‘Dreaming the Cosmos’ on ‘Flash of Spirit’ Radio

A quick reminder to say —

Don’t forget to join me today at 2 PM EDT on ‘Flash of Spirit’ with Dr. Gillian Holloway and Meredith Smith as we discuss the astrology for 2011 and more…

I have to be honest I am truly excited to be talking to Meredith and Gillian, because had I not become an astrologer anyone that knows me knows, it was a dream of mine to study dream analysis… And I look forward to exploring where astrology meets dreams.

If you can’t listen live, the show will be archived for you to listen to later.

Also I will be offering a special offer for Consultations to listeners of the show, so please tune in for details.


Thursday January 6th, 2011 – Dreaming the Cosmos on Flash of Spirit

Do you wonder what your sun or rising sign means? Is there truth in everyday horoscopes? Are we really connected to the stars? Is there a universal shift currently taking place? Join Gillian and Meredith explore the realm of Astrology with guest Astrologist Priya Kale, from the blog Cosmic Diaries.

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