February Monthly Horoscopes

February Monthly Horoscopes



You reach a turning point financially or within your career around the time of the Full Moon early in the month. Pay close attention to what you are learning now because you are likely to face a similar situation around the end of April that tests your faith. What you are learning now hopefully is how not to allow things to become a power struggle. Indeed who and what do you believe has power over you? Be willing to question your attitudes towards money and how much that dictates your feeling like you have control of your life. If you can resolve this, you will be well on your way to reclaiming a sense of freedom that you long for. You are connecting now with a dream you’ve long held and over the next few weeks are like to meet powerful individuals who will help expand your vision. So what is that you want? Reach for something that awakens your soul while lighting a passion in your heart. It may mean learning an important lesson about courage, honesty and faith. Mostly this is an inner struggle. You are not only free to be uniquely yourself, you couldn’t be anyone else if you tried.

Click here for your in-depth written 2009 Horoscopes covering a General and Relationship forecast.


You seem to be setting off on a long journey this month, one that has a lot to teach you about your faith in a higher power. How much power do your beliefs have over allowing you to reach for inner passionate desire. It may feel like you are taking a huge step into the unknown and who knows what dangerous creatures lurk there. No doubt you’re feeling just a little nervous considering the disappointments and crushed hopes you’ve had to face; surrounding love or something your heart has longed for.  No matter how unsure you feel emotionally, make sure to make hay because professionally at least the sun is shining at high noon. You cannot though deny your need for the inner warmth of emotional security that comes from being well loved. Do what you can and allow a divine hand to offer you help when you need and least expect it. For now focus on finding your what ignites your inner fire as well as what makes you feel powerless, like a fearful child. You are growing in your awareness and you seem to drawing hoards of seekers who want a taste of your transcendental gifts. Just remember your success comes from your humility as you dare to dream the ‘unsayable’ dream and speak a universal truth.

Click here for your in-depth written 2009 Horoscopes covering a General and Relationship forecast.

As you begin the month it may seem like voices from over the horizon are screaming to draw you out of the shadows into the light. You’ve had to go back to confront ties from the past that have held you in their grip for a long time. As you make your strides towards freedom, remember what it is that you are working to create in your life. There may be one emotional relationship that you share with a friend or close partner that you need to resolve how you feel about. It is important that you speak from the heart when it comes to your loftiest ideals. Also be willing to ask yourself how much society and what people think have an effect on your choices when it comes to the relationships in your life. Your fascination with the flashier crowd could carry you away in a cloud of confusion, delusion and false grandeur if you are not careful. By the end of the month an important connection you make with a partner has the potential to open your horizons in many more ways than one. A physical journey or some aspect of your expansive imagination is bringing you to be a vantage point showing you the flashing lights of success not so far away as you might have imagined. It may take a leap of faith to get there, but when destiny calls you can’t help but go.

Click here for your in-depth written 2009 Horoscopes covering a General and Relationship forecast.


Early in the month you may get the sense that its you against the rest of the world. You are being pushed way beyond your usual boundaries and it may be hard now to even figure out where you end and others begin. You are navigating tricky territory but in a way are lucky enough to be able to watch yourself through the eyes of the crowd, if you remain aware within yourself. An important conversation within a business or personal situation can now be reworked to everyones benefit if handled with a little imagination. Resources can and will make themselves available to you offering tangible financial and emotional support in ways of deepening bonds. Just remember that every relationship comes with its own special price tag and gift. So choose the one/s that you value the most — its likely to be one that fires you up in all the right places. All eyes are indeed on you now and as foggy as things may seems at the moment, dare to reach for a sparking ambition. If you do, by the end of the month you will be well on your way to reaching that enlightened sense of perspective that may seem so elusive right now.

Click here for your in-depth written 2009 Horoscopes covering a General and Relationship forecast.


