Gates of Eden: Virgo Full Moon, Feb 24 -March 10, 2024

We’re under the energy of healing and defining Virgo Full Moon, marking a milestone and turning point.

On Feb 24, the Virgo Full Moon exactly opposed (Mercury, Saturn, and) the Sun in Pisces at 7:30 AM, and trined Jupiter. Hours later Venus squared Jupiter, with Mars to repeat the aspect on Feb 27, followed by a triple conjunction of the Sun-Mercury-Saturn on Feb 28, and the Sun-Mercury’s sextile to Jupiter on Feb 29, closing out the month.

There’s a sense of being caught between life (Virgo) and a dream (Pisces). We are processing heavy emotions, reflecting on our boundaries, and dealing with delicate, complex situations with many moving parts. Pay attention to where you have Virgo-Pisces in your chart, matters of these houses are being illuminated.

Virgo rules health and healing on all levels – mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual. It rules our daily routines, work, chores, organization, the nervous system, and all systems and processes. It speaks of teams, teamwork, selfless service, the little things and details, a daily process of growth, and this school of life. If unbalanced, it can manifest as restlessness, anxiety, nervous energy, worry, criticism, or perfectionist tendencies.

The Full Moon opposes the Sun in Pisces — the sign of dreams, intuition, magic, music, cosmic consciousness, and unconditional love, highlighting Virgo-Pisces themes. At best, the Virgo-Pisces axis reminds us we are vessels, and channels, for a divine consciousness that is alive within us.

Over the coming weeks, practice self-care. Simplify life, declutter your space, make lists, get organized, eat healthy food, deepen your meditation, and spiritual practices, exercise, and make time for relaxation. It’s time to self-reflect and take a good look at your life. Acknowledge what is and isn’t working, and what needs healing and nurturing. Less is more. This is a chance to clarify a dream for our lives, then we can take small, daily steps towards it.

Significantly, Chiron (aka the Wounded healer) is conjunct at the North node at this Full Moon. We’re being handed the key to our destiny, healing, and freedom. It will require total self-awareness of our gifts and wounds, fears, and past traumas. Then we won’t perpetuate suffering and painful, toxic cycles. Awareness can be painful, but it is the first step in the healing process.

With the lunation opposing Saturn, chapters are ending, and beginning, and there are bittersweet realities to confront. But if we can accept our limits, we can find a way forward, around, or through, what currently feels impenetrable. For every door that closes a new door is opening. We’re bigger than the challenges we face, and we’re outgrowing an old way of being. These are growing pains as we step over a threshold.

This energy peaks on Feb 28, with an exact triple conjunction of Mercury and Sun-Saturn, bringing us to a defining moment of truth. If you’ve felt like you’ve been banging your head against a wall, something is giving way, to reveal a whole new world of potential. Be true to your integrity, and bottom line, clarify a dream goal, and noblest vision — then trust you can find the support you need.

We’re learning information, and reaching key insights. Expect at least one audience with an authority figure. Listen and learn… This is a humbling and sobering moment, but nothing needs to be difficult. There is the potential to build bridges and have deep, honest, healing conversations that bring clarity. Still with the conjunction to Saturn in Pisces (a mute sign) in some cases, it may be wise to say little or nothing at all. Silence speaks volumes.

In relationships especially, learn your lessons, but let the past be water under the bridges. With planets in Pisces, we’re learning lessons of unconditional love and boundaries — which are healthy. Reflect on the patterns you’re leaving behind, and the walls that need to be taken down so you can invite in and receive the love, abundance, and support you desire. We’re understanding the past in a new light, allowing us to build the future on solid foundations. Let there be grace and space for growth, then you can heal and strengthen bonds that stand the test of time.

Following Saturn’s aspect, the Full Moon trines Jupiter in Taurus and the Sun-Mercury sextile Jupiter on Feb 29. As we close the door on the past, there’s a whole new world of potential waiting to be explored. There are profound realizations, and revelations coming through bringing a fresh perspective. There’s real, infinite potential and real hope there. It will take discernment, discipline, maturity, wisdom, imagination, creativity, love, dedication, teamwork, healing, time, patience, commitment, and daily TLC. But we’re willing to work for it, a dream is within reach.

Notably – Mars (ruler of Chiron in Aries) and Venus and Mars conjunction in Aquarius, a reminder to be true to your primary relationship — with yourself. With both Venus and Mars making squares to Jupiter at this lunation, we’re turning a corner into new territory in relationships, financial and creative matters, and all Venusian matters. An ongoing story is gathering momentum, and there’s a need for discernment.

Small, wise moves can have a large pivotal impact, helping progress a situation in the right direction. In all situations, including relationships, little things matter over grand empty gestures. At best, we’re growing in awareness of our desires, skills, resources, gifts, and all the ways we are blessed. Own it all. Then you can deepen and foster healthier and fruitful connections, in awareness of your gifts and limits.

For now, we’re in the waning cycle of the Moon releasing emotional baggage, decluttering space, emptying, and tying up loose ends before renewal with the Pisces New Moon. Let go of critical tendencies, expect perfection, or worry about what is not in your control. Plug energy leaks, then you can devote time, attention, resources, and energy where it matters to strengthen foundations.

Above all — have faith in a process and don’t be in a hurry to fill a void. Pisces represents the great Void of creation. Anything that is currently testing your faith or stretching limits, is also helping you grow. Nature abhors a vacuum, and the Pisces New moon on March 10, brings renewal, so we can invite greater abundance, prosperity, and well-being and materialize a dream.

We’re a month away from Eclipse season. Expect life to pick up pace, once we enter Aries season next month. For now, have faith, life is moving in divine timing. What’s worth having is worth waiting for and (regardless of which hemisphere you’re in,) spring is coming. Surrender to the supreme consciousness within, allow it to move you.

