Cosmic Diaries: 2018-2019 Annual Horoscopes – Pre-Order
Dear Friends,
It’s been a powerful few weeks since I last wrote on the Blog — Uranus is in Taurus, a lot has happened behind the scenes, so first a couple of updates. (Or you can skip to the astrology below.)
First — I have been locked out of my Facebook personal account, which is connected to the Cosmic Diaries page. I’ve sent FB numerous ID’s with no success yet. So until further notice the Cosmic Diaries page will be inactive on Facebook — and it would be best to check in here. But I would very much appreciate you sharing the links on your pages, if you find them useful.
Also, I recently recorded a series for Uranus in Taurus for the 12 signs, here are the first few signs. I will be uploading the rest as soon as possible, so please subscribe to the channel be notified of new uploads, and do share the videos if you find them useful. It will encourage me and help me greatly to keep making more videos.
Over the coming months — the website will be evolving, I have exciting new ideas and more emerging. To implement all the ideas and changes — I need a greater cash flow, so from now until the Mars retrograde station on June 26, 2018 I am offering:
DISCOUNTED ASTROLOGY & TAROT CONSULTATIONS till Mar. 26, 2018 (You can schedule for later.)
– 1 Astrology Consultations (60 min) for $108. (Regular – $175.)
– 2 Astrology Consultations (2 x60 min) – $175.00 (2 for the price of one)
– Tarot Consultations for $30 for 15 min ($2 per min thereafter.)
I hope you can take advantage of the offer and opportunity to work with the coming life-changing astrology more creatively and consciously.
It will help me greatly to give back to you, and I would love to work with you. It’s where the magic happens.
Now on to the Astrology:
We’re in the Gemini New Moon cycle, which began on June 13, 2018 at 3:37 PM EDT, moving to the Capricorn Full Moon on
At the time of the lunation Venus was at 29+ Cancer, and enters Leo only hours later. Mercury is newly in Cancer, and Mars is slowing down to a halt in Aquarius, as it prepares to station retrograde on June 26, 2018.
A New Moon is a time for new beginnings, and the aspects surrounding a lunation generally seed the energy for at least the following two weeks till the next Full Moon.
This is a new beginning in the area of your life ruled by Gemini. Gemini is the sign of the twins, of duality, the mind, communication, information, transportation highlighting these themes over the coming days. It is a mutable sign, ruled by Mercury, suggesting a period of quick but very REAL tangible changes coming up over the coming days and two weeks.
Gemini also rules choices, and you’re nearing a fork in the road. There is no wrong choice; what matters is that you choose what makes you happiest, consciously, in awareness of what you are creating.
With personal planets Mars, Venus, Mercury, changing signs and direction — the dynamics are shifting as new information surfaces. You’re gaining clarity on a situation, your options, and the way forward. Everything is negotiable, and there could be second chances if that’s what you desire — but you have to be honest with yourself first about what you want. Very often we hear what we want to hear, and see what we want to see, based on beliefs, perceptions, and preconceived notions.
Uranus in Taurus is asking you to wake up to reality. If you want to get to the bottom of a truth, beyond the surface, your perceptions, and keep an open mind.
Shortly after the lunation, Venus enters Leo and squares Uranus in Taurus, and opposes Mars at the Solstice — bringing dramatic revelations. There’s a sense of hidden truths and feelings, surfacing from the depths of the heart and coming to light, with true colours and desires being revealed.
There are new doors opening, but it begins with something opening within your heart first. Accept yourself, your desires, and acknowledge your fears, pride, defences that prevent you from reaching for your desires. Then it will be easier to be honest with others and step wholly into present, to create your reality consciously.
We’re also moving towards a Mars retrograde station on June 26, 2018. As Mars slows down to a halt, a situation is heating up and coming to a head. This is about you and a greater collective that you are a part of — especially depending on where you have Aquarius in your chart. Especially if you have planets around 9+ degrees of the fixed signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius.
Since mid-May a situation has steadily been heating up. With Mars stationary, this is a slow deep burn — burning a hole through our most stubborn attachments.
Mars in Aquarius can be a revolutionary and rebel, but rebellion for the sake of it is self-destructive. The transit is asking for greater self-awareness, self-acceptance which is the path to liberation, and the freedom you seek in a situation. As the Zen Koan goes, “The goose is out.”
As we approach the Solstice on June 21, 2018 — life is a coming to glaring focus.
The Solstice is a time when the Sun appears to stand still in the sky marking the longest and shortest days in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres respectively.
Astrologically it is symbolic of life and situations reaching a peak and culmination point, before the scales tilt back to achieve equilibrium as we move to the Equinox.
This Solstice is particularly hot — given Venus in Leo will exactly oppose Mars in Aquarius that day. Expect sparks to fly, asking you to be spontaneous, adventurous, bold, dare to open your heart, and remain detached as you follow your passion.
In any situation that is too heated — it would be best to remain humble, grounded, detached, and allow a storm to blow over.
Still with Mars’ upcoming retrograde there is a suggestion, that what unfolds that day changes things as you become aware of the potential and possibilities in front of you; calling for greater self-awareness, and awareness of your desires.
I’ve recorded a more detailed interpretation of this Gemini New Moon, above transits, and very potent astrological climate. You can sign up here to receive this in your email. Subscribers you can look for this in your email shortly — with a special announcement. 🙂
More soon… till then hang loose…
With Love,
ASTROLOGY & TAROT CONSULTATION DISCOUNT till Mar. 26, 2018 (You can schedule for later.)
– 1 Astrology Consultations (60 min) for $108. (Regular – $175.)
– 2 Astrology Consultations (2 x60 min) – $175.00 (2 for the price of one)
– Tarot Consultations for $30 for 15 min ($2 per min thereafter.)
I hope you can take advantage of the offer and opportunity to work with the coming life-changing astrology more creatively and consciously. It will help me greatly to give back to you, and I would love to work with you. It’s where the magic happens.