Last months powerful eclipse in Aquarius has seriously reshuffled the deck of cards within your relationships. It may feel like being in a land of aliens some more gigantic or nebulous than others. But among those there is at least one person that has been awakening you to a transcendental truth. If something seems like too risky a venture, ask yourself if self esteem has anything to do with the issue. It may take a while for you to fully assimilate all that is being revealed to you. Remember your greatest resource right now comes in the form of living breathing people. No matter how insecure or self-critical you feel, if you are willing to dissolve take down some of your walls you are actually making space for something divine to rush in. This is the Full Moon in your sign, it’s your time to shine in all your glory. Be humble, open, warm and soulful.You are a Leo – as I told one of your fellow beasts the other day. “You are a Leo lead with your defenses, all you will get closed doors. Lead with your heart and you will be received with open arms.”

Click here for your in-depth written 2009 Horoscopes covering a General and Relationship forecast.


Something or someone seems intent on pushing you to your limits early in the month. If this really a test of wills, remember the story of the blade of grass and tree in the storm; in the morning it was the tiny blade of grass that was still standing. Be as flexible as you can as work towards your higher calling. You are likely to be rather busy at work this month, but make sure you don’t forget the divine inspiration guiding you towards the true purpose and role you play in this world. Recognize how futile your fears and insecurities are, when in reality you have more than enough proof of the people that surround you and believe in what you are doing. If you feel too restless at any point, make sure you have something to channel or ground this energy. Work is good, but deep breathing, meditation, yoga or doing something that makes your soul sing on a daily basis is almost a must. By the end of the month, one hugely enlightening conversation should restore any faith you’ve lost. Remember faith always comes from inside out. Have faith in yourself if nothing else as you walk this lofty path.

Click here for your in-depth written 2009 Horoscopes covering a General and Relationship forecast.


Early in the month you reach a turning point within a tough dilemma surrounding a relationship. You can see that you have more support from a partner than you thought you did. For all that you’ve wanted to be able to be accepted as a free spirit, now you’re not so sure when it comes to offering the same back. Ask yourself what is it about an arrangement that is making you feel so uprooted. If you look closely, a partner is still very much connected to you, then what is it that makes you feel so unsafe? This is an internal challenge of being able to relate to another on an equal level and offering the same space and freedom back. This may mean challenging all your past beliefs regarding security and what you feel a relationship “should” do for you. No two relationships are alike, just as no two people are alike. Consider yourself now a child with a paint box of people, each with their shade of colors. Who do you want to go out on the town on a painting spree with. And what would you paint? Would you free ball it? The sky is the limit when it comes to your imagination, so go ahead and paint your wildest fantasy in bold technicolor. And don’t be afraid to color outside the lines.

Click here for your in-depth written 2009 Horoscopes covering a General and Relationship forecast.


If home is where the heart is, where is your heart right now? Likely at work. You’ve been chasing something for a while now and it keeps pulling away just as you think you have it. But you have to ask yourself if it is you that pulls away for fear of disappointment? An important turning point within a personal relationship or situation can be reached, if you are willing to be honest about your needing more passion, creativity and sense of belonging as a part of your daily life. You are now on a journey of discovering just who you were born to be. It may feel more like you are going down under rather than standing in the spotlight. But I suggest you allow your inner work and the natural radiance of your spirit to speak for itself. Yours is no ordinary kind of genius, it comes from a deep transcendental part of your soul. You have a gold mine of ideas in your head, but you have to be the master of your mind in recognizing a soul truth. Make sure you are using your mind to work for you rather than against you. The only stumbling blocks to your destiny are your own evil thoughts of despair and doubt that you need to burn through. By the end of the month you may finally be ready to dare to dream the dream you’ve been holding in your heart for eternity. You are creating a new reality for yourself within your relationships, one that offers you a sense deep belonging, with people who take true pride in your fiery ambition.

Click here for your in-depth written 2009 Horoscopes covering a General and Relationship forecast.