Tend to your dreams and the garden of your life, and allow a natural process to unfold.

— Priya Kale, Virgo Full Moon, Feb 24, 2024

A Whole New World: Aquarius New Moon, Feb 9 – 24, 2024

We’re heading to a revolutionary, breakthrough Aquarius New Moon (square Uranus) on January 9, at 5:59 PM ET, 20+ Aquarius.

Pay attention to the area of your life/chart ruled by Aquarius — this is a powerful new beginning. As you enter this cycle, stay connected to the inner truth of your being. Life is reshuffling and rearranging itself.

Over the next two weeks —we’re being drawn out of our comfort zone, and thrust into new (perhaps alien) territory. There’s a need for deep self-acceptance. Expect reality checks, sudden shifts, and unpredictable developments sparking a powerful wave of change. You don’t have total control, but you have the power to choose where you give your attention, time, energy, and effort. Remain grounded, and detached, and avoid clinging. Then you can feel liberated rather than shocked by what’s changing.

(You can look up your chart for free here at or email me for a reading. I would love to help you make sense of it all.)

You needn’t walk on eggshells for anyone but tread lightly as you enter the new cycle. We’re setting in motion changes that will shape our life and destiny. The phrase “Insanity is doing the same thing over, and over, and expecting different results,” comes to mind. This Aquarius New Moon offers a chance to do things consciously and differently.

Aquarius rules the collective consciousness and the individual, friendships, community, technology, the future, and everything a little weird and “out there”. This energy is quirky, eccentric innovative, inventive, and revolutionary; genius and insanity are two extreme manifestations. This is also a deeply humanitarian sign. It teaches us to celebrate our uniqueness and reminds us of our common humanity.

A lot has come to light since the Leo Full Moon on Jan 25, and a lot is now up in the air. Mercury squares Jupiter on Feb 10, bringing major discoveries, insights, opportunities, choices, and an understanding of the real potential in a situation. There’s a need for discernment, perspective, wisdom, patience, faith, and humility moving ahead.

Notably, this is the first New Moon in Aquarius since Pluto entered the sign. We’re getting a direct taste of Pluto’s energy under the current skies, officially entering the ‘Pluto in Aquarius’ era. The recent Full Moon was opposite Pluto, and Mercury met Pluto on February 5. In the coming weeks, both Venus and Mars enter Aquarius, meet Pluto on Feb 14, and Feb 7 respectively, and finally meet in conjunction on February 22, 2024 (for the first time since March 2022).

Pluto is an agent of change — either you embrace change, or change is made for you. With personal planets all making conjunctions to Pluto, we’re in the process of profound transition — personally and collectively — shedding skin, and entering a new world. We can resist change and feel dragged in, kicking or screaming. Or we can make conscious choices and changes, that bring a sense of liberation and empowerment.

We’re learning how undeniably intertwined our lives are with all others. Still, we’re also seeing how imperative it is to be true to ourselves, and not feel pressured by expectations. You can never please everyone, but you need to like and live with, yourself and with the consequences of your actions and choices. This energy has a domino effect, but even inaction is an action. Whatever you do/decide — do it consciously.

Above all, Aquarius suggests a need for deep self-acceptance and deep acceptance of reality as it stands. Even the parts that are less than ideal. Only then can we feel empowered to change what’s necessary. And the coming days, offer a chance to break free of old patterns, and chains, release expectations, and truly feel free to be and express ourselves authentically.

This energy is magnetic and electric. Detachment is key to magnetizing what you need: be it support, resources, understanding, acceptance, connections, or whatever. Detachment comes from knowing everything changes.

With the Mars-Pluto conjunction on Feb 14, push is coming to shove. We’re likely to see this play out in the news, I would steer clear of mobs and crowds. But this is the kind of change, that reveals the power of the people or the power of one individual that sparks a wave of necessary change. We’re filtering out the noise, and superficial expectations, to get to an inner undying truth of our being.

Worth noting, this aspect occurs on Valentine’s Day — a day often charged with emotion surrounding relationships. An aspect like this is turning the intensity dial to 100. The energy is sexual, passionate, and edgy. There’s a need for self-awareness to channel this effectively in all interactions and personal situations — not just romantic ones. It all depends on where things are at.

There is the potential to ignite passion flames of desire, and passion, and bring about total renewal. On the other hand, if you’ve been caught in a toxic cycle, the energy empowering you to walk away from a ball and chain, or something that suffocates the life out of you. We can’t control or change others — at most, we can change ourselves thereby changing a dynamic. Even if this energy isn’t playing out in your relationship, this is a powerful personal inner transformation.

Mercury squares Uranus on Feb 16, bringing unexpected information, conversations, ideas, and breakthroughs. This aspect is continuing the narrative of the New Moon, and things could seem to get stranger before they make sense. Venus meets Pluto on Feb 17, continuing a progression of events. Powerful changes are unfolding in relationships, finances, creativity, and all matters of the heart. Consider this a process of polishing a diamond. What’s glass will shatter, but what’s real, and precious will shine.

Very significantly, Venus will conjunct Pluto at 0+ again on Dec 7, 2023, a day after Mars retrograde in Leo. We will be coming full circle with what we’re currently dealing with by then. We can’t know now what we will have learned then, by experience and time. But avoid trying to control or manipulate – nothing is worth compromising your values. It doesn’t matter what something looks like, what matters is how you feel in your heart. Be true to your values, then let go and let the chips fall. Above all, trust, you can’t lose what’s right for you.

The energy shifts as the Sun ingresses Pisces on Feb 18, casting a shimmering glow. We’re heading to a healing Virgo full Moon on February 24, illuminating what was being initiated at the New Moon.

