Pisces Full Moon

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Pisces Full Moon report


An Excerpt ==

“This Full Moon is likely to be an emotional time, perhaps with a few surprises that leave us more than a little speechless. With the Sun and Mercury in Virgo, it’s possible that we can see all too clearly what is “wrong” with a picture. This can be overwhelming, with a feeling that we can never get it all “fixed.”

“Virgo energy can be very detail-oriented, but the Full Moon in Pisces is a reminder to look at the bigger picture. Pay attention to how you intuitively feel about something or someone, rather than simply focus on the “facts.”

“There is a gap between fact and truth – Virgo and Pisces demonstrate this beautifully. Truth is always more ethereal, holographic and all encompassing. Facts are isolated pieces of information which, when taken out of context, can often lead to a great deal of confusion and misunderstanding.

“All may not be as we once thought it was, but in letting go of an illusion, we are free to discover reality as it stands. This in itself is a priceless gift of grace. And truthfully, the reality is far more divine than we may currently imagine.

“With the Sun in a trine to Pluto, as long as we are consciously working toward healing and finding solutions, there is no wound so great that it cannot be healed through compassion, love, and a genuine desire for transformation.” — Priya Kale, Pisces Full Moon report, Aug. 24, 2010.

To read the full report, please subscribe or purchase at this link.


From my Mailbag:

“I have never taken horoscopes that seriously beforehand. I came across your website by fluke and have kept my eye on your monthly horoscopes of this year. They have been very accurate and so I back dated all your monthly and annual horoscopes of 2009. Last year was a very eventful year for me and each and every one of your forecasts were spot on. I wish I had read them beforehand because then I would have understood the process I was going through, responded accordingly and had a bit of reassurance when things got too stressful. My best friend (Libra) and I (Gemini) have recently purchased our annual 2010 horoscopes. Our first reaction after reading them was- they are so accurate that they are spooky. It was almost like you knew us personally and observed our lives over the year. We are very pleased with them and thank you. They help us understand what’s been happening in our lives and issues we need to look into. Over the last one year I have compared your astrological writings to several well known astrologers. I like you over them all because of your accuracy, simplicity in writing and what makes you special from them is you give practical advice to deal with trends and address the soul because I now know all changes can be made when you address the soul.” – Raima K.,

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