GEMINI NEW MOON, JUNE 18 – 30, 2023

At 12:37 AM ET on June 18, the Sun and Moon aligned at 26+ Gemini ushering in a brand, sparkling, visionary, new cycle. On June 19 Venus enters the shadow phase, and Jupiter harmoniously aligns with Saturn, seeding the energy over the coming weeks.

I get the image of a moat, with a drawbridge, around a castle that holds a cornucopia of treasures within. We’ve been outside trying to guess the secret password that will lower the drawbridge granting access. Or we could be the ones in the castle perceiving a threat outside. But in refusing to lower a bridge, we’ve trapped ourselves. And what if the person outside isn’t a friend but a foe, here to tell us the coast is clear.

We’re in a new cycle now, opening a whole new world of possibilities.

The New Moon’s square Neptune is extremely visionary energy. But if we look eternally for answers, we’re likely to feel confused or like we’re moving in circles. Avoid projection — whether of your worst fears, or fantasies. Whether you feel like you’re inside or outside the gates, as you enter this cycle move inward to connect with an inner truth, to listen to your inner voice and intuition. It holds the key and a secret password. And it might tell you it’s worth checking if the person outside is a friend or a foe.

(Of course, this is an analogy but there’s a similar process unfolding somewhere in your life.)

Gemini is the sign that rules the mind, all forms of communication, transportation, siblings, duality, perceptions, thoughts, and all forms of expression. Expect these themes to be highlighted over the coming two weeks, especially in the area of your chart/life ruled by Gemini.

As you enter this cycle, clarify a vision in your mind’s eye and stay connected with the truth within. This is cerebral mental energy — so pay attention to your mental health. Meditate. Tune into your inner voice and quiet the mind. Spending time in silence nature, by the water, will help you reflect and find clarity.

With curiosity and honest open-hearted conversations, we can make valuable discoveries. Then we can make informed, conscious creative choices as we explore the treasures, pleasures, and support available.

Jupiter’s sextile to Saturn is an extremely expansive, fertile aspect. With Saturn’s newly retrograde, we’re discovering new depths within ourselves and in situations, inviting us to explore new opportunities and new horizons.

Roads and gates that were once shut are opening to offer greater freedom and support — emotionally and materially. But acknowledge where you might need to lower your guard, walls, and defenses, and be more flexible. Or to patch up leaks and what drains energy. Then we can allow in a greater flow of abundance, well-being, and prosperity.

Significantly, also on June 19, Venus enters the shadow phase and will station retrograde on July 22.

Relationships, finances, creative projects, and all matters of the heart are highlighted. Pay attention to what’s surfacing in the coming days. We’re getting a glimpse into a larger story playing out until Venus transits Leo in October. We will be revisiting and re-evaluating current conversations around September 3, when Venus returns to this degree of the zodiac and stations direct. So leave room for change and re-evaluation later.

Venus is the ruler of Taurus, where Jupiter is currently transiting. Relationships are moving to a new level, revealing greater love, and the emotional, financial, and creative potential within and around us. But it will require discernment, so we don’t overlook a solid opportunity while chasing something shiny but hollow. Learn your lessons, but release the past and stay in the present. Most importantly keep an open mind and heart, then you can make wise choices.

It’s likely we’re dealing with cultural differences and connections with others with vastly different ideas and perspectives. Keep this in mind. This is how we learn, through our interactions and contrast. Be honest with yourself about what you want, desire, value, your bottom line, be creative, think win-win; then communicate honestly. Also, actively listen to what someone is saying so you can truly understand another, bridge a gap, and find common ground.

Where there’s been a communication breakdown — there’s healing on offer. We’re nearing a breakthrough in the coming weeks. At best, this is a chance to pool together resources, join worlds, and deepen and strengthen lucrative, creative, loyal, loving partnerships, where there is mutual respect and freedom of expression.

From September 2022 till March 2023 Mars was transiting Gemini. Venus was transiting Gemini in April and early May. Now we’re in the Gemini New Moon cycle and Saturn is retrograde. We’re seeing the past, present, and future in a new light. We’ve seen the dark side, as well as the potential in others, in ourselves, and in situations.

Over the next two weeks, there’s a need to look at life, situations, and relationships with new eyes — as we are today. Avoid going to extremes and stay in the middle. We’ve looked at a situation from all angles, seen the good bad ugly. Nothing and no one is perfect. What matters is that we’re willing to learn and grow. It will call for vulnerability, authenticity, dropping defenses, and leading with the heart. But let go of perceptions of how you think things should be. Then you can discover the truth and start to see the sublime beauty in your current circumstances.

On a spiritual level, Gemini invites us to move beyond duality to recognize the underlying oneness of existence. Separation is an illusion of the mind. The space between us is not a vacuum. We are just different forms and expressions of that One energy.

We’re learning the power of the mind to create reality. As you enter and move through this cycle — stay inwardly focused, connected with an inner soul truth, and vision. Listen to your inner voice, which speaks in silence. Then you can be guided serendipitously and almost magically to the right place at the right time and find the magic words that open a whole new world of possibilities…

As you’re about to see, you have more options than you imagined. Be honest with yourself above all, and choose wisely.

— Priya Kale, June 18, NYC

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Dear Friends,

We are slowly coming down from the energy of a potent and powerful Lunar Eclipse in Gemini. Later tonight at 8:42 PM EST, December 13th, 2011, Mercury (ruler of Gemini) stations direct in Sagittarius — the opposite sign from Gemini.  There have been revelations no doubt, and the energy has been polarizing to say the least.

As Mercury comes to a halt before it moves forward again tomorrow, we are standing in the space between the past and the future. Take the time to pause and pay attention to the insights coming through over the next few days.

Although there has been a “retreat” or wanting to after the past few weeks, trust, we’ve gone as far back as we can with a situation. Now as we learn more information we can begin to move forward again on our journey with greater clarity, understanding and a new perspective on a situation that had us feeling split in two.


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