But first— Venus meets Mars on Feb 22, marking the end and beginning of a new relationship cycle. This energy is innovative, creative, social, passionate, inspiring, and an example of what it means to be gloriously human. It’s a great day to try something new. Relationships are rebooting and this is a reset. But as exciting as this conjunction sounds — this often manifests internally, rather than eternally. Before we can connect, this is a chance to reconnect and deepen our primary relationship, with ourselves.

Be true to yourself, avoid comparisons, and people-pleasing, trying to live up to anyone’s expectations — even your own. Find a way to love and accept yourself, and your reality as it stands. Then you can feel empowered to create a new reality, and deepen or draw in the resources, relationships, connections, and whatever else you need. In relationships especially, as my Guru says, notice people’s affection rather than their imperfections.

As you can see, we’re entering an action-packed few weeks, setting off sparks, if not fireworks. Life is unpredictable right now, but God does not play dice. Astrology is a form of divination that reveals the magnificent divine order underlying the seeming chaos. Make time to self-reflect, introspect, and reconnect with that inner unchanging spirit and essence. Like the air that surrounds us and the breath that sustains us, life is happening through and for us. Aquarius is a fixed air sign — it teaches us to be a detached witness and an observer of life. Then we can awaken to a greater supreme truth, and experience liberation while in the flesh.

We are as much a part of nature as the lilies. And the Lillies do not toil.

— Priya Kale, Aquarius New Moon, Feb. 9, 2024

Leo Full Moon: Jan 25 – Feb 9, 2024

Welcome to Aquarius Season!

We’re under the energy of a dramatic Leo full Moon exact on Jan 25, at 12:53 PM ET.

Pluto is in Aquarius (2/3 ingress), Venus is Capricorn, the planets are on the move, and the future is here, now.

The Full Moon opposed (Pluto and) the Sun at 5+ Aquarius and formed a T-square with Jupiter at 6+ Taurus. We’re at a turning point from what was unfolding around October 28, 2023, at the Taurus Lunar Eclipse. And, major aspects developing in the coming days — are bringing unexpected developments and breakthroughs.

Pay attention to where you have Leo-Aquarius in your chart — this is where the action is playing out for you. This lunation sets the stage for 2024 and offers a glimpse into the upcoming and distant future. What unfolds over the next two weeks — personally and globally — will be a HOT topic as Mars stations retrograde on December 6. We’re also getting an intimate first look at the lessons of Pluto’s transit in the sign of the Water Bearer over the next 20 years.

Leo is a fixed, fire sign, ruled by the Sun. It represents the heart, the ego, love, romance, fun, youth, the inner child, courage, confidence, creativity; our ability to be spontaneous, take risks, and this eternal “here and now.”

Over the coming two weeks — powerful revelations and truths are coming to light. There’s a need to be bold, spontaneous, creative, vulnerable, and courageous, and lead with the heart. You can have what you need and perhaps what you want. But first, dare to acknowledge it to yourself.

Also, confront fears of failure, rejection, pride, or defensiveness that prevent you from reaching for your heart’s desires. Something might feel like a giant leap of faith, or leave you feeling a little naked, vulnerable, and exposed. But we’re learning lessons of authenticity and self-acceptance, liberating us to be wholly ourselves.

We’re arriving at a sharp, defining, and liberating (at best) moment of truth. On Jan 27, the Sun squares Jupiter, Uranus stations directly in Taurus, and Mercury meets Mars in Capricorn. Expect the unexpected. There’s a need for confidence and to have more faith in yourself. There are unexpected opportunities, heated, passionate conversations, developments, and piercing insights coming through. Sharpen focus, keep your eyes on the prize, and you can reach a real breakthrough.

It’s time to put our cards on the table. Truth isn’t always easy to speak or hear, but it will set you free. Drop defensiveness, and fears of rejection, and let go of expectations. Be honest with yourself. If we can listen and communicate from the heart, we could be pleasantly surprised.

With Venus in Capricorn matters of creativity, money, love, relationships, and all heart affairs are getting serious. This is Venus’s first transit in Capricorn, in 15 years, without Pluto in the sign. This is familiar territory, but nothing is the same — neither are you. Reflect on long-term goals, boundaries, and values about love, money, and relationships, but stay present. Then you can make wise choices moving forward.

Aquarius is a visionary and futuristic sign, Leo speaks of the creative power of eternal here and now. Full Moon’s marking the end of a cycle but this is just the beginning of a whole new era of Pluto in Aquarius.

As the Full Moon aligns, hopefully, you can see we have more freedom and options than we first imagined. Dare to be authentic. Aquarius is a visionary and futuristic sign, Leo speaks of the creative power of this present moment. Start with self-love and self-acceptance. As we deepen our acceptance of reality as it stands, we can be empowered to create a new reality in alignment with who we are today.

— Priya Kale

Pluto in Aquarius Pt 1 – March 23, 2023

First published on March 26, 2023

Dear Friends,

The winds of change are blowing. Pluto is in Aquarius and we’re moving through a rapidly changing landscape in the coming weeks.

Since 2008, Pluto has transformed the area of our chart/life ruled by Capricorn. We’re not completely out of the woods yet; Pluto dips back into Capricorn from June – January 2024, and again from September 2024 to November 2024 suggesting unfinished business. But for now, until June, this is a recce; and time of surveying this new landscape.

Here’s a quick overview of what we can expect as Pluto transits revolutionary Uranus over the next 20 years.

Pluto in Aquarius 2023 – 2044: Emergence

Pluto ingressed Aquarius on March 23, 2023, beginning its (once-in-our-lifetime) transit in Aquarius, and the winds of change are blowing.

Since 2008, Pluto has transformed the area of our chart/life ruled by Capricorn. We’re not completely out of the woods yet; Pluto dips back into Capricorn from June – January 2024, and again from September 2024 to November 2024 suggesting unfinished business. But for now, until June, this is a recce; and time of surveying this new landscape of Pluto in Aquarius.

