You’ve grown leaps and bounds since the year began, and you’re in the center of all the action in April. But as the Libra Full Moon aligns, there’s a need for balance between you and your relationships. If insecurities or past resentments are arising, release them consciously. A relationship is only as successful as its ability to meet both persons’ needs. What do you need to feel safe? What do you offer your relationships? Who feels like home? What were the patterns you saw played out in childhood? What are you leaving behind? Not all of this might be comfortable but release the past and childhood patterns consciously. It’s an ideal time to spring clean (metaphorically and literally), nest, and sink into the present as you welcome a new life. A second New Moon and Eclipse in Aries sets the trajectory of your life for the next 18 months. You’re releasing an old identity and re-birthing into the fullness of who you are today. Ask yourself – Who am I? Be true to yourself as you step into the light bravely, fearlessly, and authentically. As the Sun ingress Taurus and Mercury stations retrograde you’re entering a process of re-evaluating emotional and financial investments. Dig deeper for your values, think win-win, and you can renegotiate arrangements successfully. You’re safe, loved, and your life is a gift. Be grateful, and be generous with your good fortune — there’s plenty to go around and then some. Events this month are setting in motion an 18 month phase of transformation. For a more personal in-depth look at your chart email me at to schedule a Consultation. I look forward to working with you!