We’re waking up to reality and there are huge and searing realizations and insights surfacing today. Mercury is newly direct, the Moon enters fiery Aries at 3:56 AM, connects with powerful Pluto and clashes with sweet Venus, and passionate Mars connects with the planet of intuition Neptune. We’re gaining clarity on a situation that has mystified us. More importantly, we’re becoming more self-aware and aware of our desires and feelings. But this could get emotional; so if there is anger, fear, or other painful emotions surfacing – especially surrounding abandonment or any childhood trauma — release them consciously. Also, be careful to avoid picking scabs and pouring salt into wounds that are healing. Significantly Jupiter is at 29+ Aries and triggers the Aries Eclipse on April 19 — magnifying and moving situations (initiated at the time) to a whole new level. Above all today — trust your intuition, have faith in the Universe, and let it guide you.

Higher Love…: Venus conjunct Saturn; Neptune stations Direct in Pisces

November 2014 Horoscopes and Cosmic Weather

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Video: November overview & Taurus Full Moon.

New Video: Venus-Saturn conjunction and Neptune Direct station

Dear Friends,

The Moon is in Leo as I write this, reaching a square to the Scorpio Sun marking the Last Quarter phase; bringing us half-way between the Taurus Full Moon and Sagittarius New Moon a week from now.

by Marc Chagall.Last night, Venus made a conjunction to Saturn, ushering us over a major threshold in relationships, financial and creative situations; asking us to recognize and reclaim our power to create the change we need.

Also, you’ve probably noticed, the energy is particularly dreamy and spacey lately. Neptune is currently stationary, preparing to station direct in Pisces on Nov. 16, 2014.

Neptune is the higher octave of Venus — a higher love. And the current conjunction and direct station of these two planets holds a deep message for all our relationships, financial as well as creative situations for at least the coming year, if not thirty.

Here’s a video covering the aspects. (Apologies for the slight abrupt edit in the beginning and slight Neptunian ramble.)

Also, we’re entering the waning Moon phase towards the Sagittarius New Moon on Nov. 23, 2014 at 0+ degrees. Between now and then besides Neptune’s direct station, Mercury and Venus change signs.

As the Sun makes it’s way through the final days of Scorpio, use the energy to release as much baggage as you can, physically, emotionally so you can take flight with the new cycle.

For a more detailed interpretation of these and other aspects between now and the end of the month, you can sign up here for a one week free trial and receive the November monthly astrology report and horoscopes in your email.

As bitter-sweet as reality may be, you’ve passed a point of no return. And as much as there may have been a sense of having fallen from grace, here comes resurrection.

You’re staring at something with pure, fertile, infinite, creative potential. Seek clarity and have faith the details will fall into place.

What dream do you want to resurrect and or bring to life?




I am available for Astrology Consultations via phone or Skype. Please visit my Consultations page for details on Consultations or email me for further information or to schedule an appointment. I look forward to working with you.

Dream a little dream…: Venus conjuncts Neptune in Pisces

April 2014 Monthly and Libra Lunar Eclipse Horoscopes

Pre-Order your 2014 – 2015 Annual Horoscopes

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And all this time
The river flowed
To the sea.

— Sting, All This Time


Think about it, there must be higher love
Down in the heart or hidden in the stars above
Without it, life is a wasted time
Look inside your heart, I’ll look inside mine

— Steve Winwood, Higher Love


Dear Friends,

It’s Friday night, Venus is approaching a conjunction to Neptune in Pisces in a little over an hour from the time of my posting this at 10:23 PM EDT, Apr. 11, 2014. Venus is exalted in Pisces, and in conjunction to Neptune, ruler of Pisces, in Pisces.

This is the stuff dreams are made of. This is magical, musical, intoxicating, creative, dreamy energy, possibly bringing an experience of timelessness, dissolving in eternity, for however brief a moment.

With the Moon in Virgo, channel this energy so you don’t lose it — take the time to soak in art, music, be inspired and allow creativity and love to flow through you.

Pisces is the 12th sign of the zodiac, and it’s symbol is two fish swimming in a circle in opposite directions. And this symbol itself carries a deep mystical truth about the nature of this sign energy and the inherent duality.

Pisces represents the ethereal, the “Divine” or “God”; not what we “know” about God, but what God really “is.” And with Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces, if we tune in we could listen to the heart of God. But Pisces also represents “Maya” or the great illusion, the veil — that separates us from seeing reality. And this veil isn’t on the world — this is veil of perception.

We’re leading into the weekend, with the Moon growing as we move towards a powerful Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Libra the sign of relationships and art, there is a dream coming to heart. It could be easy to be intoxicated (in more ways than one) and see the world with rose (or wine) tinted glasses, making something appear a lot more alluring than it is.

But this is about unconditional love, not necessarily “romantic” love. Be careful not to dive in headlong without checking first if there’s water in the pool, or be too quick to dismiss something as a mirage. Or to put it another way, go deeper beyond the surface of something or someone.

Seek depth and transparency, go beyond perception, projection, belief and be in no denial (the worst lies are the ones we tell ourselves) then you need not fear a rude awakening. And only then, can you discover the true essence, beauty, nature and value of something and how infinitely divine and beautiful reality can be.

For now, as Venus conjuncts Neptune in Pisces, allow yourself to be inspired, heal, dream a dream. As the exact Full Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse occurs on April 15, 2014 at 3:42 AM EDT at 25+ Libra in a conjunction to the North Node and Hecate, you are being shown what you need to do and the choices you can make to restore balance, create harmony and breathe life into a dream.

I’m recording a special audio the coming Libra Eclipse, which will be sent out to subscribers by email in the next day or so. If you aren’t yet a subscriber, you can sign up here for a one week free trial to receive the audio for this Eclipse and the next (Taurus Solar Eclipse,) monthly Horoscopes and other reports for this life-changing month in your inbox.

I’ll be back with more astrology, in the meanwhile, I wish you love…

Priya Kale, Kingston, NY.


I am available for Astrology and Tarot Consultations by phone, Skype or in person if you live in or around Kingston, in the Hudson Valley. Email me at to schedule an appointment.


Quick update on the Cosmic Diaries: 2014 – 2015 Annual Horoscopes – I have to say I;m really happy with what’s come and is coming through as I make my way through the final edits. If you haven’t already ordered yours here is a link.

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