Pluto is the lord of the Underworld; the planet of change, transformation, death, alchemy, evolution, power, and control. Pluto’s process works subconsciously, in the shadows — slowly purifying energy, revealing and purging what’s dead and decaying, bringing darkness to light, unconsciousness to consciousness, so there can be transformation. At its core, Pluto represents a process of ego death and asks for total surrender. Either we change or change is made for us. With Pluto, until we let go of attachments to the material world, we will be dragged and chained to the underworld.

Aquarius is a fixed air sign; traditionally ruled by Saturn, and its modern ruler is Uranus. This is a futuristic and revolutionary sign. It rules technology, innovation, everything that’s “out there”, aliens, genius, the future, community, groups, networks, friendships, and freedom among other things. Aquarius speaks of the collective consciousness, which includes not just humanity but all sentient beings. This is energy is electric, like a bolt of lightning. When it strikes, it can bring sudden illumination, inspiration, and at times sudden shocking change, or a tower moment. Harnessed, or properly earthed, it can power cities and light up a world in darkness. In its highest manifestation Aquarius energy speaks of spiritual liberation.

As Pluto transits the sign — we’re about to see a slow, gradual, but total transformation over the next two decades in the areas ruled by Aquarius.

Collectively and individually, there’s a new consciousness emerging — like the butterfly from its cocoon. That said, there will be times when it feels like we are devolving rather than evolving as a race. In the chart for Pluto’s ingress, we have a New Moon in Aries, with Mars in Gemini. This will be a dual process of purging the darkness within, as we evolve in awareness and consciousness. Planets suggest a need for self-awareness, self-acceptance, authenticity, and detachment. Let go of the expectations of others or expect the world to change. Change comes from the inside out. Trust the process. As you evolve, you can inspire and be a force for change in your world.

At best, there is the potential evolution of humanity into a more enlightened race. Science is likely to make ‘advances’, finally catching up with what ancient traditions have always known. We can expect a growing awareness of our inherent connection to our environment, the greater whole of existence, the sentience of all beings, and the physical ill-effects of consuming another’s suffering. One way this could manifest is veganism or vegetarianism becoming more of the norm; and greater awareness of our impact on the ecosystem.

Our relationship with technology is evolving, and we’re likely to see the power of AI and technology transform the world over the next twenty years. But as much as technology connects us, it can also serve to isolate and disconnect us from reality, and each other. Gun violence, mass murders, and casualties of war – could all be negative manifestations of this energy. We’re also likely to see the darker side of the internet, technology, AI, social media, influencers; cybercrime, and data mining. But hopefully, this will also result in awareness, conversations, and regulations that make the world and the internet a safer place for all. Ultimately this is part of the process of evolution; purging darkness until there is an inevitable change in consciousness.

In Pluto’s ingress chart, Venus is conjunct with the North Node in Taurus. This suggests lucrative tantalizing opportunities to grow in emotional and material security, well-being, and comfort. But in order to grow sustainably, we must lead with values of love, patience, humanity, loyalty, and commitment. It’s also imperative we learn to live in harmony with nature and the environment, which we are a part of not apart from. If we’re driven by the hunger for money, sex, and superficial materialistic values alone— we’re sealing our fate, with a trip to the Underworld. For any darker scandal, or abuse of power that unfolds through Pluto in Aquarius— follow the money. But if we dare to follow our heart as we surrender to change, we can expect to feel empowered and liberated.

The skies are changing, and so are our lives below. A lot is up in the air and hangs in balance. We’re being rewired not just mentally but somatically, and on a soul, consciousness level. Move with awareness. I’ll have a lot more to say about Pluto in Aquarius in the coming time.

For a more personalized in-depth reading on Pluto’s transit in your chart please email me to schedule a reading at or make a booking on the Astrology Consultations page.

May we rise to the occasion of our life.

With love,
Priya Kale, March 25, 2023, NYC.

Capricorn New Moon Jan 11 -25, 2024

We’re in a remarkable, magical, groundbreaking year and we’re hitting the ground running. Change is here now.

On January 11, a potent Capricorn New Moon marked the beginning of the end of a cycle of transformation that began in 2008, when Pluto ingressed the sign. Much of what unfolds in January sets the stage for 2024. Pay attention to the area of your chart/life ruled by Capricorn. With conscious attention, we have the power to bring about a transformation that’s been a long time coming.

Capricorn speaks of tradition, but this New Moon made an easy trine to innovative, revolutionary Uranus. Also, Mars made major aspects to Saturn and Jupiter, supercharging the lunation. We’re at a threshold, vantage point, and opportunity is knocking. Unexpected developments are pushing boundaries, and swinging doors open and shut, beckoning us to explore new horizons.

We’re leveling up with this Capricorn New Moon, stepping into the future. Capricorn rules our ambitions, goals, sense of authority, responsibility, hard work, dedication, determination, mastery, and the ‘worldly success’ that inevitably follows. It also represents government, big business, the military, the structures that support our world, and the peak of human consciousness.

Pluto rules our unconscious and subconscious processes. Since 2008, we’ve (individually and collectively) been in a process of chipping away superficial conditioning we’ve inherited from society, parental and authority figures, government, and culture to find our core integrity and humanity.

Look back at what was unfolding in 2008. Look at how far you’ve come. You’ve changed, and so has the world. We’ve been in an alchemical process, burning through the dross to discover what’s pure golden.

Who are you today? What do you want? How have you matured, grown, and evolved? What have you learned? What are you unlearning? What ambitions, desires, and responsibilities have you outgrown? What historical patterns and generational trauma are you ending?

Embody your lessons, but let go of the past and dead weight. Clarify your ambitions, goals, desires, and dreams; and consciously release the ones you’ve outgrown. Prioritize, organize, and sharpen your focus. Also, become aware of unconscious fears of success, failure, and expectations of what relationships and life should look like that prevent your progress.

