A Whole New World: Aquarius New Moon, Feb 9 – 24, 2024

We’re heading to a revolutionary, breakthrough Aquarius New Moon (square Uranus) on January 9, at 5:59 PM ET, 20+ Aquarius.

Pay attention to the area of your life/chart ruled by Aquarius — this is a powerful new beginning. As you enter this cycle, stay connected to the inner truth of your being. Life is reshuffling and rearranging itself.

Over the next two weeks —we’re being drawn out of our comfort zone, and thrust into new (perhaps alien) territory. There’s a need for deep self-acceptance. Expect reality checks, sudden shifts, and unpredictable developments sparking a powerful wave of change. You don’t have total control, but you have the power to choose where you give your attention, time, energy, and effort. Remain grounded, and detached, and avoid clinging. Then you can feel liberated rather than shocked by what’s changing.

(You can look up your chart for free here at astro.com or email me for a reading. I would love to help you make sense of it all.)

You needn’t walk on eggshells for anyone but tread lightly as you enter the new cycle. We’re setting in motion changes that will shape our life and destiny. The phrase “Insanity is doing the same thing over, and over, and expecting different results,” comes to mind. This Aquarius New Moon offers a chance to do things consciously and differently.

Aquarius rules the collective consciousness and the individual, friendships, community, technology, the future, and everything a little weird and “out there”. This energy is quirky, eccentric innovative, inventive, and revolutionary; genius and insanity are two extreme manifestations. This is also a deeply humanitarian sign. It teaches us to celebrate our uniqueness and reminds us of our common humanity.

A lot has come to light since the Leo Full Moon on Jan 25, and a lot is now up in the air. Mercury squares Jupiter on Feb 10, bringing major discoveries, insights, opportunities, choices, and an understanding of the real potential in a situation. There’s a need for discernment, perspective, wisdom, patience, faith, and humility moving ahead.

Notably, this is the first New Moon in Aquarius since Pluto entered the sign. We’re getting a direct taste of Pluto’s energy under the current skies, officially entering the ‘Pluto in Aquarius’ era. The recent Full Moon was opposite Pluto, and Mercury met Pluto on February 5. In the coming weeks, both Venus and Mars enter Aquarius, meet Pluto on Feb 14, and Feb 7 respectively, and finally meet in conjunction on February 22, 2024 (for the first time since March 2022).

Pluto is an agent of change — either you embrace change, or change is made for you. With personal planets all making conjunctions to Pluto, we’re in the process of profound transition — personally and collectively — shedding skin, and entering a new world. We can resist change and feel dragged in, kicking or screaming. Or we can make conscious choices and changes, that bring a sense of liberation and empowerment.

We’re learning how undeniably intertwined our lives are with all others. Still, we’re also seeing how imperative it is to be true to ourselves, and not feel pressured by expectations. You can never please everyone, but you need to like and live with, yourself and with the consequences of your actions and choices. This energy has a domino effect, but even inaction is an action. Whatever you do/decide — do it consciously.

Above all, Aquarius suggests a need for deep self-acceptance and deep acceptance of reality as it stands. Even the parts that are less than ideal. Only then can we feel empowered to change what’s necessary. And the coming days, offer a chance to break free of old patterns, and chains, release expectations, and truly feel free to be and express ourselves authentically.

This energy is magnetic and electric. Detachment is key to magnetizing what you need: be it support, resources, understanding, acceptance, connections, or whatever. Detachment comes from knowing everything changes.

With the Mars-Pluto conjunction on Feb 14, push is coming to shove. We’re likely to see this play out in the news, I would steer clear of mobs and crowds. But this is the kind of change, that reveals the power of the people or the power of one individual that sparks a wave of necessary change. We’re filtering out the noise, and superficial expectations, to get to an inner undying truth of our being.

Worth noting, this aspect occurs on Valentine’s Day — a day often charged with emotion surrounding relationships. An aspect like this is turning the intensity dial to 100. The energy is sexual, passionate, and edgy. There’s a need for self-awareness to channel this effectively in all interactions and personal situations — not just romantic ones. It all depends on where things are at.

