Cosmic Diaries: Week of Apr. 20-28, 2014 – Grand Cardinal Cross

“Because everyone who will exalt himself shall be humbled and everyone who will humble himself shall be exalted.” Luke 14:11
I ain’t lookin’ to compete with you
Beat or cheat or mistreat you
Simplify you, classify you
Deny, defy or crucify you
All I really want to do
Is, baby, be friends with you
Note: I’ve just updated the Audio file — pk 7:30 PM EDT.

Happy Easter all…

The Sun is in now in Taurus, the Moon is in Capricorn. Here below is an audio I just recorded covering the astrology as we move through the coming week — through this incredible Grand Cardinal Cross — to the Taurus New Moon and Solar Eclipse on Apr. 29, 2014.

As intense as life seems right now, perhaps with a feeling of being crucified, trust what’s unfolding is paving the way for inevitable resurrection and new life.


Also, I’m currently wrapping up my 2014 – 2015 Annual Horoscope project. I had planned on releasing them around the end of this week.

While I’m doing my best to keep the deadline, this is also one of the most significant years of our lifetime and what unfolds this year is sure to reverberate in through your lifetime. So I’m also moving slow and thoroughly, so I don’t miss anything important. And I hope you will be patient as I complete these horoscopes which will prove useful for years to come.

Also, subscribers can look for the Taurus New Moon and Solar Eclipse report later this week. You can sign up here for a One Week Free Trial to receive this and the Libra Lunar Eclipse Audio, Monthly Horoscopes, Mars horoscopes, report, and other special reports in your email.
I’ll be back with more astrology soon. In the meanwhile, as you move through this week remember — patience pays.
— Priya Kale
I am also available for personal Astrology and Tarot consultations via Skype or phone or in person if you live in or around the Hudson Valley. Email me or visit this page to to schedule an appointment. I look forward to working with you.

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