Higher Love…: Venus conjunct Saturn; Neptune stations Direct in Pisces

November 2014 Horoscopes and Cosmic Weather

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Video: November overview & Taurus Full Moon.

New Video: Venus-Saturn conjunction and Neptune Direct station

Dear Friends,

The Moon is in Leo as I write this, reaching a square to the Scorpio Sun marking the Last Quarter phase; bringing us half-way between the Taurus Full Moon and Sagittarius New Moon a week from now.

by Marc Chagall.Last night, Venus made a conjunction to Saturn, ushering us over a major threshold in relationships, financial and creative situations; asking us to recognize and reclaim our power to create the change we need.

Also, you’ve probably noticed, the energy is particularly dreamy and spacey lately. Neptune is currently stationary, preparing to station direct in Pisces on Nov. 16, 2014.

Neptune is the higher octave of Venus — a higher love. And the current conjunction and direct station of these two planets holds a deep message for all our relationships, financial as well as creative situations for at least the coming year, if not thirty.

Here’s a video covering the aspects. (Apologies for the slight abrupt edit in the beginning and slight Neptunian ramble.)

Also, we’re entering the waning Moon phase towards the Sagittarius New Moon on Nov. 23, 2014 at 0+ degrees. Between now and then besides Neptune’s direct station, Mercury and Venus change signs.

As the Sun makes it’s way through the final days of Scorpio, use the energy to release as much baggage as you can, physically, emotionally so you can take flight with the new cycle.

For a more detailed interpretation of these and other aspects between now and the end of the month, you can sign up here for a one week free trial and receive the November monthly astrology report and horoscopes in your email.

As bitter-sweet as reality may be, you’ve passed a point of no return. And as much as there may have been a sense of having fallen from grace, here comes resurrection.

You’re staring at something with pure, fertile, infinite, creative potential. Seek clarity and have faith the details will fall into place.

What dream do you want to resurrect and or bring to life?




I am available for Astrology Consultations via phone or Skype. Please visit my Consultations page for details on Consultations or email me for further information or to schedule an appointment. I look forward to working with you.

Saturn, Mercury, Mars, Venus in Virgo; Moon in Capricorn

Dear Friends and Readers,

I am in the midst of “renovations” here at priyakale.com and welcome your suggestions at this time.

Personal planets Mercury and Venus have now ingressed Virgo joining Saturn and Mars already in the sign. Tomorrow Venus conjuncts Saturn followed by Mercury’s conjunction later in the week.

With Mercury and Venus approaching Saturn there is a feeling of coming up against a something impenetrable in important personal situations. But this is the end of a cycle, bringing us to the start of a whole new one. Impossible and unbelievable as it seems, we are going past a barrier that may have held us back for too long.

Indeed it may feel like we are banging our heads against a brick wall. But we are going to get past this one way or the other. The question just remains what of our thoughts and emotions are we going to carry into this next new cycle. We are in the phase between eclipses, where everything that happens takes on a deeper meaning. Saturn’s influence can feel restrictive but it is also what helps us to stand up for what is right.

Any ideas, conversations or relationships we are nurturing are under this influence right now and we are being asked to do the hard work. As they say “when the going gets tough, the tough get going” and we can trust that what remains in our lives through this difficult period will be lasting, pure and of quality, integrity and substance.

Today Saturn makes an opposition to a minor planet called Borasisi. According Philip Sedgwick, Borasisi has the ceremonial astrological influence over “enacting affirmations, declarations, setting one’s rules of soulful communication and cosmic law.

When there are oppositions in the sky, we are brought to a point of confrontation. This aspect is giving us a opposite viewpoint, helping us see how we can now balance this abundance of Virgo energy, which can be fairly analytical and critical. The reasons oppostions cause such a feeling of polarity is because we are forced to confront that the two are not separate but rather paradoxically “one.” The more we can come close to the “center” of these opposite poles of energy — the easier it is to find “our” center and a balance.

I just had a thought which I am going to explore here…this is how I see oppostions, and opposite energy —

Imagine two people standing opposite one another, or on straight line in a field — they can see each other, flaws, beauty, scars, divinity and all. But if they want to communicate they have to come closer, meet in the middle. The further away they stand from each other the greater the tension, miscommunication and misunderstanding because each has to shout to be heard. So no matter how much of the “truth” each sees and speaks the other just can’t hear it, even if they are trying to say the same thing.

Just being a mirror is not enough, if there is to be any transformation there needs to a coming closer to the center where what is being seen — can be reflected with honesty.

We are setting boundaries now in our personal lives as well as our relationships, but Borasisi is a reminder to balance this energy with the soulful truth that lives deep within each of us. Instead of looking for ways to keep out the negative we can look for ways to allow in the cosmic and beautiful through the walls we have already built around us.

— On another note, speaking of opposites and heavy clouds, one of my favorite Scorpio friends Cole came over yesterday. I call him my angel, because he appeared in my life like that one stormy cold winters night and we’ve been through our share of storms since. But no matter what true to our astrology (we have a Sun Moon oppostion) we have an intuitive connection that is unreal.

He is a true mirror and a friend, who no matter how much we may have struggled in the beginning to learn to listen, he was patient and stayed with me through some really difficult times. Even today, every time I need him or have a “moment” he shows up like an angel to remind me of a divine presence behind it all.

Yesterday sometime in the afternoon the rain came down over NYC in buckets and torrents (I even mentioned it in an audio) with thunder louder than I have heard. Then just as suddenly as it came down, it had passed and the sun shined bright again. It was a moment I remember clearly and I remember feeling like this is the energy of the eclipse.

Cole is now a location scout and was showing me some of the pictures he took yesterday while he was in New Jersey and he saw the rain come down over New York City, that I want to share with you here. Its true, a picture speaks a thousand words and these dark clouds we may be feeling won’t be hanging around forever, for now allow the rain to wash away the fear.

With love,



I am now available for private consultations and am also now offering Personalized written reports based on yoru chart — written only for you. Please email me at priya-at-priyakale.com for more information on these services.

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