There is the potential to ignite passion flames of desire, and passion, and bring about total renewal. On the other hand, if you’ve been caught in a toxic cycle, the energy empowering you to walk away from a ball and chain, or something that suffocates the life out of you. We can’t control or change others — at most, we can change ourselves thereby changing a dynamic. Even if this energy isn’t playing out in your relationship, this is a powerful personal inner transformation.

Mercury squares Uranus on Feb 16, bringing unexpected information, conversations, ideas, and breakthroughs. This aspect is continuing the narrative of the New Moon, and things could seem to get stranger before they make sense. Venus meets Pluto on Feb 17, continuing a progression of events. Powerful changes are unfolding in relationships, finances, creativity, and all matters of the heart. Consider this a process of polishing a diamond. What’s glass will shatter, but what’s real, and precious will shine.

Very significantly, Venus will conjunct Pluto at 0+ again on Dec 7, 2023, a day after Mars retrograde in Leo. We will be coming full circle with what we’re currently dealing with by then. We can’t know now what we will have learned then, by experience and time. But avoid trying to control or manipulate – nothing is worth compromising your values. It doesn’t matter what something looks like, what matters is how you feel in your heart. Be true to your values, then let go and let the chips fall. Above all, trust, you can’t lose what’s right for you.

The energy shifts as the Sun ingresses Pisces on Feb 18, casting a shimmering glow. We’re heading to a healing Virgo full Moon on February 24, illuminating what was being initiated at the New Moon.

But first— Venus meets Mars on Feb 22, marking the end and beginning of a new relationship cycle. This energy is innovative, creative, social, passionate, inspiring, and an example of what it means to be gloriously human. It’s a great day to try something new. Relationships are rebooting and this is a reset. But as exciting as this conjunction sounds — this often manifests internally, rather than eternally. Before we can connect, this is a chance to reconnect and deepen our primary relationship, with ourselves.

Be true to yourself, avoid comparisons, and people-pleasing, trying to live up to anyone’s expectations — even your own. Find a way to love and accept yourself, and your reality as it stands. Then you can feel empowered to create a new reality, and deepen or draw in the resources, relationships, connections, and whatever else you need. In relationships especially, as my Guru says, notice people’s affection rather than their imperfections.

As you can see, we’re entering an action-packed few weeks, setting off sparks, if not fireworks. Life is unpredictable right now, but God does not play dice. Astrology is a form of divination that reveals the magnificent divine order underlying the seeming chaos. Make time to self-reflect, introspect, and reconnect with that inner unchanging spirit and essence. Like the air that surrounds us and the breath that sustains us, life is happening through and for us. Aquarius is a fixed air sign — it teaches us to be a detached witness and an observer of life. Then we can awaken to a greater supreme truth, and experience liberation while in the flesh.

We are as much a part of nature as the lilies. And the Lillies do not toil.

— Priya Kale, Aquarius New Moon, Feb. 9, 2024

Leo Full Moon: Jan 25 – Feb 9, 2024

Welcome to Aquarius Season!

We’re under the energy of a dramatic Leo full Moon exact on Jan 25, at 12:53 PM ET.

Pluto is in Aquarius (2/3 ingress), Venus is Capricorn, the planets are on the move, and the future is here, now.

The Full Moon opposed (Pluto and) the Sun at 5+ Aquarius and formed a T-square with Jupiter at 6+ Taurus. We’re at a turning point from what was unfolding around October 28, 2023, at the Taurus Lunar Eclipse. And, major aspects developing in the coming days — are bringing unexpected developments and breakthroughs.

Pay attention to where you have Leo-Aquarius in your chart — this is where the action is playing out for you. This lunation sets the stage for 2024 and offers a glimpse into the upcoming and distant future. What unfolds over the next two weeks — personally and globally — will be a HOT topic as Mars stations retrograde on December 6. We’re also getting an intimate first look at the lessons of Pluto’s transit in the sign of the Water Bearer over the next 20 years.

