Mars Retrograde Consultation – 60 min – $108.00
Sagittarius Full Moon Consultation Discount
2 x 60 Min Consultations – $222.00 (Regular- $300)
Dear Friends,
Welcome to the Sagittarius Full Moon and the Solstice!
This month’s Sagittarius Full Moon occurred at 7:02 AM EDT on June 20, 2016 at 29+ degrees of the Gemini-Sagittarius axis marking the second Sagittarius Full Moon this year.
This also marks end of a cycle that began with the Gemini New Moon on June 6, 2016 which brought us to a cross-roads.
You’re reaching the end of the road with certain situations, but every end is a new beginning and there are major revelations coming through now, revealing the path ahead. Usually we have one New and Full Moon per sign — with two Full Moons in Sagittarius (seems on point with the Sun in Gemini) we’re getting a full blast of this energy coming full circle with what was unfolding a month ago.
Look at where Sagittarius falls in your chart — that’s the area of your life being highlighted with this lunation. Sagittarius represents “the One truth,” religion, spirituality, faith, international travel, foreign languages and cultures, aviation, flight, the higher mind, psychology, and above all freedom.
It’s a mutable fire sign, representing the sacred fire — of faith and devotion that dispels darkness and fear, of knowledge that burns ignorance, and of compassion that destroys hate. And this Full Moon is a reminder that for all that is unknown in your world, this fire that is alive within you, guiding you forth with every step and breath.
With Mercury opposing Saturn at the time of the lunation — there’s a sense of a stand-off now. There might be difficult conversations to be had, truths and/or realities that need to be faced. As divided as you might be on certain matters — Sagittarius strongly suggests, there is a third way forward.
It’s about clear honest communication which has to the potential to heal a situation, and show you another side to someone or something, bridge a gap with understanding — that changes how you see everything. And there is more depth to situations than you currently realise or is apparent on the surface, but you have to be willing to explore them… Read Full Report — Sign up here for a One Week Free trial. Or make a One time purchase.
I am available for Personal Astrology Consultations and there could be no better time than now. Email me to set up an appointment. Mars Retrograde Consultation – 60 min – $108.00