Mid-Year SALE — Cosmic Diaries: 2012 Annual Horoscopes
[Note: I wrote this Blog during the Venus transit, but with limited internet I just finally managed to post it.]
Dear Friends,
As I write this Venus is making her way across the disk of the Sun, eclipsing it like a little black dot. This extremely rare conjunction will not repeat itself for another approximately 125 years making it a once in a lifetime transit. This is in itself is special, but the close succession of other major astrological events before and after the transit, are culminating and bringing us to a peak moment of change.
Venus represents feminine energy, creativity, fertility, material wealth as well as relationships and our love life. A Venus-Sun conjunction is always an auspicious occasion, but a transit as rare as this is one (in Gemini) speaks volumes about love, relationships and our sense of material security. It may take a while to feel its effects and energy manifesting in your life, but you can trust its coming.
The last time this transit occurred was 8 years ago in 2004; We’ve been on an eight year journey of evolution. Although the circumstances may be different, there is a sense now of coming full circle with an issue, allowing us to make better choices in the present with a renewed understanding.
Gemini is the sign of the twins, it also represents duality, showing us opposite perspectives that are equally valid. But it requires us to step out of perception and opinions to look at the bigger picture, or be open minded enough to listen to another perspective in an effort to discover a truth. It requires courage to speak and listen from the heart, but you can trust any effort you make will be rewarded.
Also with Venus retrograde, it might be an opportune time for an introspective journey into your heart and desires. Ask yourself what you really want or makes you happy? Often we don’t ask or can’t answer that question, but yet we look to the external for something to blame as the reason for our unhappiness. Be honest with yourself, then you can make choices that support your truth, the reality you wish to create and your happiness.
To look at what this Transit of Venus is the harbinger of for you, your love life, relationships and financial security, I’m offering a special Venus Transit reading, exploring your chart, life and this transit for you in depth. You can make a payment below and email me to schedule an appointment at priya@cosmicdiaries.com.
— Priya Kale
Venus Transit of the Sun – Special Chart Reading – 60 min – $150.00
Mid-Year Horoscopes: Gemini and Sagittarius Eclipses* – $15.00
Gemini Solar Eclipse Horoscopes – Part 1 (Valid until June 4, 2012 and until December 2012.)
Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse Horoscopes – Part 2 (Valid until June 19, 2012 and until December 2012.)
*Part 1 of Horoscopes will be mailed to you with 2-24 hours of purchase.
Part 2 of Mid-Year Horoscopes covering the Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius will be mailed out to your email registered with PayPal around the time of the Lunar Eclipse on June 4, 2012.
These horoscopes will be sent out to Cosmic Diaries Subscribers as part of your subscription. If you have yet to try the service you can sign up here for a Week Free Trial.
~ Have you purchased your 2012 Annual Horoscopes yet? ~
~ Or contact me for a Personal Astrology Consultation for an in-depth reading on your chart… ~