Leo is a fixed, fire sign, ruled by the Sun. It represents the heart, the ego, love, romance, fun, youth, the inner child, courage, confidence, creativity; our ability to be spontaneous, take risks, and this eternal “here and now.”

Over the coming two weeks — powerful revelations and truths are coming to light. There’s a need to be bold, spontaneous, creative, vulnerable, and courageous, and lead with the heart. You can have what you need and perhaps what you want. But first, dare to acknowledge it to yourself.

Also, confront fears of failure, rejection, pride, or defensiveness that prevent you from reaching for your heart’s desires. Something might feel like a giant leap of faith, or leave you feeling a little naked, vulnerable, and exposed. But we’re learning lessons of authenticity and self-acceptance, liberating us to be wholly ourselves.

We’re arriving at a sharp, defining, and liberating (at best) moment of truth. On Jan 27, the Sun squares Jupiter, Uranus stations directly in Taurus, and Mercury meets Mars in Capricorn. Expect the unexpected. There’s a need for confidence and to have more faith in yourself. There are unexpected opportunities, heated, passionate conversations, developments, and piercing insights coming through. Sharpen focus, keep your eyes on the prize, and you can reach a real breakthrough.

It’s time to put our cards on the table. Truth isn’t always easy to speak or hear, but it will set you free. Drop defensiveness, and fears of rejection, and let go of expectations. Be honest with yourself. If we can listen and communicate from the heart, we could be pleasantly surprised.

With Venus in Capricorn matters of creativity, money, love, relationships, and all heart affairs are getting serious. This is Venus’s first transit in Capricorn, in 15 years, without Pluto in the sign. This is familiar territory, but nothing is the same — neither are you. Reflect on long-term goals, boundaries, and values about love, money, and relationships, but stay present. Then you can make wise choices moving forward.

Aquarius is a visionary and futuristic sign, Leo speaks of the creative power of eternal here and now. Full Moon’s marking the end of a cycle but this is just the beginning of a whole new era of Pluto in Aquarius.

As the Full Moon aligns, hopefully, you can see we have more freedom and options than we first imagined. Dare to be authentic. Aquarius is a visionary and futuristic sign, Leo speaks of the creative power of this present moment. Start with self-love and self-acceptance. As we deepen our acceptance of reality as it stands, we can be empowered to create a new reality in alignment with who we are today.

— Priya Kale

Pluto in Aquarius Pt 1 – March 23, 2023

First published on March 26, 2023

Dear Friends,

The winds of change are blowing. Pluto is in Aquarius and we’re moving through a rapidly changing landscape in the coming weeks.

Since 2008, Pluto has transformed the area of our chart/life ruled by Capricorn. We’re not completely out of the woods yet; Pluto dips back into Capricorn from June – January 2024, and again from September 2024 to November 2024 suggesting unfinished business. But for now, until June, this is a recce; and time of surveying this new landscape.

Here’s a quick overview of what we can expect as Pluto transits revolutionary Uranus over the next 20 years.

Pluto in Aquarius 2023 – 2044: Emergence

Pluto ingressed Aquarius on March 23, 2023, beginning its (once-in-our-lifetime) transit in Aquarius, and the winds of change are blowing.

Since 2008, Pluto has transformed the area of our chart/life ruled by Capricorn. We’re not completely out of the woods yet; Pluto dips back into Capricorn from June – January 2024, and again from September 2024 to November 2024 suggesting unfinished business. But for now, until June, this is a recce; and time of surveying this new landscape of Pluto in Aquarius.

Pluto is the lord of the Underworld; the planet of change, transformation, death, alchemy, evolution, power, and control. Pluto’s process works subconsciously, in the shadows — slowly purifying energy, revealing and purging what’s dead and decaying, bringing darkness to light, unconsciousness to consciousness, so there can be transformation. At its core, Pluto represents a process of ego death and asks for total surrender. Either we change or change is made for us. With Pluto, until we let go of attachments to the material world, we will be dragged and chained to the underworld.

