2010 Annual Horoscopes | Weekly Horoscopes | Free Monthly Horoscopes | Personal Astrology Consultations
Today, Saturn in Virgo makes its 4th exact opposition to Uranus in Pisces at 7:35 PM EDT on Monday in the US. This is due to bring milestone changes, shaking the old and familiar to make way for a new order to emerge.
The previous aspects took place on Nov. 4, 2008, Feb. 5, 2009 and Sep. 15 2009. Look back to the developments occurring in your life around these times to get a sense of the greater picture unfolding. Also keep an eye on the news today.
Saturn and Uranus are very opposite energies. If Saturn represents form, structure and the material world, Uranus’ awakens us to the unknown, beyond the horizons of the mind. With the Moon in Libra, emotionally we could find ourselves swinging wildly between extremes so do what you can to find peace.
Interestingly, Chiron has just changed signs into Pisces. Chiron’s orbit crosses the orbits of Saturn and Uranus. Bridging the gap between the ‘manifest’ and the ‘un-manifest’ Promethean energy. Hence its transits come with a rapid transformation of events.
Within emotional situations, take down the walls that prevent you from reaching a greater flood of intimacy. If we become aware of our wounds, we can step into the unknown to consciously seek healing and freedom. With this being the final opposition on this Virgo-Pisces axis, these are permanent shifts. We are being awoken to a spiritual truth and a higher cosmic order.
The Libra Moon suggests relationships are certainly highlighted. There’s more information coming to light with the Sun-Mercury conjunction in Taurus at the time of the Full Moon. It may be time to go deeper or to let go. For now do what you can to find balance within a situation or at the very least yourself. Honest communication and mutual respect will be key.
There may be sudden surprising developments to deal with and this may be unnerving. Channeling this energy may be an art in itself. But be innovative, creative and dedicated and you can find a way through this seeming craziness to a place beyond your wildest dreams.
This is what they call divine chaos and magic. Just when you think it’s all over, you see the light.
— Priya Kale
The Weekly Horoscopes are ready for download and I’ll be back with the Scorpio Full Moon report.
Please contact me to schedule a Personal Astrology Consultation and make the most of the sweeping changes occurring.
Sample Weekly Horoscopes for Week of Apr. 26 – May. 3, 2010 by Priya Kale
“…You are worth more than you give yourself credit for…”
2010 Annual Horoscopes | Full length Weekly Horosocopes| Personal Astrology Consultations
“…You don’t need to push for something, when the time comes expect to have the words you need…”
2010 Annual Horoscopes | Full length Weekly Horosocopes| Personal Astrology Consultations
“…Dig deep, keep your eyes and ears wide open and you could stumble on something potential golden…”
2010 Annual Horoscopes | Full length Weekly Horosocopes| Personal Astrology Consultations
“…It may be hard to keep your feelings a secret anymore but you’ve come a long way in confronting your insecurities…”
2010 Annual Horoscopes | Full length Weekly Horosocopes| Personal Astrology Consultations
“…All the success in the world would mean nothing without people to share it with…”
2010 Annual Horoscopes | Full length Weekly Horosocopes| Personal Astrology Consultations
“…if you want to learn the whole truth, rise above powerful emotions and fears that cloud your judgment…”
2010 Annual Horoscopes | Full length Weekly Horosocopes| Personal Astrology Consultations
“…Be honest about the attachments you need to let go of, so you can invest energy in what truly makes you happy…”
2010 Annual Horoscopes | Weekly Horosocopes – One Week FREE trial| Personal Astrology Consultations
“… You are shedding skin so you can create space in your world for all that life wants to offer you…”
2010 Annual Horoscopes | Full length Weekly Horosocopes| Personal Astrology Consultations
“…Put those demons to bed and be bold as you reach for your aspirations…”
2010 Annual Horoscopes | Full length Weekly Horosocopes| Personal Astrology Consultations
“…Its true a relationship is changing, but so are your dreams for yourself…”
2010 Annual Horoscopes | Full length Weekly Horosocopes| Personal Astrology Consultations
“…it also brings you the opportunity to shift a factor that has begun to feels more oppressive than any sense of security it offers…”
2010 Annual Horoscopes | Full length Weekly Horosocopes| Personal Astrology Consultations
“…As urgent as things may seem, don’t let anyone pressure you into making a decision…”
2010 Annual Horoscopes | Full length Weekly Horosocopes| Personal Astrology Consultations