Venus squares Jupiter, Sun in Sagittarius

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Dear Readers and Friends,

Welcome to another busy week in the Cosmos. Over the next few days Venus makes aspects to the outer planets, highlighting activity within relationship and financial situations. This is also likely to release stuck creative and sexual energy. Today as Venus in Scorpio squares Jupiter in Aquarius it may feel like a struggle to find the balance between freedom and commitment.

With the Moon passing through Aquarius as well, this is a reminder to keep a healthy level of detachment and allow love the space needed to grow and breathe. Venus moving through Scorpio has been asking for a deep surrender. This means letting go of possessiveness, jealousy, bitterness, resentment to experience an inner evolution. The aspect may make us swing back and forth between wanting to be in control or close to someone, while on the other hand wanting to be free. Recognize your own desires first, then there can be a resolution. There is a need for acceptance and tolerance for another’s individuality but also recognizing one’s own feelings or fear of rejection or commitment.

Be aware that Jupiter’s influence can tend to exaggerate things. Financially this can be a huge turning point. Avoid the need to obsess or need to be in control of a situation, instead recognize the value of what you have to offer. It may feel like a crisis of faith in some situations, but at best this can be a recognition of one’s own inner power. We can never control the external, only how we respond to it.

Meanwhile the Sun has now ingressed Sagittarius bringing a new dawn. But given we are still emerging from the Scorpio New Moon, it could feel like squinting to adjust to the sudden light. Allow the time for this adjustment. It may seem hard to believe but Sagittarius asks that we go beyond belief, beyond the mind and move in faith over the coming four weeks.

Sagittarius represents resurrection and life after death. It represents God, religion (not in terms of organized religion which is more the realm of Capricorn — this is the sign of faith. It also represents wisdom, higher education, higher law, one’s ambitions and the greater truth. It asks that we move beyond boundaries and see the humor in life.

Mystics know this world is a God’s “cosmic joke” this is revealed in the sign of Sagittarius. It that asks us to let go of pain and see the humor in life. The ability to laugh is a blessing and Sagittarius can be one of the most humorous signs. As the sign after Scorpio, Sag knows life is too short to waste (hence the at times legendary impatience) on the past. It looks to the future.

Being a Taurus that likes to stop and smell the roses, growing up with Sagittarian parents who don’t “waste” any time surely made for interesting dynamics. But their most endearing quality would be their generosity of spirit. You can trust a Sagittarius to be the one that gives someone the shirt off his back. But this is the energy of God or the Universe, generous, kind and benevolent.

Over the next few days Venus will square Chiron in Aquarius, trine Uranus in Pisces and square Neptune also in Aquarius (in that order.) This may feel like wading to sticky territory, but move in awareness of your wounds rather than project them outward. If we can overcome doubt, let go of a painful past and be open to the spark of inspiration, there could be heavenly surprises in store.

Also this week Mercury in Sagittarius trines Mars in Leo. This can add to a sense of urgency and impatience, especially as we head towards the Gemini Full Moon a week from now.  A lot more will yet be revealed in time, so have faith and where possible be patient.

— Priya Kale, NYC

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