This is about living your best life in alignment with your true inner-most self. All actions have consequences, and even inaction is an action. Non-reaction is key, then you can take constructive actions towards your chosen goals and make real progress towards your goals and destiny.

A red-letter day arrives on Jan 20, when the Sun meets Pluto at 29’ 59” Capricorn before both planets enter Aquarius, ushering in a new era. Pluto’s conjunction with the Sun is lighting all that’s dead, gone, and what’s survived. We should see this play out in the news – and our lives. Pluto will return to Capricorn briefly between September – November 2024, giving us a chance to tie up loose ends.

Once the Sun enters Aquarius, we’re heading to the Leo Full Moon at 5+ Leo on January 25. We will be coming face to face with what’s slowly coming to light now, later this year around December 6. Pay attention to the seeds you’re planting now. Our intentions, thoughts, words, deeds, and actions — are shaping, directing, and setting the stage for 2024 and the foreseeable future. And we’ve barely scratched the surface of the potential in a situation and within us.

Capricorn — like its symbol the mountain goat — reaches for the peak. You can climb any mountain. But which mountain do you want to climb? Also, success but at what cost? All the success in the world would mean nothing unless it means something to you.

Venus and Jupiter, the two benefics are currently in (Sagittarius and Taurus respectively) mutual reception, transiting each other’s signs. This bodes well for love, all relationships, creativity, our ability to be resourceful, and to materialize a vision and heart desire. But with the New Moon in Capricorn, it’s important (and likely easier) to be more discerning of our limitations. Know your limits, and be true to your values, then you needn’t worry about biting off more than you can chew. Then you can find creative, resourceful, loving ways around them to get to where you need to be.

We’re taking baby steps toward a life goal. It will take time, determination, dedication, devotion, and finishing what we started. But keep your eyes on the prize. If you’re willing to work for it you can realize a dream.

Above all, stay rooted in your integrity and values then you can touch the sky.

— Priya Kale, Capricorn New Moon, Jan 15, 202

Gemini Full Moon: Nov 27 – Dec 12, 2023

Dear Friends,

Happy Thanksgiving and Sagittarius season!

On November 27, at 4:17 AM ET, the Full Moon aligned in Gemini bringing us to an important cross-road in our life’s journey.

With the Full Moon in Gemini – we may be feeling divided between the head and heart. But notably — all planets currently answer to Venus in Libra, suggesting the heart holds the answer and key. Listen. Whatever the question, love is the answer.

The scenery is rapidly changing, drawing us out of our comfort zone to explore new territory. Over the coming weeks, there are profound truths, insights, revelations, and conversations coming through. Life presents us with choices, but avoid going to extremes. Duality is an illusion. Separation exists in the mind. Clarify a vision, and choose the middle path. Make time for self-reflection, silence, meditation, and be honest with yourself above all. Then it will be easier to make wise, conscious choices, and have heartfelt conversations moving forward.

Gemini is the sign of duality, the mind, ideas, beliefs, all forms of communication, and transportation. The Full Moon is highlighting these themes, especially in the area of your life ruled by Gemini. We’re in the waning cycle of the Moon — over the next two weeks, keep an open mind. Consciously release beliefs, ideas, assumptions, what you think you know, or how you think things should be. Then you can discover and be revealed a deeper truth, allowing for informed decisions.

This Gemini Full Moon forms a T-square with Mars and Saturn, suggesting a need for discernment. There’s a need for awareness of our limits, but also of our freedom to make choices that work for us. The house in your chart ruled by Virgo, offers the outlet and is where you can balance this pressure. Something might seem like a tall order, but there’s a sweeter simpler way. Be willing to ask for help if you need it. Life is upgrading and hopefully, we’re growing in wisdom, compassion, maturity, and sensitivity. Realign with your inner compass, truth, and wisdom, then you can navigate with awareness.

With the Full Moon in Gemini —we’re learning to communicate our needs and feelings, honestly. Whether in business or personal relationships — everything is negotiable. There is a way forward that works for all. Make time for self-reflection, be brutally honest with yourself, and seek perspective. Then it will be easier to find common ground with others — unless everyone wins, everyone loses.

Mercury planet of communication and the ruler of Gemini, is now in the shadow phase. It stations retrograde on December 13, and stations direct on till January 4. At the lunation, Mercury (ruler of Gemini) made the first (of three) squares to Neptune at this lunation. Mercury will make two more squares to Neptune on December 27 and January 8.

At its depth, this is a process of tuning into our soul’s calling, and learning to listen to our inner voice. On the surface — the conversations, and situations we’re dealing with now are part of a larger story unfolding until January 2024. There are important insights, information, conversations, and revelations coming through. Be patient with the process of discovery and avoid thinking you know it all.

This situation has many moving parts. With Mercury in Sagittarius —stay focused on the target, and big picture, and be true to your values. Then you can learn what you need to know discover a deeper, greater truth, and make wise choices moving ahead.

Interestingly, Venus was at 21+ Libra at this lunation and triggered the October 14, Libra Solar Eclipse degree. What was seeded then is now slowly blossoming. Venus meets the South Node on November 29, before she enters Scorpio on December 4. This suggests a deep release of past (outgrown) patterns surrounding relationships, money, and our values; so we can make conscious creative choices moving ahead.

Our relationships, finances, contracts, creativity, and all matters of the heart are in focus. Love reigns supreme. In relationships, there is a need for patience, kindness, honesty, temperance, and freedom. If we can choose and communicate from the heart we can strike the right balance. Freedom is key to strengthening bonds that go the distance and the test of time.

Once Venus enters Scorpio on December 4, the energy shifts. Then Venus is ruled by Mars, while Mars is in Jupiter’s sign, and Jupiter is in Venus’s sign. That feels like going around in circles with something. If it feels like you’re caught in some endless (unpleasant) cycle —it will require a conscious redirecting of thoughts, and making conscious choices. If you’re enjoying this energy, by all means, go sink into it. No two moments are alike, because the planets are always moving. There are endless pleasures, treasures, and adventures to be discovered — showing us a brighter side to life.

