If you feel like the earth is shifting beneath your feet, you’re quite right. You saw this coming, but now that it’s time to make the changes, you may almost be hesitating to let go of a reputation you’ve worked so hard to build. But I suggest you move forward now like a skilled mountain climber preparing for their greatest expedition. Ignore those who may be jealous or have their own insecurities. You have a natural flair for life that makes the most daring ambition and adventure seem like child’s play. Leave no stone unturned and go for gold.
It may seem like a surreal moment, like you’re floating on a cloud watching a fire rage on a hill below. It’s been an arduous journey to get to where you are and hopefully now you see what it was all leading to. You’ve been confronting your darkest fears and deepest wounds with the world watching. But by your dedicated passion and unshakable faith in a real soul purpose you’re actually making contact with it. Some may call it ingenuity, intuition, creativity or even magic; but you know it’s something a little more divine.
Click here for your in-depth 2009 Horoscopes covering a General and Relationship forecast for the year.
Hopefully you’ve reached deep within yourself to unearth what a hugely personal situation means to you. You’ve had to look at your own interactions within key partnerships, examining traditional and superficial thought patterns, especially your fear of judgment. You are almost at the end of this journey through the underground, so use any fear as fuel to push you forward. If you persist, there is a cushion of hope and tangible support available to you. Financially or emotionally, success is yours if you envision it.
The people in your life have always been important to you, providing a stable structure for your much-needed sense of security. Relationships are like mirrors reflecting to us that which we cannot see about ourselves. But if we are not conscious of this reflection, it turns into projection, which can get ugly if we start dealing with junk. It seems like you have to light a fire in the haystack to clear the bad relationships. Don’t be afraid, you can never lose what’s real. Especially one significant other who is rock solid in his or her support and loves you in an infinitely divine way.
Click here for your in-depth 2009 Horoscopes covering a General and Relationship forecast for the year.
You’re making contact with a sense of purpose like few other times in your life. You’ve been learning the expansiveness of your own being and the creativity that rages in you. It may be a bit humbling as you see the task ahead of you. But experience has taught you that nothing is impossible if you live your truth. What you have to offer is invaluable in its tangible and intangible qualities. Be a responsible adult guardian to your inner child’s dream and you can manifest it as a tower of strength that gives back to the world. Your private world seems pretty cozy now too.
It’s no secret that you have a conservative side to you. It’s just that you have such high tastes for even casual fun that others often find your standards impossible to match. But something is lighting your fire now and I suggest you be willing to get your hands dirty. Your integrity will make sure you play fair even when you have to break a few rules. It may feel like you are reaching the peak of an adventure. But I assure you the fun has just begun. Now you get to create something that will leave others gaping in awe at its beauty.
You seem to be at a defining moment regarding one close relationship. A partner is going through a profound transformation that no doubt affects your core reality. But the recent past has been a crash course of living your insecurities and claiming your independence; only to discover it’s been within you all along. They say the truth is veiled, but I have heard the veil is on each of our eyes. See through the boundaries and illusions, straight to the soul of a person or situation. You are getting better and better at it. You can create your reality now, almost like a dream.
It may feel like you’re doing the Vulcan mind meld. You are at the beginning of a two year cycle where you learn the power of your communication, thoughts and words to manifest into reality all your darkness and glory. The power of thought hasn’t been stronger, so which do you chose to carry with you? Let go of old thought patterns and superficial judgements as you make room to birth the eternal vision in your soul. Even you know what you have to offer is too expansive for the mind to comprehend. You’ve proven you can talk the talk — now its time to walk the walk.
It’s been quite a month and let me be the first to tell you you’re only getting started. If that scares you in anyway, I’m doing you the greatest disservice. You are in a defining moment in your life when the emphasis on your values and what is important to you has never been greater. Do everything you can to let go of residual fear. Your treasure chest is overflowing with tangible rewards making their way to you. If this isn’t apparent, it will be soon but this is no magic. This is the alchemical reaction of your dedication, faith and creative genius hard at work.
I suggest you take a breath as you begin this journey of self-discovery; one that you will look back on with amazement and wonder. It may seem scary at this point, but there wasn’t a mountain made on God’s great earth that you couldn’t climb. But that doesn’t mean you go chasing the first shiny object; dig deep for what you value. Success is yours if you can dream it with an altruistic heart. By the end of the decade you may never need to climb another mountain. As you’re about to find discover – you ARE the mountain.
Click here for your in-depth 2009 Horoscopes covering a General and Relationship forecast for the year.
You are confronting your greatest insecurities, but to the world it may seem like you’re on a moonlight stroll through a rose garden. You may wonder which of these perceptions is true. But that’s just it – its time to free yourself of perceptions. There is a glow about you and the law of attraction is a very real force in your life. It may feel like an almost unbelievable dream that will require monumental changes. Separate fact from fear. Your instincts are rock solid and will not fail if you are determined and focus on the dream in your heart.
In spite of all the critics, your supporters right now are in the hoards. Your life has no dearth of people or big dreams. Be discerning as you support the ones that support you. There is no room in your life for superficiality. You are trying to build is a network of like-minded souls who have their feet planted firmly in the ground as they reach for the stars. Listen to the sweet whispers blowing through your soul. Whoever said it was lonely at the top was mistaken. You have more support now than ever before to build a larger than life dream.