Mercy….: Mercury opposite Neptune; Venus squares Saturn; Moon in Aries


“Love is not a whisper or a weakness
No, love is strong, so we got to get together
‘Til there is no reason to fight
Mercy, will we overcome this
Oh, one by one, could we turn it around
Maybe carry on just a little bit longer
And I’ll try to give you what you need”

— Mercy, Dave Matthews Band

Dear Friends,

We are just coming down from the energy of a powerful Full Moon in Pisces, Mercury is now in Virgo and Venus squares Saturn later tonight.

Here is a sneak peek at an excerpt from the September Cosmic Weather (that I am just about done working on,) covering the current aspects. If you would like to read and receive the full report in your mailbox sign up here for a one week free trial.

September Cosmic Weather 2012, An Excerpt ==

“As we enter September we are still under the energy of a powerful Pisces Full Moon which culminated on Aug. 31, 2012.

“This Full Moon was conjunct Chiron and Neptune, which may have brought deep psychological, subconscious wounds to the surface for healing. As painful as it can be to let go of illusions; be in no denial of the wounds or ghosts of the past. Then we can finally start to heal and create the reality we’ve always dreamed of but never thought possible.

“On Sept. 1, 2012 Mercury entered Virgo and immediately made an opposition to Neptune. This may have had us searching for clarity through the fog. Given emotions were heightened it would be wise to wait till we have more information before judging something.

“On Sept. 3, Venus in Cancer squares Saturn in Libra bringing us to a turning point within relationships and financial situations that have been difficult to say the least.

“Saturn in Libra has been asking for a balance within relationships. And Venus in Cancer has been focus on security — in love and finances. But this may have also brought to the surface insecurities and difficult emotions.

“A square aspect as its name suggests is a 90 degree angle, and we are turning a corner now. Only we don’t know what is around the corner until we have turned it. Wherever there seems to be a sense of restriction or external blockage, or that someone just doesn’t care — this is asking us to turn to look inward and look at what we need to resolve within ourselves and find inner peace so something need not be a fight anymore.

“Currently the Moon is in Aries, and will be during this aspect which may be bringing up difficult emotions of abandonment, betrayal, anger, rage, rejection and pain to deal with. It may be tempting to want to fight for oneself, be selfish but in doing so we only end up destroying the very thing we want to love and nurture.

“Any relationship is only as good as it meets the needs of both people involved. And as long as we are only focused on selfish desires or needs there will always be an imbalance which ultimately ends up hurting both parties.

“Acknowledge what you need, where you need to pull back and where you need to be more giving. Recognize where your boundaries are and how far you are willing to go and where you need to draw the line. Then you can find the inner strength to re-balance a situation that has tipped too far in one direction.”

With Love,



I have extended the Blue Moon Chart reading offer for another week so please take advantage of it while you can… And I look forward to working with you…


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*Offer Extended – Valid till September 8, 2012

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