Relationships are a choice. This is echoed by both Venus and the full Moon in Gemini. With the Sun (and Mars) in Sagittarius, Connections rooted in freedom and honesty, rather than any sense of obligation have the potential to go the distance. Beware of being judgmental — life isn’t black and white, and neither are people. You are creating your reality with your mind’s eye. Choose and create awareness.

We’re in Sagittarius season, moving to the Sagittarius New Moon in two weeks on December 12, drawing us on a new journey of discovery. Jupiter the ruler of Sagittarius is currently in Venus’ sign. Jupiter will station direct on December 31, at Taurus 5+ triggering the degree of the Taurus Eclipse on October 28, bringing a vision to life.

Sagittarius is a visionary sign. Now more than ever, you are creating your reality with your mind’s eye with your thoughts, words, and choices. As you move forward from this Full Moon — clarify a vision and keep your eyes on the prize. However the road winds, Sagittarius season reminds us the real journey is the inner one. My Guru says, the eyes that see the good in others [and the world], and eyes that see bad [find fault] are bad eyes.

Beauty and the beast lie in the eye of the beholder. What are you envisioning? Where are you going? What are you leaving behind? What are you taking with you? Who is going with you? Be true to yourself above all.

— Priya Kale, NYC, Nov 30, 2023



Dear Friends,

Last night on July 22, Venus stationed retrograde in Leo at 9:32 PM ET followed immediately by the Sun’s ingress into Leo at 9:50 PM ET. We’re entering a dramatic, bold, new season, blasting open our hearts and minds.

Where we’ve recently felt powerless, we’re regaining confidence and reconnecting with our creative power. This feels like the lights being turned in a situation where things have felt mysterious or murky. Life is inviting us to peel back the mask and dare to acknowledge our heart’s most burning desires. Then we can seize the moment and opportunities as they arise.

Venus first entered the shadow phase on June 19, look back at what was surfacing around then. It will give you a clue into a longer story playing out with this transit. Venus is now retracing her steps,  drawing us into a process of re-evaluation of the recent past. Venus will station direct on September 3, (at the degree she occupied was on June 19,) and moves out of shadow on October 7 (past the degree she is currently at.) So be patient with the process and don’t be too quick to judge — there’s more coming to light.

Notably – Venus retrogrades at approximately the same degree every 8 years. So it would also help to look back to your life in 2015, 2007, 1999, 1991, and so on… counting back every 8 years. This will give you an idea of the themes likely to emerge now and a larger story in your life’s journey. You are not who you once were. With awareness, we can do things differently, and create consciously, in alignment with our authentic selves as we are today.

Any Venus’ retrograde will bring its dramatic moments and in Leo, you can expect things to be dialed up a notch. This is not for the faint-hearted and things could get steamy. We’re in a process of deep re-evaluation of all Venusian matters of love, beauty, relationships, money, our values, and all matters of the heart. Pay attention to where you have Leo in your chart — that’s where this energy is playing out highlighting matters of that house.

Leo is a fixed fire sign, ruled by the Sun — the source of light and life-giving energy. It rules the heart, the true Self, the eternal present, youth, love, romance, fun, creativity, passion, sexuality, authenticity, courage, confidence, spontaneity, and our ability to take risks. On the flip side, Leo also points to the ego, pride, defenses, and fears of rejection which ultimately cast a shadow on all that is bright and beautiful. These themes are in focus.

In the chart for Venus’ retrograde, the Moon is separating from an opposition Neptune. Also, the Sun is at the end of Cancer (ruled by the Moon) just past an opposition to Pluto. There’s a sense of moving beyond the illusion, or veil. We’re seeing what was previously missed — be it true colors or the true value of something or someone — to find what’s precious and golden in it. If something seems too good to be true it likely is. And something/someone you’ve overlooked might deserve a closer inspection to discover the treasures it holds at its depths.


Above all, with this Venus Rx in Leo, we’re learning all that is gold doesn’t glitter, and all that glitters isn’t gold. This is very glamorous energy but moves beyond surface appearances. External beauty fades, and money can’t buy love or happiness. Especially in the age of false information and curated social media profiles, remember you’re only seeing what someone wants you to see. Avoid comparisons. It could be easy to let our imagination run wild – for better or worse. But avoid projection — seek clarity and depth. True beauty radiates from within, and a heart of gold is more precious than all the riches in the world.

Venus in Leo is a queen, a royal. She needn’t chase, beg, or want anything. But with this retrograde closely conjunct fixed star Regulus, any hubris will be met with a swift fall from grace. However, life is unfolding  — be humble. Drop the mask, ego, pride, and defenses. Don’t be afraid to admit if you’ve been mistaken. Peer into the heart and soul of a situation. More importantly, peer into your own heart and soul. Then we can engage in, create, and attract experiences consciously.

Also in the chart, Mars is separating from opposition to Saturn, and the Sun at the end of Cancer is separating from its opposition to Pluto. We’re moving past a limitation or an obstacle, leaving behind a heavier past, attachments we’ve outgrown, generational conditioning, and patterns of co-dependency. There may have been sobering realities to face. If you’re dealing with loss, grief, disappointment, sadness, or heartbreak, do so consciously as you allow space for healing. This too shall pass. That said, the past is past. Where we’ve recently reached a limit with something, we may be having a change of heart. A door is opening to reveal new depths of emotions and desire, inviting us to explore them, if we dare.

