‘Follow Your Stars’ in Conde Nast Traveller

NEW! 2011 Annual Horoscopes | June Overview & Weekly Horosocopes Saturn in Libra 2010-2012 | Personal Astrology Consultations


Dear Friends and Readers,

I have a special announcement to make – my article on ‘Follow your Stars” (reflections on Astrology and Travel) is in the current June/July issue of Conde Nast ‘Traveller’ (Indian Edition.) The article also includes a guide to planning your dream holiday by your Sun Sign.

If you are in India, please pick up a copy and let me know what you think!

To new readers to the site, I extend a warm welcome. If you are arriving here for the first time after reading the article in the magazine, please email me to redeem your special offer at priya@priyakale.com and please mention “Traveller” in your subject line. Also, I invite you to peruse the website to get a feel for what I do. I hope you enjoy what you read and keep coming back!


A quick check in with the astrology — We are now hurtling between the Eclipses and the Quarter Moon on June 9, 2011 brings us to a turn of events from the recent Gemini New Moon and Partial Solar Eclipse on June 1, 2011 as we move towards the Sagittarius Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse on June 15, 2011. Avoid stressing on details and keep an on eye on the larger picture. There is the opportunity to fix or heal something that has long been ‘broken’ and the key will be communication.

Meanwhile, a little ‘lower’ in the skies — here in Mumbai after the sweltering heat of May the clouds finally burst into a downpour on the day of the Eclipse. I’d like to think it’s because I prayed and asked God to send the rain that day and give me a sign – but whatever the reason I am grateful.

To me the Indian Monsoon is the most romantic season. The earth comes alive, the air is cool and fragrant with the smell of the wet quenched soil and the trees are lush. Truly, you haven’t lived until you’ve experienced the first rain of the Monsoon season in India – so if you ever get a chance to visit I would highly recommend it.

On a bittersweet note I’m flying back to NYC this week, so the next time you hear from me will probably be from the other side of the world but I’ll keep you posted.

Hope you are welcoming the changes blowing your way and if you’re having a hard time wrapping your head around some of this stuff, have faith soon there will be clarity and you will know what you need to as long as you are open to truth.

“The answer my friend is blowing in the wind…”

— Priya Kale, June 5, 2011, Mumbai, India.


June Monthly Horoscopes are UP!


NEW! 2011 Annual Horoscopes | June Overview & Weekly Horosocopes Saturn in Libra 2010-2012 | Personal Astrology Consultations


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