Buddha Pornima & Scorpio Full Moon

Astrology and Tarot Consultations with Priya

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May 2015 Monthly Horoscopes (Sample)

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Dear Friends,

We’re in Taurus season and just past a dramatic and powerful Scorpio Full Moon on May 4, 2015 at 13+ degrees opposite the Taurus Sun, with Jupiter at 13+ Leo forming a partile T-square to the lunation.

scorpmoonorbWith Jupiter in the mix — this is BIG.You can expect major revelations to come through in the days that follow, bringing huge opportunities if we dare seize them.

With Scorpio the message is always change; but this is the kind of change that happens deep in the shadows. And the Moon in Scorpio, suggests a deeper emotional process of transformation unfolding, deep below the surface where it can’t be seen, only felt.

Unfolding events are seeping into emotional crevices, leaving no room to hide from the demons that must be faced. But still there is a sense, of a child looking for monsters under the bed. It requires real courage to turn the lights on, but once he or she does, there’s nothing to be afraid of.


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