Dear Subscribers, Readers and Friends,
Welcome to the Scorpio New Moon — exact at 2:13 PM EST on Nov. 16, 2009 at 24+ degrees of Scorpio.
I have just uploaded the New Moon report to the site — part of the Subscriber service and also available as a one-time purchase. Please read below for an excerpt.
Also as we near the end of this year, 2010 is just around the corner with plenty of changes in store.
Here is a link where you can pre-order the 2010 Annual Horoscopes for reduced price, for a limited time.
If you are a Subscriber to the Weekly Service you can avail of an extra discount on these Horoscopes. Please look for a link in this week’s New Moon report.
If you are not yet a Subscriber – you can avail of this discount by signing up for a subscription. Your subscriptions support this site, so thank you for your continued support.
Happy New Moon,
With love,
An Excerpt ==
“Scorpio also represents ‘rites of passage’ the things in life the things no one wants to face but no one can avoid; for example death and taxes. This is also true of that which we can be most afraid of in relationships — intimacy. Yes, we are sexual beings. Sex is a primal, biological urge; but at some point sex has to push through inner emotional boundaries if one wants experience a transcendental experience.
“Right now the New Moon chart is oozing Scorpio energy drawing us almost seductively into the unknown. There’s a flood of ecstatic feeling wanting to burst through. But first we are being asked to purge our demons as consciously as possible. With the Moon making conjunctions to Venus and Ceres — look at issues surrounding your mother that might need to be let go of.
“Although this New Moon is ethereal there is a more serious process of shifting going on with the Saturn-Pluto square. These shifts are heavy, but with a steady conscious effort it will be easy to get into the swing of things. This the first of three aspects over the coming months — suggesting a longer process emerging. The next square between the two planets will be in January when Saturn is retrograde and the final one in August next year — when we will be done with implementing these changes in our life.
“Create constructive change while consciously taking down barriers and structures of the past. Where it feels like there is a blockage, look at the changes that need to be made internally to adjust to the shifting sands. Squares are aspects pointing to the need for inner change rather than an external one. As we evolve, with this Scorpio New Moon so will our experience of life.“ — Priya Kale, NYC, Scorpio New Moon, Nov. 16, 2009. Read Full Report.