Relationships are in focus and heating up. Likely exes and past lovers are resurfacing. This is an ideal time to gain closure on the past. But if you’re trying to rekindle an old romance, or meet someone new during a retrograde, I would advise against it, or to wait till Venus is direct before making any major commitment. Stay in the present, without projecting too far into the future. The same is true if you are starting a new creative project, considering a major financial investment with no prior connection, an irreversible beauty treatment, or a dramatic haircut. Every experience is valuable and sometimes the heart wants what it wants. But be advised — once Venus stations direct things will change shape and form, and you’ll likely feel differently then. So weigh out your risks, and be conscious of what you commit, or give in to in the heat of the moment.

In existing connections, friendships, and partnerships, bonds can deepen. Where things have gotten heated, or egos have flared — there can be reconciliation, re-kindling of love, passion, and fun. It will call for absolute authenticity, courage, compassion, boldness, and being vulnerable. Learn from the past, but stay in the present and avoid picking at scabs. Also, rather than have expectations of another —acknowledge how you feel and remain detached. Something might feel like a risk — but it would be a greater risk to pass up a chance to be happy.


At best, Venus’ rx in Leo, is an invitation to reconnect with and re-discover the source of our joy, fun, happiness, creativity, confidence, and love within our hearts. Confidence is sexy and attractive. And all the love we seek is right here for us, in the present, in our hearts and being. Venus and Leo both speak of love; the kind of warm love that shines constantly like the Sun and lights up the world. Then have faith that what’s (or who’s) right for you will naturally gravitate to you.

At the very least, this retrograde is a chance to make peace with the past and reconnect with that eternal source of love, bliss, and joy within. So we can live and love more authentically, passionately, fearlessly, and deeply in the present.

I have a lot more to say — but I have to go for now. I’ll update this post on the website, with important dates of Venus’ aspects offering a timeline for this retrograde. So please check back in. Time permitting, I will also be back with a video and Horoscopes for the 12 signs soon.

For a more personal in-depth reading — you can book an Astrology Consultation or a special Venus Retrograde Consultation to make the most of your opportunities and draw in what you desire. Or you can sign up for the Inner Journey program for an Immersive Natal chart study – I have ONE slot left for July. I would love to work with you.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend! With love,



CANCER NEW MOON, July 17 – August 1, 2023

Welcome to the Cancer New Moon, dear Friends,

Cancer is a cardinal, water sign, ruled by the Moon. It “initiates” the Summer in the North and Winter in the South, and similarly, it initiates a new season in our lives. We’re in the womb of a powerful, fertile new cycle. This is a fresh start, reset, renewal, and re-birth in the area of your life/chart ruled by Cancer.

If you’re a Cancerian — Happy Birthday! This is your new year and it seems you’re ready to create some waves.

This Cancer New Moon aligned at 2:31 PM ET on July 17 at 24+ degrees, in a trine to Neptune and opposition to Pluto. Also, other major aspects are aligning at this lunation, seeding the energy of the coming weeks. Hours before the New Moon, Mercury in Leo was square Jupiter in Taurus bringing huge inner realizations and insights. Hours after the lunation, the Lunar Nodes ingressed Aries-Libra (from Taurus-Scorpio). On July 20, the Sun trines Neptune, Mars opposes Saturn; on July 21 the Sun opposes Pluto, and finally, Venus stations retrograde on July 22.

The tide is turning. What you initiate now, is likely to have far-reaching ripple effects. Still, it’s not all smooth sailing — we’re moving through choppy waters. But with sensitivity, care, creativity, imagination, and detachment, the coming days could bring about a total transformation in a situation where we’ve previously felt powerless.

Cancer rules our emotions, our most basic needs of food, shelter, and water, as well as our innermost needs for safety, and security — emotionally, physically, materially, and financially. It represents one’s home, family, food, nourishment, mothers, children, the bond between them, the womb, women, and matters of fertility.

We can expect these themes to be surfacing at the front and center of our life and consciousness over the coming weeks.

As you enter this New Moon cycle — stay inwardly focused, and acknowledge how you feel, and what you need to feel safe — emotionally, materially, financially, and on all levels. Clarify your needs, and goals, reflect on your limits, release power struggles, be fluid and move with awareness.

Cancer is a deeply sensitive, intuitive sign. With current aspects: our intuition and psychic senses are running high. Go with the flow, nurture your dreams, and pour your energy into what you care most about. But there could also be waves of nostalgia tugging at our heartstrings. It will take awareness to not get pulled into the undercurrents of past patterns.

Significantly the Nodes shifted to Aries-Libra (from Taurus-Scorpio) just hours after the Cancer New Moon. The Nodes are the shadow of the Moon and point to our destiny, fate, karma, and a cycle of birth and re-birth. Since November 2021, the Eclipses in Taurus-Scorpio have marked a process of releasing power struggles, and past attachments, as we consciously step into new territory.

With the Nodes in Aries and Libra: our relationships are in focus over the coming 18 months. We’re in the process of reclaiming autonomy, and independence, and forging a new path forward even if it means upsetting the status quo. If we are being authentic; we can trust situations will find their natural balance. That said be conscious, not to cut your nose to spite your face. Actions have consequences and none of us is independent. The Nodal shift at this Cancer New Moon is teaching us: at best, we’re interdependent creatures and we need each other. What matters is that we’re stepping out of co-dependent patterns to engage as adults, as we are today, in the present.

Notably, on July 20, the Sun trines Neptune and Mars opposes Saturn. We’re in the flow. Trust your intuition but proceed with awareness, as you reflect on your limits and re-adjust boundaries as necessary. Doors are closing, opening, and lines are being drawn. We live, we learn, we grow. At best this is a chance to learn our lessons, but to let the past be water under the bridge. In the words of Bruce Lee, “Be like water,” and you could find your way around something that has been an obstacle.

July 21: the Sun opposes Pluto bringing powerful revelations and transformation. With Pluto at the end of Capricorn, we’re in the final throes of a long slow process, chipping away conditioning handed down through generations, society, culture, and parental and authority figures.