Through the fireworks of the last decade you’ve somehow managed to find your way right to the path of destiny. At this point it may seem almost surreal, but I suggest you not waste too long to say your piece. Its like the Universe has handed you the microphone to speak before an audience of loud adoring fans, hanging on to your every word. To make sure your voice is being heard above cacophony, you don’t need to speak loudly — just clearly. You have worked hard on crystallizing a vision that is not only aligning you with your true path, but has a message of deep awareness for the world. You are in the position to show the world, that there is room for all of our truths like fingers pointing to the Moon. Your faith and sparkling vision is capable of reflecting and revealing a grander divine plan. Towards the end of the month you get another chance at a very important conversation. A partner may have been indecisive for a while but is finally ready to move forward. Encourage a dialogue where honesty, an open mind and a sense of altruism are the rules of engagement. You can come to an agreement now that is fair, win and gives you fresh hope for that elusive sense of security you’ve been pining for.

Click here for your in-depth written 2009 Horoscopes covering a General and Relationship forecast.


A conversation you have early in the month is sparking new ideas within you yet again. Each time this happens you may wonder if you are growing further away rather closer towards your destination. I suggest you be patient with yourself and be very discerning at this time regarding what and who you place value on in your life. Indeed your sense of self-esteem is growing by the day which healthy, healing and a long time coming. But make sure you are not in denial of any truths that lead you down the path of false grandeur. What you seek from a close intimate partnership or sense of worth within a financial situation is more of an inner struggle, than one between you and another person. What is it that you need to feel truly financially and emotionally safe? How much do you allow yourself to express your true inner nature and how much do you keep hidden because it is not what you are “supposed” to want. Be willing to talk about the things you are afraid to speak about. And any doubts you have about a situation should reveal itself. No amount of darkness can cover the light of a single candle. Seek the essence and meaning behind why you love what or who you love. That should be enough to reveal to you your true wealth and worth.

Click here for your in-depth written 2009 Horoscopes covering a General and Relationship forecast.


In case you haven’t noticed, all eyes are on you right now and early in the month you find the courage yet again to break out of this feeling of being cornered. As push forth for your self-esteem, learn to revel in your unique magical abilities to mesmerize a crowd simply by daring to be different. But you have never been an attention seeker. You’ve long been clued into the fact that we are all “stars” in our own right. In the Tarot, the Star is the card that represents Aquarius. With the image of the water bearer pouring forth her divine wisdom that comes from a cosmic pool of enlightenment. By embracing your own individuality you are giving others in your life more permission to be themselves and indeed to be more forgiving of themselves. Healing is a symbiotic process and the more you accept your own wounds you give others to heal theirs. You are not out there trying to change the world, you’ve been just trying to be you. But this ernest quest has led you to a place where by living your life, you have become the change that you seek. Have faith in your self above all, this will guide you as you begin your journey in embodying your dreams.

Click here for your in-depth written 2009 Horoscopes covering a General and Relationship forecast.


Right now it may feel like you are living in parallel worlds or in an altered state of consciousness other than what is considered the “real” world. On the outside, to the world you are a radical visionary and an unstoppable force, but they may not understand what it is that draws them to you. Although your presence is strangely unnerving, pushing people to go beyond their limits. but yet they seem to be drawn to you like moths to an invisible flame. Whether you are aware of this or not — right now you are sending out psychic heat waves that have the ability to penetrate the collective consciousness. So be careful to be honest about what you are trying to achieve and create in this world. Your fears and wounds have as much a power over your dreams as your intuition does. And you know well now that dreaming the dream is not the same as living the dream. This is not the story of your becoming, this the story of your ‘be-ing.’ By the end of the month a New Moon in your sign suggests that all your inner work is about to start paying off. For now make sure you keep your eyes open for miracles and whispers of the muse. One huge flash of insight could be the final piece of the puzzle you’ve been looking for. Once you find that move forward with faith.

Click here for your in-depth written 2009 Horoscopes covering a General and Relationship forecast.

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