Aries New Moon | Aries 14 Sabian Symbol | Happy Gudi Padwa…

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Happy Aries New Moon and Happy Gudi Padwa everyone!

Yesterday marked the Aries New Moon at 13+ degrees ushering us into a whole new world of possibilities The energy is hot, hot, hot…

Although right now, there may be a sense of feeling helpless or powerless in the face of authority figures that seem to be opposed to one’s best efforts. The emphasis is clearly on the self. Only in strengthening the self and one’s inner resolve can we re-birth on a personal level, leading to harmony without.

Mars (ruler of Aries) has just passed a conjunction to Uranus in Aries, suggesting there is no limit to what is possible if we channel this energy consciously.




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Here is an excerpt from yesterday’s New Moon report currently sent out to subscribers of the Cosmic Diaries Premium Service, which explains in greater detail the energy surrounding this lunation seeding this new cycle.

Aries New Moon report

An Excerpt ==

“We are now at the half way milestone in our personal journey and within an important relationship/s and situation. Things cannot go on the way they have. There may also be a sense of great urgency and impatience for things to change…

“But the opposition to Saturn in Libra is a reminder asking for maturity and thoughtful consideration of implications of our actions. Act and make choices in faith not fear…

“…Here in my home state of Maharashtra (I’m Maharashtrian) the day after the Aries New Moon is celebrated as Gudi Padwa – the Maharashtrian New Year.

“It is said on this day Lord Brahma created the Universe. Aries energy represents the fire of creation, when the unmanifest is manifest.

“Who are you? What stirs your passion? What do you want? And what do you want to bring to life? Priya Kale, an excerpt from the Aries New Moon report, Apr. 3, 2011.”

The Sabian Symbol for this degree of the New Moon, Aries 14 reads: A serpent coiling near a man and woman.

Here is Dane Rudhyar’s insightful and penetrative reinterpretation of the Sabian Symbols from his book An Astrological Mandala (in my opinion a must have.)

“Keynote: Identification in bipolar relationship with the impersonal rhythm of natural energy.”

“The symbol for phase 4 pictures a man and woman in love walking together. At this new mentally stimulated level of experience and consciousness, a third factor appears: the serpent, whose coiling represents the spiral-like processes of evolution – not merely “sex” according to the maker of cathartic symbols Sigmund Freud. We can understand this “triangular” image if we relate it to the preceding one of the series, the unexploded bomb of the anarchist or activist. The urge to blow up some structure, which somehow has become in the activists mind a symbol of Establishment—the ruling elite – is usually the protest of an alienated and often immature mind that refuses relationship, because in relationship he would occupy a subservient position. In this symbol, the serpent represents the acceptance of relationship by the two polarized human beings.

“There must be polarization before there can be fulfillment. The tragedy of so many contemporary lives is that, having become sharply individualized the men and women cannot find their truly matching polar opposite. Because they are not fulfilled at the root level of human emotions and vitalistic forces, they pass their lives seeking the ideal complement, often glamorized as the “soul mate.” This search can find its expression at several levels. At the mystical level we have the examples of “spiritual marriage” of Saint Francis of Assisi and Santa Clara, or recently of Sri Aurobindo and Mother Mira.

“The Adam and Eve story (in Hebrew, Ish and Isha — much more significant names!) refers to this principle of polarization, although the story has been turned upside down by priestly intellects to serve their own purposes. Adam and Eve accepted the Presence, not of the Tempter, but of the Individualizer, who sought to have the born out of the womb of unconscious passivity to Nature’s God. But the result of the experience frightened them. The “hid”; they failed in the great test of individualization, and in this sense the archetype of failure is deeply embedded in man’s generic unconscious. It is repeated time after time.

“Modern “individuals” are confronted with another test, but they do not understand its meaning. It is the test of polarized conscious participation in the evolutionary process – a polarization that could dissolve alienation, isolations and egocentricity. In a sense at least this was the old Tantric concept in India; but today many young people accept the concept only superficially and miss its real essence. They cannot miss it’s meaning of entering into the serpent i.e. of developing eonic consciousness and that transpersonal living that was once characterized by the words: Not I live, but Christ lives me – Christ, whose symbolic number in Gnosticism is 888.

“At this stage, we are confronted with an image suggesting the transpersonal image suggesting the transpersonal way to the “cosmification” of desire and the conscious acceptance of polarization as the solution of the problems generated by individualization. But this need not mean what is meant by “sex” and the glorification of the orgasm. It implies rather the RITUALIZATION OF RELATIONSHIP.”

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