Sagittarius Full Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse: New Horizons…

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Dear Friends,

We’re approaching a powerful Total Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon in Sagittarius exact at 4:13 PM EDT, at 9:13 PM UT in the UK on Wednesday, June 15, 2011 and at 1:43 AM in India.

Although the Eclipse won’t be visible from the US, it will be from most other parts of the world. But whether you see it or not, you can trust we will feel its effects reverberate through our life and the world.

The Sun and Mercury are in close conjunction to the South Node at this time, while the Moon makes a near exact conjunction to the North Node. There is likely to be a sense of being racked with indecision over an important choice. But keep a sense of perspective and choose based on the long term, and not short term gratification. There can be such a thing as too much information, when what is called for is wisdom and trusting one’s instincts.

As the Moon’s disk is eclipsed there is an implications of endings. But this is also offering a chance to wipe the slate clean, and see old information in a new light bringing second-chances. What we seek is freedom to be ourselves and express our selves fully, rather that freedom “from” an oppressive situation.

Sagittarius rules [among others] international affairs, long-distance travel, higher education, psychology, philosophy, religion law, high courts, languages, religion and at it’s essence a higher supreme absolute truth. These are some of the areas being highlighted by this Eclipse.

Sagittarius is also what we experience as God energy, or what we know about God. But no amount of books or scriptures can bring us a truth that can only be found within. But knowing ‘about’ God is not enough – to truly know God, one must surrender all belief and walk the path into the unknown.

There may be a sense of walking into the unknown now. But as the Eclipse unfolds, we are being granted precious new perspective which could change everything setting us forth on a brand new adventure towards our future.

Venus is in Gemini moving towards a trine to Saturn (who recently stationed direct in Libra, on June 13, 2011) on June 18, 2011. This suggests stability on the way for financial negotiations and communication within relationships allowing us to form solid new agreements in light of what we are now learning. Think win-win, be fair and willing to share responsibility and everyone can gain from this.

Saturn entered Libra in 2009 and since then it has been teaching us Karmic lessons, especially in relationships. Saturn stationed retrograde at the end of January early this year and the past six months asked for an inner re-balancing before we can move forward with important commitments.

It’s make or break time in relationships, and we have to trust this is all working in accordance with a higher plan to level out Karmic imbalances (perhaps from lifetimes ago.) Even the end of one chapter is only the beginning of another.

Mars is currently in Taurus and conjuncts fixed star Algol at the time of this Eclipse. This aspect alone deserves an entire Blog, but here is a very insightful article written by one of my colleagues Jamie, which will shed a light on the energy of this very powerful star and it’s implications astrologically.

The day after the Eclipse on June 16, 2011, Mercury enters Cancer marking the beginning of a period of major transition, which continues over the coming two months; over the coming days Mercury aspects Saturn, Pluto and Uranus, triggering a Grand Cross alignment.

Pay attention to information you are learning now and the agreements you are forming. We are getting the first indicator of the series of changes we will be moving through as the Sun enters Cancer later this month, followed by Venus in July and Mars in August by which time we will be through with this transition.

Mercury in Cancer is asking for sensitivity and depth in communication, rather than skirting around issues. Hanging on to opinions and emotional resentments will only hamper the ability to communicate and make clear choices. And make no mistake the conversations you are having now could greatly dictate the course of your future for years to come. So rise above insecurities and be fluid in your negotiations; if you bend you will not break.

This Grand Cross alignment first peaked last year ushering thundering changes, giving us our first taste of this new world. Last year Jupiter was in Aries in conjunction to Uranus magnifying fears. A lot of this may have been scary and overwhelming to deal with, but look at how far you’ve come since then.

Notably, Jupiter is the ruler of Sagittarius, where the transiting North Node and current Eclipse occurs, so it’s placement is a solid indicator of where destiny lies.

Now Jupiter is in Taurus forming a solid trine to Pluto in Capricorn there is stability and support for the changes ahead and an abundance of resources (both emotional and material) that we haven’t even scratched the surface of.

Jupiter’s aspects suggest we get back to basics and don’t allow superficial layers of conditioning stand in the way of progress and common sense in business and personal relationships, financial situations and especially in love. It is also a reminder to be humble, grounded and wise.

With Sagittarius there could be religious and cultural differences to contend with but as long one is open-minded and willing to learn, this can only expand one’s world, consciousness and circle. The more conditions we place upon being able to share love with another, the further we polarize situations. Who cares what something looks like to the world, what matters is how you feel about someone or something. Be concerned with your values, loyalty and your integrity, rather than artificial standards of morality set by society.

God doesn’t care what things look like on the outside, how many mistakes you make, what nationality you are or even what religion you follow, God only cares about what’s at the core of one’s heart and intentions.

This Sagittarius Eclipse is only the second in a series of three Eclipses this season, the final one occurs two weeks from now with the New Moon in Cancer and Partial Solar Eclipse on July 1, 2011. By then we will be ready to set sail on a brand new course towards our future. For now be open to higher wisdom and a greater truth.

No doubt there are important decisions to be made, but for now trust your gut and don’t be too quick to judge a situation. Communication will be key and Venus in Gemini is a reminder to speak and listen with love and from the heart. We are being shown new horizons and events are asking us to move us past our usual boundaries. As events unfold over the coming days, look again at something with new eyes and you may be pleasantly surprised at how much there is to hope for and gain.

Be true to yourself above all and make choices in faith not fear. Indeed where there is faith, there can be no fear.

Yours Faithfully,

Priya Kale, NYC.
Sagittarius Full Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse, June 15, 2011.


I am now available for Personal Astrology Consultations via Phone or Skype. Email me at to schedule an appointment and make the most of the changes entering your world at this incredible time.




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