A professional situation has steadily been heating up, and all eyes are on you in April. But as the Libra Full Moon aligns early in April, there’s a need for balance with your innermost needs for security. You may be feeling waves of nostalgia, but confront the past consciously. What was your childhood like? What were your family dynamics? Were you encouraged to reach for your ambitions? What do you need to feel safe enough to be yourself and shine? Consciously release insecurities, as you rise to a challenge. A second New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Aries is moving your career to a new level, calling you to be a leader and pioneer. This is not about success or failure, but your ability to be authentic and wholly yourself as you make your way through this world. As the Sun enters Taurus and Mercury stations retrograde, you may be reconnecting with a close partner, soul friend, or a long-desired wish. It could be easy to be pessimistic about the future, but things are different now. You are different, and so are others, and you’re more aware of your blind spots. This is a chance to have honest conversations and do things differently. Dare to dream. You were born for this. Events this month are setting in motion an 18 month phase of transformation. For a more personal in-depth look at your chart email me at to schedule a Consultation. I look forward to working with you!

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