Rebirth : Cancer New Moon

Cosmic Diaries: 2015 – 2016 and beyond Horoscopes…

Astrology and Tarot Consultations with Priya


Dear Friends,

We’re deep in the womb of the Cancer New Moon exact on July 15, 2015 at 9:24 PM EDT; with an Screen Shot 2015-03-05 at 11.41.45 pmabundance of Cancer energy at the time of the lunation, with a Mercury-Mars conjunction in Cancer opposing Pluto.

Cancer represents, emotions, the mother, child, home, sense of security and one’s “needs.” Besides food, clothing, shelter, water, basic necessities and emotional bonds, we don’t “need” very much. But when even these basic necessities are threatened, it can be a scary thing, feeling like you have to fight for survival, to keep from drowning while navigating stormy seas in the dark.

This could get emotional, with possibly a few melt-downs; there are very real fears arising and a sense of the umbilical cord being cut. Mars-Mercury in opposition to Pluto, could bring heated exchanges, or then at least you learn something that forever changes your understanding of something.

Still this is an opportunity to go deeper, below the raging surface insecurities, to the bottom of the ocean where it is calm and the greatest treasures lie; waiting to be discovered by those brave enough to seek it. The days following will call for being decisive but more importantly this calls for awareness of what motivates your actions and choices.

We’re also leading up to the Venus retrograde station on July 25, 2015, starting us on a 40 day journey of regaining confidence and clarity on our desires. Expect this to be an extremely transformational period, especially relating with matters of the heart, creativity, finances, relationships and gaining clarity on your desires. I’ve covered this transit in detail in the 2015 – 2016 Annual Horoscopes for your sign, so if you haven’t read those yet – you can get them here now.

Below is an excerpt from the report covering the energy of the Cancer New Moon:

“Be especially conscious of what motivates your choices and actions — if you’re responding or reacting to something out of anger, fear, urgency, or trying to control or manipulate something I would urge you to slow down. Or there is the danger in reacting self-destructively. Nothing needs to be a power struggle.

“Let go of your attachment to an outcome, how something plays out, and pay attention to what you’re feeding and where you pour your energy. Then you can navigate this territory safely, being the force of change you seek.

“Cancer is the sign that represents security — both emotional and financial, the mother, the child, emotions, family, food, nourishment. What was your childhood like? Did you feel nurtured, safe and were your needs (emotional, physical, mental) were taken care of?

“The tides are turning, consciously rise above insecurities and you can recognise your power to make what needs to happen, happen. As the Moon grows full again, there is a sense of you growing in physical and emotional comfort and security; most importantly being comfortable in your own skin.” — Priya Kale, July 2015 Cosmic Weather.

To read full report (including the Venus retrograde transit and July Horoscopes), sign up here for a One Week Free trial to the Cosmic Diaries subscriber service.

On a personal note, there’s so much that has happened in the past few days and weeks that I want to share. But with the New Moon in my Solar 3rd House I find myself feeling a bit speechless (in an awe inspiring way,) introspective and at a loss for words. Also, I’m moving tomorrow (Brooklyn to Queens,) but I’ll be back with more after the New Moon once I’m a little settled.

But in the meanwhile, if you want to keep updated and informed with the skies daily, please consider getting a subscription to the Cosmic Diaries service.

A last note — with the way the aspects are aligned right now, the Cancer New Moon is a reminder that this the Universe is like a divine mother — who’s love for you, and all her children, is limitless. Sometimes that means protecting us from something that would cause us more harm, than good.

There’s something much greater, beautiful, divine and blessed that keeps us all afloat and alive. Rather than fight something, re-birth and surrender to the flow. Whatever it is you think you need, speak to the Universe and Divine Mother — she’s listening and knows your needs, before you even ask. Do what you need to do, and have faith your needs will be taken care of.

Wish you Love and a blessed New Moon,



I am available for Astrology and Tarot Consultations, via Phone and Skype, or in person if you are in NYC. Please visit my Consultation page and email me to schedule a reading at Thank you and I look forward to working with you!



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