bringing much-needed emotional respite. In spite of all the pressure for change, there is still time to ground ourselves in what is “real,” important and of true value.
The Moon enters Gemini at 12:54 PM EDT on Aug. 4, 2010 and will make aspects to Mars and Jupiter, easing the T-square. With honest communication, we can find a way to ease the transition and see around what may seem like an insurmountable obstacle.
I’ll be back with the August horoscopes tomorrow. Meanwhile, when it all gets to be too much, remember to breathe, and count to 10 before you react.
— Priya Kale, NYC