Hello All,
I recorded a podcast with Scott Folmer just yesterday after a looooong break — the last show we did was on Dec. 26, 2010 in between the last set of Eclipses. As we edge onwards into the Eclipses again, we’re back with another show!
We talk about the astrology of the upcoming Gemini Eclipse, everything, nothing and yes — even the Rapture, taking a quick peak at Harold Camping’s chart to see why the obsession with the end of the world… I’ll be back with more astrology in a day or two. For now, read on and listen on… Enjoy!
— Priya Kale, Mumbai, India.
Show #44 – Priya’s long overdue update and how it ties in with the Rapture
“You reading this right now? Then you weren’t taken during the Rapture that never happened. We take a look at Harold Camping’s astrology chart and try to find out why this “doomsdayer” thought that without doubt that the Rapture was going to take place on May 21st, 2011. This leads us into very interesting discussions about everything and end about nothing. You will have to just listen for yourself to see what I mean. Hope all is well and that you are stocked up on food and water incase disaster comes your way.” — Scott Follmer