2010 Annual Horoscopes | Weekly Horoscopes
Saturn in Libra Horoscopes: 2010-2012 | Relationship and Finance Forecast 2010 – Link Updated!
Personal Astrology Consultations
BSFollmer Show: Weekly Astrology update with Priya
We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.
— T.S. Elliot, Little Gidding
Hope you’ve been dealing with this cosmic weather well. It’s been intense, and that’s putting it mildly.
Currently the Moon is in Virgo, entering its balsamic phase and heading toward the Libra New Moon on Oct. 7, 2010 at 2:44 PM EDT.
The Sabian Symbol for Libra 15 reads: ‘Circular Paths.’ Dane Rudhyar’s interpretation for this degree in the Astrological Mandala: “We deal with repetitive activity; but that activity may either bind or free the consciousness of the actor. It can mean BOREDOM or TRANSPERSONAL PEACE in action.”
With five planets in Libra at this time (the Sun, Moon, Saturn, Mercury and Vesta), there is a concentration of this energy, symbolizing the extreme tightrope balancing act/tug-of-war unfolding within relationships. And with Venus and Mars in Scorpio, the stakes are high.
It may be impossible to ignore the stone-cold reality of situations. But Saturn in Libra is a reminder that our mundane realities and relationships are ultimately bringing us higher Karmic lessons.
As long as we choose to ignore the lessons, we will continue to encounter the same issues over again, whether within the prevailing situations or in a different form.
Aspects at this time suggest that there could be second chances in love or in something you thought had reached the end of the road. As Venus stations retrograde in Scorpio (the day after the New Moon), there is a suggestion of hidden depth and a deeper mystery unraveling when it comes to love, intimacy, sexuality, financial and creative situations.
Venus is the ruler of Libra and also of Taurus, the sign opposite Scorpio. Pay attention to your “values” in your relationships. Rise above the pettier differences while sinking deeper into your own understanding of the value of what is being learned, exchanged, shared and given.
Every relationship is a give and take. As long as we are being self-serving in our motives, we will continue to encounter power struggles that lead nowhere.
As we enter the New Moon, consider this a time of clearing space, of emptying out and finding inner balance with your inner male and female as you come full circle with a situation or relationship/s.
If we can confront the unconscious fears consciously, then there is a way forward now that allows for true balance, peace, harmony, depth and trust.
I’ll be back with an excerpt from the New Moon report that takes a deeper look at this energy. In the meanwhile, I wish you a peaceful New Moon…
With Love,
Priya Kale