We’re in a remarkable, magical, groundbreaking year and we’re hitting the ground running. Change is here now.
On January 11, a potent Capricorn New Moon marked the beginning of the end of a cycle of transformation that began in 2008, when Pluto ingressed the sign. Much of what unfolds in January sets the stage for 2024. Pay attention to the area of your chart/life ruled by Capricorn. With conscious attention, we have the power to bring about a transformation that’s been a long time coming.
Capricorn speaks of tradition, but this New Moon made an easy trine to innovative, revolutionary Uranus. Also, Mars made major aspects to Saturn and Jupiter, supercharging the lunation. We’re at a threshold, vantage point, and opportunity is knocking. Unexpected developments are pushing boundaries, and swinging doors open and shut, beckoning us to explore new horizons.
We’re leveling up with this Capricorn New Moon, stepping into the future. Capricorn rules our ambitions, goals, sense of authority, responsibility, hard work, dedication, determination, mastery, and the ‘worldly success’ that inevitably follows. It also represents government, big business, the military, the structures that support our world, and the peak of human consciousness.
Pluto rules our unconscious and subconscious processes. Since 2008, we’ve (individually and collectively) been in a process of chipping away superficial conditioning we’ve inherited from society, parental and authority figures, government, and culture to find our core integrity and humanity.
Look back at what was unfolding in 2008. Look at how far you’ve come. You’ve changed, and so has the world. We’ve been in an alchemical process, burning through the dross to discover what’s pure golden.
Who are you today? What do you want? How have you matured, grown, and evolved? What have you learned? What are you unlearning? What ambitions, desires, and responsibilities have you outgrown? What historical patterns and generational trauma are you ending?
Embody your lessons, but let go of the past and dead weight. Clarify your ambitions, goals, desires, and dreams; and consciously release the ones you’ve outgrown. Prioritize, organize, and sharpen your focus. Also, become aware of unconscious fears of success, failure, and expectations of what relationships and life should look like that prevent your progress.
This is about living your best life in alignment with your true inner-most self. All actions have consequences, and even inaction is an action. Non-reaction is key, then you can take constructive actions towards your chosen goals and make real progress towards your goals and destiny.
A red-letter day arrives on Jan 20, when the Sun meets Pluto at 29’ 59” Capricorn before both planets enter Aquarius, ushering in a new era. Pluto’s conjunction with the Sun is lighting all that’s dead, gone, and what’s survived. We should see this play out in the news – and our lives. Pluto will return to Capricorn briefly between September – November 2024, giving us a chance to tie up loose ends.
Once the Sun enters Aquarius, we’re heading to the Leo Full Moon at 5+ Leo on January 25. We will be coming face to face with what’s slowly coming to light now, later this year around December 6. Pay attention to the seeds you’re planting now. Our intentions, thoughts, words, deeds, and actions — are shaping, directing, and setting the stage for 2024 and the foreseeable future. And we’ve barely scratched the surface of the potential in a situation and within us.
Capricorn — like its symbol the mountain goat — reaches for the peak. You can climb any mountain. But which mountain do you want to climb? Also, success but at what cost? All the success in the world would mean nothing unless it means something to you.
Venus and Jupiter, the two benefics are currently in (Sagittarius and Taurus respectively) mutual reception, transiting each other’s signs. This bodes well for love, all relationships, creativity, our ability to be resourceful, and to materialize a vision and heart desire. But with the New Moon in Capricorn, it’s important (and likely easier) to be more discerning of our limitations. Know your limits, and be true to your values, then you needn’t worry about biting off more than you can chew. Then you can find creative, resourceful, loving ways around them to get to where you need to be.
We’re taking baby steps toward a life goal. It will take time, determination, dedication, devotion, and finishing what we started. But keep your eyes on the prize. If you’re willing to work for it you can realize a dream.
Above all, stay rooted in your integrity and values then you can touch the sky.
— Priya Kale, Capricorn New Moon, Jan 15, 202