Aquarius is a fixed air sign; traditionally ruled by Saturn, and its modern ruler is Uranus. This is a futuristic and revolutionary sign. It rules technology, innovation, everything that’s “out there”, aliens, genius, the future, community, groups, networks, friendships, and freedom among other things. Aquarius speaks of the collective consciousness, which includes not just humanity but all sentient beings. This is energy is electric, like a bolt of lightning. When it strikes, it can bring sudden illumination, inspiration, and at times sudden shocking change, or a tower moment. Harnessed, or properly earthed, it can power cities and light up a world in darkness. In its highest manifestation Aquarius energy speaks of spiritual liberation.

As Pluto transits the sign — we’re about to see a slow, gradual, but total transformation over the next two decades in the areas ruled by Aquarius.

Collectively and individually, there’s a new consciousness emerging — like the butterfly from its cocoon. That said, there will be times when it feels like we are devolving rather than evolving as a race. In the chart for Pluto’s ingress, we have a New Moon in Aries, with Mars in Gemini. This will be a dual process of purging the darkness within, as we evolve in awareness and consciousness. Planets suggest a need for self-awareness, self-acceptance, authenticity, and detachment. Let go of the expectations of others or expect the world to change. Change comes from the inside out. Trust the process. As you evolve, you can inspire and be a force for change in your world.

At best, there is the potential evolution of humanity into a more enlightened race. Science is likely to make ‘advances’, finally catching up with what ancient traditions have always known. We can expect a growing awareness of our inherent connection to our environment, the greater whole of existence, the sentience of all beings, and the physical ill-effects of consuming another’s suffering. One way this could manifest is veganism or vegetarianism becoming more of the norm; and greater awareness of our impact on the ecosystem.

Our relationship with technology is evolving, and we’re likely to see the power of AI and technology transform the world over the next twenty years. But as much as technology connects us, it can also serve to isolate and disconnect us from reality, and each other. Gun violence, mass murders, and casualties of war – could all be negative manifestations of this energy. We’re also likely to see the darker side of the internet, technology, AI, social media, influencers; cybercrime, and data mining. But hopefully, this will also result in awareness, conversations, and regulations that make the world and the internet a safer place for all. Ultimately this is part of the process of evolution; purging darkness until there is an inevitable change in consciousness.

In Pluto’s ingress chart, Venus is conjunct with the North Node in Taurus. This suggests lucrative tantalizing opportunities to grow in emotional and material security, well-being, and comfort. But in order to grow sustainably, we must lead with values of love, patience, humanity, loyalty, and commitment. It’s also imperative we learn to live in harmony with nature and the environment, which we are a part of not apart from. If we’re driven by the hunger for money, sex, and superficial materialistic values alone— we’re sealing our fate, with a trip to the Underworld. For any darker scandal, or abuse of power that unfolds through Pluto in Aquarius— follow the money. But if we dare to follow our heart as we surrender to change, we can expect to feel empowered and liberated.

The skies are changing, and so are our lives below. A lot is up in the air and hangs in balance. We’re being rewired not just mentally but somatically, and on a soul, consciousness level. Move with awareness. I’ll have a lot more to say about Pluto in Aquarius in the coming time.

For a more personalized in-depth reading on Pluto’s transit in your chart please email me to schedule a reading at priya@cosmicdiaries.com or make a booking on the Astrology Consultations page.

May we rise to the occasion of our life.

With love,
Priya Kale, March 25, 2023, NYC.


We’re heading to a passionate, liberating Aquarius Full Moon on August 1. Significantly – this is the first lunation on the Leo-Aquarius axis, since Saturn left Aquarius in March 2023.

Since 2020, Saturn in Aquarius has changed the face of our individual and collective world, reality, and consciousness. With Saturn out of Aquarius, this lunation offers a first look at the aftermath — and at best, the rainbow after the storm. The emotional tide is rising, but as the Aquarius Full Moon aligns, aspects suggest, we are likely to breathe a collective sigh of relief as we begin to recognize the beauty, love, healing, stability, support, and grace present in our lives.