With the Sun (and New Moon) opposite Pluto, there’s a need to face and confront our shadow. There might be deep insecurities welling up and we’re likely feeling mixed emotions. But this is an evolutionary moment, and a chance to reclaim power in a situation where you’ve felt powerless.

Examine your family dynamics, and family ideas surrounding security, success, failure, relationships, and money. We can’t change the past, or anyone or anything outside of ourselves. And nothing and no one can have power over us unless we give it away. Consciously step out of patterns of co-dependency, parent-child, and victim-perpetrator dynamics, release power struggles, and engage with life as you are today.

As we evolve from childhood patterns, trust, that inner transformation will ripple out to transform your world and relationship dynamics. Change always comes from the inside out and this is an inner-purification process. Something that has been a source of irritation (at the least) is leaving you with a pearl.

July 22: Venus stations retrograde in Leo, followed immediately by Sun’s entry in Leo. A bold, dramatic new season begins, inviting us to dare to dive deeper into our hearts and acknowledge its most burning desires. I’ll have more to say about this in the coming days. But Venus is the planet that rules our relationships, money, creativity, beauty, and all matters of the heart. As she stations retrograde we’re entering a process of deep re-evaluation of our relationships, creative projects, and financial situations.

Her retrograde in Leo isn’t for the faint-hearted and there may be dramatic developments unfolding around her retrograde station. There might be people and relationships from the past re-entering our lives. Or perhaps we’re seeing someone’s true colors, or being revealed the heart of a situation. We’re feeling naked, exposed, raw, emotional, and vulnerable — but there’s something awfully beautiful about this.

It will require confidence, courage, and vulnerability to acknowledge our desires and to drop the ego. But the rewards of our courage will far outweigh any risks. Leo represents the “eternal here, now” and Venus speaks of love and our values. Nothing lasts forever, except love. And the value we get out of our experiences has the potential to change and enrich our lives forever.

July 23: Mercury squares Uranus, continuing a process we’ve been in since mid-June, bringing unexpected communication, insights, and realizations. Remain detached, be creative, innovative, and keep an open mind. A small adjustment or mind shift might be all that’s needed.

July 25: First Quarter Moon in Scorpio squares the Sun in Leo marking the halfway point between the Cancer New Moon and the Aquarius Full Moon on Aug 1, 2023. Let go of emotional baggage and the ego. We’re at a turning point and this is a chance for course corrections.

To sum it up: as you enter this Cancer New Moon cycle, stay connected with your inner emotional landscape, rise above insecurities, and be gentle. Cancer is an extremely empathetic, caring, sensitive, and nurturing sign. Powerful emotions are welling up, everyone is feeling hyper-sensitive and we’re becoming aware of our needs. Boundaries are healthy, but a little sensitivity will go a long way.

This is very fertile energy, what you feed will grow. Let go of the past, and resentments, and nurture what matters to you, as you shape and bring dreams to life consciously. And where one door closes, another is opening. It might be as simple as being willing to ask for help, or what we want, or need. Just let go of expectations of others, (then you won’t feel disappointed) and pay attention to who shows up.

Cancer represents our most basic needs — and if you’re reading these words, you have an internet connection and likely have food and a place to sleep tonight. Be grateful. We may or may not always get what we want. But under these skies, there’s a strong suggestion, we will get what we need. It starts with daring to acknowledge it.

With Love,

Priya Kale


Your career is in the spotlight in June. But first, a Full moon early in the month suggests a need to confront the past and your childhood honestly. Unexpected revelations are coming through, asking you to question what you thought you knew. Not all truths are easy to speak or hear, but they will liberate you. Rise above insecurities, and keep your sights on the big picture. The world is your oyster, and this is a breakthrough allowing you to make real progress and wise choices. Life is evolving, sparking and awakening (perhaps secret) desires and fears that you barely acknowledge to yourself. Be in no denial, then you won’t unconsciously self-sabotage all that is hopeful. You’re turning the corner a significant corner mid-month. Stay aligned with your goals, dig deeper for your integrity, and believe in yourself. As the Gemini New Moon aligns, you’re entering a new professional cycle. Reflect on and define what success means to you. You have the support of significant others in positions of power, inviting you to explore opportunities on the horizon. Reflect on your limits, and boundaries, but lower your guard as you focus on common long-term goals. Then you can deepen bonds that stand the test of time and distance. And if there’s any relationship you’re grieving, keep your perspective and have faith in the journey. As the Sun reaches the Solstice and you move to the end of the month —keep an open heart and dare to reach for the moon. You’re making connections that can help you materialize a long-held desire. Let go of expectations, and be open to serendipity. You may or may not get everything you want, but you will get what you need. At best, you could feel the kind of love that takes you to the moon and back.


Anais Nin famously said, “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage” and these are words for you to live by this month. Life is changing dramatically, profoundly, and powerfully, asking you to find your inner confidence. Your world is expanding and you have a lot to offer the world. Value yourself and allow space for a process of transformation in your relationships. A professional situation too is evolving. Now that you’ve seen the potential within you and it, re-evaluate your life goals, and vision as you explore the expansion opportunities. Financially and emotionally there’s gold to be mined. A close relationship is deepening to offer you more of the security you desire. Be true to your values and have more faith in yourself then you can negotiate win-win arrangements. Something you’ve hoped, dreamed, and wished for is within reach. Doors that were closed are opening. You have a lot to offer your community and may even be reconnecting with friends and partners. You’re not who you used to be, you’ve grown in wisdom and self-awareness. Confront the past honestly, but stay in the present. You can have what you want, but it starts be honest with yourself first. Then you can communicate honestly with others and reach a real breakthrough. Above all have more faith in yourself, and in the Universe — who is always listening and knows what you need without you having to ask. Life is a journey; wherever you go this month, be philosophical and go with all your heart.

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