Pisces New Moon: Heaven on Earth
Weekly Horoscopes | Cosmic Diaries: 2012 Astro Calendar
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NEW – Cosmic Diaries: 2012 Annual Horoscopes
Yesterday’s Pisces New Moon occurred at 2+ degrees of the sign at exactly 5:34 PM EST. As New Moons go this one is an extremely powerful one kicking off this era of Neptune in Pisces — heralding the potential for an experience of ‘heaven on earth.’
There are other powerful aspects at the time of this New Moon that can give us a clue into its energy. To begin with this New Moon occurs at the midpoint of Neptune at 0+ Pisces and Chiron at 4+ Pisces. Midpoints are rather significant in astrology and as the name suggests, they bring us access to a pointed fusion of the energies of the other two planets — like mixing two colors to get a third.
Here is a quote from Zane Stein, ‘the’ Chiron pioneer, from a letter he wrote to my friend and teacher Eric Francis in today’s edition of Planet Waves.
“Neptune has only recently entered Pisces, but it is feeling quite at home as it rules that sign. If a normal New Moon in this sign emphasizes the extremes of the two fish swimming in opposite directions (spiritual growth, for example, versus escapism), consider the conjunction with Neptune as upping the ante. The potential for spiritual growth is so much, much more so now than any of us have ever experienced in this lifetime, but likewise the potential for self-destruction is equally greater.”
Pisces is the sign of cosmic or Christ or Krishna Consciousness. But it is also the sign that represents Maya — the great cosmic illusion that tells us we are separate from a greater reality of God. It invites us to peer beyond the veil, if we want to experience a greater eternal truth and reality.
With the Sun and Moon at the midpoint of Neptune and Chiron — this calls for a great deal of self-awareness and discernment. Like clearing the windshield of fog, before we start driving the car on a cold dark night. And indeed this New Moon in many ways seems to me to represent the ‘dark night of the soul;’ purging us on our way to union with the one divine life force.
Here is a quote from the Wiki: “Rather than resulting in permanent devastation, the dark night is regarded by mystics and others as a blessing in disguise, whereby the individual is stripped (in the dark night of the senses) of the spiritual ecstasy associated with acts of virtue. Although individuals may for a time seem to outwardly decline in their practices of virtue, in reality they become more virtuous, as they are being virtuous less for the spiritual rewards (ecstasies in the cases of the first night) obtained and more out of a true love for God. It is this purgatory, a purgation of the soul, that brings purity and union with God.”