From the Sunny Side of Heaven…

2011 Annual Horoscopes


Hello from snowy wintry Vermont,

I’m writing from my friend Thomasina’s house in Vermont, hanging out with Niles and Juno while the family is out ice fishing. With the Moon in Pisces, it’s been a magical, dreamy kind of day. It’s snowing outside and it feels like being on the sunny side of heaven. Rather than try to put it into words I’ll post pictures later when I get a chance to upload them.

In the meanwhile, a check in with the sky: It’s been an intense Eclipse season and early Monday morning in the US the Pisces Moon makes a conjunction to Jupiter and Uranus. Pay attention to your dreams, or it may be that you’re caught off-guard with unexpected feelings or something that leaves you speechless and swirling, asking us to push through emotional boundaries.

As the Moon moves into Aries at 10:23 AM EDT on Monday (moving to First Quarter phase on Jan. 12, 2011) expect to feel a fiery passionate urge to jump into action and get things moving.

This marks the halfway point between the Capricorn Eclipse and the coming Cancer Full Moon on January 19, 2010 which will trine the Jupiter-Pisces conjunction in Pisces, with the Sun in a sextile to the conjunction there is the potential available to bring dreams to life.

Just be realistic about the time and work it takes to get something done and prioritize accordingly. It will require emotional sensitivity, depth and fluidity but if there is determination, perseverance and hard work there is no goal you can’t accomplish.

— Priya Kale, Goshen, VT


‘Flash of Spirit’ Special Offer – 60 Min Consultation – $125.00 (Regular – $160.00)

(After you make a purchase please email me at with your information and we can schedule a reading. Currently there is an approximate 2 week waiting period.)

(Purchase by Jan. 10, 2010. p.p.s For anyone who had trouble trying to purchase the reading earlier, the link is fixed now with correct price.)


For Multiple readings: Please the Consultations page at this link to get a 10% discount on all multiple readings booked by January 19th, 2011.

(If you don’t see the discounted prices on website – please be patient as I update the links. Or you can make a booking and the money will be refunded to your account on purchase.)

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