On August 1, the Aquarius Full Moon opposes the Sun in Leo at 2:31 PM ET, at 9+ degrees. Hours later, action planet Mars in Virgo trines expansive Jupiter in Taurus; followed by (planet of communication) Mercury’s opposition to Saturn (planet of lessons, limits, and time) in Pisces.

This is the culmination of the cycle that began with the Cancer New Moon on July 17. We are coming to major realizations, seeing the light. Expect a powerful release. Life is stabilizing, drawing us to explore new pastures as we close the door to the past. Over the next two weeks, we’re clearing space before renewal with the Leo New Moon on August 16.

A lot has surfaced recently, bringing revelations and fated encounters. Venus’ retrograde, has been awakening fiery desires and familiar fears, reminding us we are alive. We may be nursing bruised egos, raw, tender hearts, and emotions. But as long as we’re aware of our own shadow, it needn’t overshadow all that is bright, beautiful, and blossoming.

On the Leo-Aquarius axis — the lunation is highlighting the need for balance between our needs for community and connection with personal needs and desires, love and friendship, creativity and innovation, and love and acceptance, which begins with self-love and self-acceptance.

Aquarius is a fixed air sign. It is a very unique and individualistic sign. It speaks of the quirks, eccentricities, and differences that make us unique. It is also a futuristic and revolutionary sign that represents the collective consciousness, our community, friends, connections, social media, networks, and technology.  Aquarius reminds us we are all connected through time and space. Air is everywhere, we can’t and don’t need to grab it, yet it sustains us with each breath and connects us all — as we have seen with Covid.

The Sun in Leo represents love, the ego, the heart, creativity, life’s fleeting moments, and the eternal, ephemeral here and now. We are learning the power to be the creator of our reality. If we aren’t happy with what’s unfolding, we have the power to change it, and create a new future — starting here and now.

Over the coming days and weeks, remain heart-centered, as you reflect on what (and who) truly makes you happy, feel alive, loved, appreciated, and seen. Have more self-confidence, and dare to be bold, authentic, vulnerable, playful, innovative, and creative. You don’t need validation from anyone for your existence. Dispassionately witness; “be the observer”. Have faith in the divine play and your most optimistic vision. Then you can take conscious, creative, and loving steps toward it.

Things are working out better than we think.  With the Sun in Leo, often all it takes is showing up, doing your best. At best, the Leo-Aquarius axis asks that we accept life on life’s terms while playing our part. Current skies strongly suggest, where there’s a will there’s a way.

It will take time, space, creativity, hard work, patience and daring to acknowledge our desires and fears. Also, do we know what’s good for us? The seed of all desire is the desire to be happy. Let go of expectations of others, and external attachments. Seek your happiness within and you can draw in whatever else you need and desire.

Mars’ trine to Jupiter is healing and expansive; offering real tangible progress, resources, support, stability, and a sense of feeling grounded. There is a strong suggestion whatever you need, help is close at hand. It will take humility, courage, and detachment from expectations. But don’t be afraid to ask and be open to receiving. Also, practice gratitude, be big-hearted, generous-spirited, and lend a hand where you can. What goes around, comes around.

With Mercury opposite Saturn —we may be steeling ourselves for a difficult conversation or making difficult decisions. But there’s every reason to feel hopeful about what’s unfolding. We live, we learn, we grow. Reflect on your limits, learn your lessons, but let the past be water under the bridge. Then you can implement constructive solutions that work.

In relationships or where things have gotten heated, complicated, or strained —  there’s healing on offer. It will take courage to acknowledge any mistakes. Seek solutions, avoid defensiveness, or picking at scabs. Words can hurt or heal, use yours wisely. Keep things light, and playful, but real. As long as there is mutual love and respect, there can be a deepening of friendships, connections, and bonds.

