Gemini New Moon in the Garden of Eden…

Mars Retrograde Consultation – 60 min – $108.00

Gemini New Moon Consultation Special
2 x 60 Min Consultations – $222.00 (Regular- $300)


Dear Friends,

Here we are at the Gemini New Moon, conjunct Venus, in a Grand Mutable Cross with Saturn, Neptune and Jupiter. The lunation occurs at 14+ Gemini at 10:59 PM EDT on June 4, 2016, marking the half-way point between the two Sagittarius Full Moons.

13320581_10153471172600706_336214682488676737_oThe wheels are turning and this is is a new cycle offering second chances, an opportunity to re-write a story given what we’ve learned over the past two weeks, and to learn a deeper truth.

This morning I was sitting out on my friends back deck, overlooking the woods beyond her back yard.

Suddenly a blue jay and red cardinal came flying out among the trees, and finally perched on a branch about 20 ft away from me. Almost at the same time, a baby deer appeared out of the woods and stood there staring at me.

I inwardly wished I had my camera, but my phone camera has been dead since I got to San Francisco in March. So I just sat there and communed with the creatures for a few minutes before they left. As I got up to leave, I looked at my phone (Gemini) and my camera had miraculously turned on.

It might sound like a coincidence — but nothing really is. The energy is always in play all around us. This is the divine “Leela.” Especially right now, with Venus conjunct this Gemini New Moon, the Divine Mother who resides in your heart is listening to every word and is witness to every thought.

Ask and you shall receive. I wouldn’t count out minor miracles for those whose hearts are open to believe. That’s why, it’s also important you be careful what you wish for.

Love is in the air. But be careful of projecting your ideas of love, or what something means, or you will miss it. Listen to the “stories” you tell yourself, based on the past or expectations (positive or negative) of the future, and that prevent you from seeing the present reality which holds twice as much potential as you think.

In all conversations, listen to what someone is saying, rather than get caught up in your head and there could be a sweeter truth staring you in the face. This is especially true for all Venus related matters: business and personal relationships, finances, creative projects, ideas, and any matter dear to your heart.

Rather than see situations in black and white, it would help to stay the middle path. We are indeed in the Garden of Eden; the 13263876_10153461953220706_6821861881541329771_n“choices” we perceive are merely the veil of perception, beyond which lies an absolute one truth and reality. There is no past and no future. All that exists is here and now. It is your choices in the present that are creating your reality. Choose with love and awareness.

Below is an excerpt from the Gemini New Moon report sent out to Subscribers by email. To read the full report, please consider signing up here — your subscriptions support this website and work — you can cancel within the first week at any time for no charge.

On another note, as Mars retrogrades back over my Ascendant in late Scorpio, I’m back in New York for awhile. Over the past year I’ve travelled from New York, to Phoenix to San Francisco, to Denver and ten incredible days in Georgia, attending the Maha Maha Yajna with my Guru Sri Amma Karunamayi and now I’m back in New York.

Where my journey leads is a mystery to me and only time will tell, but for now I have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep… I’ll be back here with the June Horoscopes, till then I wish you a blessed New Moon.


I am available for Personal Astrology Consultations via phone, Skype and in person if you are in NYC.

This is the last month of Mars’ retrograde in Scorpio, schedule a Consultation to see how you can make the most of this powerful transformative energy in your life. See below for payment links and/or email me at to schedule a session.

Gemini New Moon, June 4, 2016

An Excerpt ==

“…Life is bringing you to a fork in the road, and it might feel like your heart is being torn in two. In relationships, both personal, business — there is a sense of feeling divided between two or more options, choices and roads.

“You need not feel pressured to make any choice you don’t feel ready to make, and it may be that you don’t have to choose just yet or at all. There’s more information arising and you only have half the story. Be honest with yourself about how you feel, then you can communicate honestly to find middle ground and, possibly have your cake and eat it too.

“A New Moon marks a new cycle, with Venus in conjunction this is creative, romantic and even potentially materially lucrative energy. Everything is negotiable, and communication is KEY over the next two weeks…”

“…be curious, ask questions, keep your mind and heart open. We only have the illusion of control and the only true power we have is the power of choice — how we respond to situations. If you find yourself nervous, hesitating or vacillating or in doubt — rather than react — take a deep breath and go inward.

“Ultimately the only purpose of life is self-realisation. In your heart resides the seed of all creation, and your breath is nothing but the absolute truth, and the all pervading divine consciousness that resides within you — without which you would be a lifeless corpse.

“Realise there is no other. There is only the Self. See yourself in others. Love thy neighbour. Above all, love and honour yourself — which is nothing but the divine within you.

“With the Grand Mutable Cross aligning at the time of this Gemini New Moon conjunct Venus — there’s a sense that you’re being asked to find, speak, the secret password that could unlock the gates to a cornucopia of treasures. The answer and secret lies in the silence of your heart — listen and be guided…”  Continued. Read Full Report. 

To read the full report, you can make a one-time purchase  or please consider signing up here.  Your subscriptions support this website and work, and you can cancel within the first week at any time for no charge. (Limit one per subscriber.)


I am available for Personal Astrology Consultations via phone, Skype and in person if you are in NYC.

Given this is the last month of Mars’ retrograde in Scorpio, it might help to schedule a Consultation to see how you can make the most of this powerful transformative energy in your life.

Mars Retrograde Consultation – $108.00

Gemini New Moon Consultation Special – 2 x 60 Min Consultations – $222.00 (Regular rate- $300)

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