Pools of Sorrow, Waves of Joy…: Pisces Moon; Venus in Taurus sextiles Jupiter in Cancer

Ain’t no angel gonna greet me,
It’s just you and I my friend.

— Bruce Springsteen, Streets of Philadelphia


Pools of sorrow waves of joy
Are drifting through my open mind
Possessing and caressing me

— The Beatles, Across the Universe


NEW – Video: Sagittarius Full Moon, June 13 – 31, 2014

Sample Horoscopes: June 2014 Monthly Horoscopes

Cosmic Diaries: 2015 Annual Horoscopes

(covering astrology for rest of 2014, allow of 2015 and beyond…!)


Dear Friends,

We’re half-way between the recent powerful Full Moon in Sagittarius and the Cancer New Moon, with the Moon reaching Last Quarter tomorrow as it squares the Gemini Sun.

picture-10Currently the Moon is making its way through dreamy Pisces and trines Saturn in Scorpio in a few hours at 7:45 PM EDT.

There’s delicious magic in the night. Surrender illusions, let go of expectations, lower your defenses, dive deep and you could experience a more divinely pleasurable and transcendental reality.

“Just after the Full Moon, I read an article saying scientists have now discovered that the earth may have an underground ocean three times that on the surface.

This story screams of the energy of the current Full Moon with Jupiter in Cancer. Jupiter being the planet of “discovery” and Cancer the sign that represents the “ocean” and the Moon Full in Sagittarius — where we now have information and new knowledge of this discovery.

Like the story of the scientists discovering new oceans beneath the surface of the earth, similarly there is something that holds MUCH greater, unexplored potential. But you will not discover that unless you suspend all “belief” and enter with an earnest curiosity to discover the “truth” with no expectations of what you will find.” — An Excerpt from the Sagittarius Full Moon report by Priya Kale.


Especially now, Venus sextiled Jupiter earlier this morning June 18, 2014, sending waves of pleasure through the cosmos.

And if you can’t feel it yet, ask how you can invite it into your world. If you dare explore a situation, you could be about to make a rather pleasant discovery. Start with being appreciative and grateful for all that is present in your life. It’s not about what you have in the bank, but in your heart. How deep is YOUR love? And how willing are you to share it?

The difference between love and desire is: love is a state of oneness and being, whereas desire, implies and creates a separation from that which you do not possess, but “want.” Making it impossible to ever fill that sense of void.

I was saying to someone just recently — growing up and being in India, teaches you that money has very little to do with happiness. And as Osho once observed — and I’m paraphrasing — the “rich” only have the luxury of choosing their misery, while the poor don’t.

Also Mercury re-entered Gemini yesterday on its retrograde journey. And there is a significant shift in the energy as we move through the end of the month. We’re heading to the Solstice on June 21, 2014 bringing us to a “tipping point” in situations. Venus enters Gemini on June 23, 2014.

And all this, course leads up to a red-letter day on June 25, 2014 as Mars makes its third and final opposition to Uranus in Aries through this transit marking a significant breakthrough.

This leads to a re-birth with the Cancer New Moon on June 27, 2014 followed by Mercury’s direct station on  July 1, 2014 ushering in a new wave of change — and into a month when the whole game changes, as Mars and Jupiter change signs, Saturn stations direct.

I’ve interpreted all the above aspects and energy, over the coming two weeks in detail in the Sagittarius Full Moon report (excerpt above.) If you aren’t yet a subscriber, you can sign up here for a one week free trial, to receive the report in your mail box along with other horoscopes and reports.

Your subscriptions support this website and work. So a special heartfelt thank you to all my subscribers for your love and faith, who make this possible.

I’ll be back with more astrology soon — for now enjoy your day. And remember love is a state of being — not something we can try to possess, own, understand or define — something we can only feel and share.



Personal Astrology Consultations

Video: Mercury retrograde

Video: Mars in Libra, Relationships & Karma – Part 1

Video: Mars in Libra, Relationships & Karma – Part 2


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