Jupiter enters Aquarius, Moon in Taurus…

Dear Friends and Readers,

Welcome to the first Monday of the year! So far it may have seemed like more of the same, but Jupiter changes signs today for the first time in a year to Aquarius. Jupiter being the largest planet, we are likely to feel this shift in a big way.

Jupiter in an air sign like Aquarius can also bring out our need for freedom and an urge to break free, but Aquarius is also the sign of the collective and a fixed sign. As the Moon enters Taurus at approx 10:30 AM EST it is important to remember are reminding us the connections in our lives, especially the more loyal ones that we know we can rely on even when the going gets rough.

If we can keep our feet on the ground and not get swept away, there is a real chance to reach for the stars and something of value. Find your center emotionally and start learning acceptance of the people in your life. If we want our relationships to be nurtured we need to allow each other space to BE.

I will be back later in the day with the Audio Forecasts for the week for your sign. If you are not yet a subscriber, you can get a week’s FREE subscription to the service or make a one-time purchase by clicking this link. The forecasts are updated every Monday at approx 5:30 PM EST.

Bye for now…


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