In the cases of exes, at best, this is a chance to find closure. Then can truly open your heart to experience new love in the present, waiting for you to embrace it. Love doesn’t hurt, our attachments do. The ego is the cause of all suffering. Recognize everything changes, then you won’t cling. At best, we’re learning, true love feels like freedom.

With Venus currently retrograde in Leo —finances, relationships, and creative matters are in flux. Move beyond appearances. Beauty fades, and money can’t buy happiness. As risky as something feels, be conscious not to let your ego stand in the way of your happiness. A heart of gold is more valuable than all the riches in the world. This energy is like the love of the creator — pure, constant, warm, and blissful consciousness. Turn within to seek that source of light, life, love, and all creation in your heart and you can draw in whatever else you desire.

Above all this lunation is a reminder — there is a Divine Consciousness within you, and staring at you through the eyes of everyone you meet. Free yourself to be yourself. Reconnect with the source within, and dare to let it shine.

On a personal note — this Venus retrograde takes place in my 4th (home and family) and 10th House (career).

I’ve been deeply, re-evaluating my work, life-mission and life goals; de-cluttering my house, reflecting on what and who feels like home to me. And I recently found out a friend is moving out of the city. We hadn’t spent quality time together in a while. But knowing I would bump into him in the neighborhood, made me feel more at home. I’m sad, but trusting the journey, and hopeful for what’s to come.

Also on that note, in the spirit of this Full Moon — I am requesting help, so I can continue to offer you more free content, rather than have to put things behind a paywall.

If you get something out of this newsletter, and have the financial means, please consider a one-time or ongoing donation to support Cosmic Diaries. Or please consider purchasing a reading for yourself, or a friend. It will support the costs of running the website, back-end support, and me. And I would be ever appreciative.

As always, thank you for sharing your journey with me. I am grateful for every one of you reading and I look forward to being your astrologer for the years to come.

With Love,



Follow my daily posts on Instagram @cosmicdiariesastrology
Subscribe to my YouTube channel – I’m trying to get to a 1000 subscribers and would so appreciae your help.

I’m also writing a set of Venus Rx Horoscopes, and hope to have those for you very soon. In the meanwhile here is a quick list of Venus Rx dates. For a more personal in-depth look at this transit, please email me to schedule a Venus rx Consultation ($222 for 60 min). I would love to work with you.

Aquarius New Moon: Jan. 27 – Feb. 10, 2017

Astrology & Tarot Consultations

Aquarius New Moon report: Jan. 27 – Feb. 10, 2017

Dear Friends,

Below is a (long) excerpt from the (even longer) Aquarius New Moon report — about the current astrological climate.

Given what’s unfolding, I thought it was important for you to have the message.

If you find it useful, please do consider signing up to the Cosmic Diaries Subscriber service and supporting this work and site. Or you can also make a one-time purchase here.

There’s a lot happening — in the sky, and our lives; (personally, I just moved into a new house after being on the road for over a year almost. So it’s been incredibly grounding to have my space again and get back to work) so I’ll be back with more astrology and website updates very, very soon.

In the meanwhile, I am available for Personal Astrology and Tarot Consultations via Skype or phone (and occasionally in person NYC.) Email me at priya@cosmicdiaries.com and we can set something up!



I’ve been creating a lot of art lately – and some of you have written to ask if I was planning to sell it. So the good news is I hope to have prints up for sale soon – so stay tuned. 🙂

Aquarius New Moon: Jan. 27 – Feb. 10, 2017

An Excerpt ==

This month’s Aquarius New Moon occurs at 7:07 PM EST on Jan. 27, 2017, seeding the energy over the next two weeks till the Leo Full Moon and Penumbral Eclipse.

We are living in times of incredible, undeniable, palpable, and real change; seeing the total collapse of already crumbling structures, revealing the interconnectedness of all things, through time and space (which are both man made concepts.)

Aquarius is the sign that rules groups, the collective consciousness, the “people,” technology, friends, social circles, and community. It is the sign of the collective, and of the individual; what is unique, and what is alien; genius and insanity; revolution and chaos.

