Mercury stationary in Taurus | Moon in Aries leading to Taurus New Moon

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Note to Subscribers: I made a correction to the Pisces Weekly Horoscope, so please re-download file to get the correct version. Sample Weekly Horoscopes are in the post below this one.


Dear Friends,

It’s been an intense few days all around and we truly seem to be in a perfect storm. With Uranus at the end of Pisces still in opposition to Saturn, emotionally its been a roller-coaster.

The Moon entered Aries late Sunday evening and moves through the sign over the next couple of days. Expect to feel pretty determined and charged, but avoid power struggles as far as possible.

Meanwhile Mercury is in ‘storm phase’ as it stations direct tomorrow on Tuesday, May 11, 2010; leading us deep into the womb of the Taurus New Moon exact on May 13, 2010 at 9:04 PM EDT.

We are recovering our tracks with conversations and negotiations that began around Easter in early April when Mercury last occupied the sector of the sky it is in currently.

This is an extremely fertile climate, laden with potential and there is valuable truth surfacing.

With Mercury now stationary in the sky information may simply seem stuck. It may be tempting to take the bull by its horns, but there is a more creative way forward.

There will be a chance to rewrite the rules and level out a situation rooting it in the current reality.

This is a lot of earthy, slow moving energy. Over the next few days, it may just require a little patience to allow a situation to unfold naturally. By June we’ll be ready for a whole new adventure…

— Priya Kale, NYC


I am available for Personal Astrology Consultations via phone or Skype. Please email me to schedule an appointment. Thank you and I look forward to working with you.

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