Note To Subscribers — I will be in your inbox a little later today with an update and Horoscopes. Thank you for your support and patience.
Pre-Order your 2011 Annual Horoscopes
Yesterday’s Eclipse and New Moon occurred at 4:02 AM EDT on January 4, 2011 at 13+ degrees of Capricorn. If you have planets on or around this degree or in the other cardinal signs Libra, Aries or Cancer you can expect to feel the effects more profoundly.
Also Jupiter made a conjunction to Uranus in Pisces casting a sublime, serendipitous and miraculous flavor to the energy. These planets will not conjunct again until 2024 (in Taurus) making this a rare and potent aspect.
With Venus in a trine to Jupiter and Uranus at the time of the Eclipse this is an extremely magical fertile climate, bringing tangible and intangible delights. There is a chance to wipe the slate clean and work towards mutual goals.
Don’t rule out serendipitous encounters and deeply intimate moments that catch you off guard. Financially, emotionally and romantically there is greater depth here than you may have imagined.
But as much as this is drawing us out of the realm of belief, the New Moon in Capricorn is opening a door of solid opportunities. This is about longevity and fruits of hard-earned labor rather than fleeting success.
To manifest something on the earthly plane requires dedication, commitment and a willingness to co-operate. And most importantly, it takes love.
If you could dream the best dream for your life what would it be?
— Priya
I am available for Personal Consultations at this time. Schedule one to get a head start on 2011 or get one as a gift for family and friends.
Thursday January 6th, 2011: ‘Dreaming the Cosmos’ – Live Radio Show
I am very excited to announce I will be a Guest on Flash of Spirit, a live radio show on hosted by Dr. Gillian Holloway and Meredith Smith.
“Do you wonder what your sun or rising sign means? Is there truth in everyday horoscopes? Are we really connected to the stars? Is there a universal shift currently taking place?”
These are just some of the questions we will explore and take a sneak peek at the astrology for 2011.
You can listen to the show live (at this link) at 2 PM EDT on January, 6th 2011 and call in to speak with us. Or listen to it archived later.
Dr. Gillian Holloway is the author of four books on dream analysis and a university instructor at Marylhurst University near Portland Oregon, where she teaches ground-breaking courses on Dream Psychology and Intuition Research.
Meredith Smith is a Dreamwork practitioner with a small practice called DelphiDreams in Portland, OR. Thanks to over 30 years of personal experience in the dreaming world, Meredith naturally receives messages to guide others through their own personal healing process.