We’re seeing every shade of this energy manifest now. If you think things are crazy now, tighten your seatbelt because life is about to get a whole lot weirder. Moving forward from the Aquarius New Moon, to the Leo Full Moon and Eclipse, these next two weeks ask for emotional detachment, yet deep presence – allowing you to respond to life, spontaneously as necessary.

Mars in Aries: Jan. 27 – Mar. 9, 2017

Mars was at 29+ Pisces at the time of the lunation and enters Aries shortly after to join Uranus (modern ruler of Aquarius.) Over the coming two weeks, expect to have a visceral experience and awareness that: you are every man and woman.

Through December and January you’ve hopefully been discovering deeper potential in yourself and situations.  The New Moon is bringing a sense of clarity and hopefully it’s dawning on you: you can be anyone or anything you want to be. But who are you at your essence, and what do you want? Dive deeper into your own soul and sense of being, then you can dance with existence rather than feel overwhelmed or like you are drowning.

Venus enters Aquarius, Sun sextile Chiron

Audio Forecasts for the 12 signs for the week through Dec. 15, 2008 are ready for download.


It’s been an interesting end of the year to say the least and the fireworks haven’t even begun yet. This week we have a Full Moon in Gemini opposite Mars, forming a Grand Mutable Cross with Saturn and Uranus. While Mercury conjuncts Pluto in Capricorn squaring the Aries Point. Change is here now and the news this week is likely to be reflective of this.

Its Sunday evening now and Venus has just entered Aquarius where she will stay until soon after the new year. We can expect love to get a bit strange or just plain weird, the trick would be to be play it cool and willing to explore your quirks and eccentric side; it could be the key to bringing back the spark in a relationship. In Aquarius, there may be a tendency to be emotionally detached or want to experience more freedom. But Aquarius is the sign of the collective consciousness and it is possible now for us to allow love a little breathing room where it can grow. We are each utterly unique in our gifts, talents, personalities and even how we love, we need to find a balance where each person in a relationship can feel free to express themselves without fear of being judged. Look for unusual solutions to problems, it’s time to think out of the box and get creative. This transit lends its well to ingenuity and creativity — in love, money, art. A radical, seemingly crazy idea may just be your key to success.

Later in the month she will make conjunctions to the North Node, Chiron and Neptune, while other alignments culminate as well. We are entering a powerful time in our relationships and likely to be learning a few bitter-sweet lessons. But we are making soul connections that have the ability to raise us to a higher level of awareness and relating. Aquarius is the sign of collective consciousness; if we can practice acceptance and learn to love each other as we are, we can experience true oneness.

Tomorrow [on Monday,] the Sun sextiles Chiron and over the weekend the Sun (and Mars) made conjunctions to the Great Attractor. Hopefully we’ve been able to make peace with the inherent polarities within ourselves and indeed life. Darkness is nothing but the absence of light. If we want to banish darkness, we need to bring positivity into a situation instead of fighting with shadows. Today’s aspect can be rather healing and any effort made to expand our understanding of a higher purpose behind life will be rewarded with fiery inspiration.

— Priya Kale, NYC


On a personal note, today is also my mothers birthday, who has her Sun conjunct my Neptune. She was also born at the time of the Saturn-Neptune conjunction in Libra, that took place in the early 50’s, which is natally in her fifth house of creativity. She has been working hard on the most phenomenal one of a kind pieces of hand carved and painted woodcraft, I have ever seen. She will be having an exhibition of her work in Mumbai at the Nehru Arts Gallery, early February which I plan to attend. I will have more details and images up on the site soon.

Interestingly her Saturn-Neptune conjunction is exactly conjunct my North Node. To me it feels like she makes everything she touches just a little more beautiful and I hope someday I can be a little more like her. ‘Happy Birthday Mamma! I am so proud of you and I love you!’


I am now available for Private Consultations over the phone or in person. Please contact me at priya@priyakale.com for more information on scheduling an appointment. Thanks!

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