Cancer Full Moon | Sabian Symbol – Cancer 8

Dear Friends,

It’s Boxing Day and yet another Christmas has past. 2012 was an unforgettable year for most and life will never quite be the same again.

This was my first year home for Christmas in Mumbai since 1998. I’ve spent every Christmas since 1999 in NYC  width=expect for the last one in Vermont — all pretty magical and eventful in their own way. It’s been a long journey and it’s certainly good to be home, but I can’t help but reminisce on the years gone by.

And as we head towards the Full Moon in opposition to Pluto on Dec. 28, 2012, there is definitely a rising wave of nostalgia in the air.

Today, Mars enters Aquarius and the Capricorn Sun squares Uranus in Aries. Also this Full Moon is triggering the Pluto-Uranus square, with Uranus at the apex of the T-square.

It’s almost the end of the year but upcoming aspects suggest it isn’t over yet. 2012 is going out with a bang and aspects in the following days suggest there may still be a few more fireworks, waterworks and surprises to deal with. Just remember to take a deep breath before you react.

There are certainly unpredictable developments unfolding over the days that follow triggering deep emotions or a situation that began to unfold between June and September 2012; and a glimpse into the wave of change peaking in about August 2013.

But really this is a story that goes further back than just the recent past; offering a chance to break free of life-long patterns and live more authentically.

Dane Rudhyar’s interpretation of the Sabian Symbol for this degree is particularly insightful as we try to grasp the message of this lunation:



KEYNOTE: The tendency in all forms of life to imitate higher forms as a stimulus to growth.

This rather strange symbol points to what is essential in all first attempts at developing consciousness and furthering and furthering one’s growth through association with those who have already reached a superior evolutionary or mental level. Every seeker looks for an “Exemplar.” The religious mystic speaks of “the Imitation of Christ.” In Japan the music student sits in front of his teacher playing an instrument, and carefully imitates his every gesture.

At this third stage of the five-fold sequence we see at work the basic features at the start of all LEARNING PROCESSES. At the next stage we will watch a more advanced, more typically human quest for knowledge.”


As human beings we are the most evolved life forms here on earth. So for us to “imitate” a “higher life form,” before responding to any situation it may be helpful to ask oneself — “What would ‘God’ do? We are not perfect and we are certainly not God. We are human, but when we lose our humanity, then we have nothing — then we are animals. And this especially resonates with the gruesome events that seem to be unfolding over the world, demanding that we take a close look at our laws and this so called civilized society we’ve built.

The Sun in Capricorn, symbolizing the most evolved manifestation of earthly energy, the question is how we do become the best human beings we can be? And “best” defined not by the external conditioning of society, this world, culture, parents, upbringing, religion, scriptures, authority figures, ideas about success or failure but by an inner core awareness and reality. As much as this is an evolutionary, growth and learning process this is also a process of unlearning of surface conditioning.

With the Moon in opposition to Pluto in Capricorn, as one goes through the almost obsessive emotions that are undoubtedly rising, it’s important to release them consciously. Especially the heavier ones of sadness, pain, resentment, bitterness. Only then can we stand to learn the underlying reality and respond constructively rather than destructively.

This Full Moon is also trine Saturn, with Saturn forming a sextile to the Sun-Pluto conjunction. This suggesting there can be grounding, transformation and solid change if we are willing to make the effort. The aspects and Sabian Symbol are a reminder that no matter how evolved we get as a species, underneath the fancy clothes, the airs of sophistication or hardened psychological protective shell — we are soft like “bunnies” on the inside. We are living, breathing, sentient, sensitive, human beings with a deep capacity to feel — and be deeply hurt. Feelings are never right or wrong, they are real but they are not “reality.”

Uranus at the T-square of this lunation is pushing boundaries but asking that we find an inner balance before we react impulsively adding to the insanity.

As the Sun approaches a conjunction to Pluto on this is calling a confrontation of the subconscious darker aspects of ones nature and becoming aware of ones subconscious motivations. In responding consciously with self-awareness we can reach important personal breakthroughs allowing one to break free of past patterns.

I’m busy writing the 2013 Horoscopes (you can pre-order them at this link) and as I look ahead, 2013 is ushering in a great wave of change.

And this Full Moon is offering a glimpse into the energy of the coming year. This is a chance to wipe the slate clean of the past as we move into the future. Let go of emotional baggage (from perhaps as far back as childhood), hungering for material success or fearing failure, or whatever it is that holds you back.

Then you can be all you were born to be and channel the great flow of abundance and prosperity that 2013 holds in store.

I’ll catch you next year. Until then be safe and have a Happy New Year!



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