Weekly Horoscope Service | Personal Astrology Consultations
Cosmic Diaries: 2012 Annual Horoscopes
Dear Friends,
We’re now past the first big Eclipse of the year and at the start of a profound new cycle setting patterns for the coming 6 months.
Late tonight in the US and early tomorrow, Mercury (ruler of Gemini) conjuncts Jupiter suggesting suggesting there is big news, possibly “good” news on the horizon. And the conjunction in Taurus suggests this could be pretty solid.
Mercury is the ruler of Gemini, (where yesterday’s Eclipse took place) and Jupiter is the ruler of Sagittarius, where the North Node is currently transiting and where the Lunar Eclipse takes place in 2 weeks at the end of this New Moon cycle. This feels like the past catching up with the future, to meet in middle, where reality resides.
Also very interestingly Mercury and Jupiter are also in a triple conjunction with Asbolus, a centaur planet that deals with issues of survival. Eric Francis writes “A short delineation would sound like this: “Survival and the recognition of having survived. Deep contact with something organic and essential — the ability to endure and even thrive ‘despite it all’. Asbolus arrives with intense circumstances but also protection from victimhood, and protection even when it seems like none is there, such as in the story ‘Footsteps’.”
Jupiter’s influence is benevolent, expansive and generous; it also the planet that represent hope and wisdom. Mercury deals with communication, transportation, commerce and. Pay close attention to the conversations you are having now. Be wise, dare to think big, think longterm and explore possibilities and avoid being stubborn or too stuck in your opinions. The more you can admit you “don’t know” the more you stand to learn and gain.
No matter how huge the “problem” you face right now, the triple conjunction taking place in Taurus suggests this could bring the discovery of resources and options that were previously unavailable; leading to a feeling of having escaped, surviving, or perhaps even thriving, against the odds.
Of course, there is plenty more to be revealed and that will come to light as we edge towards the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse two weeks from now. But still what you learn now is has the potential to show us the road to the future, freedom and security we seek. It may not mean that all your prayers are answered, but yet some could be. Be cautious but there is every reason to feel optimistic.
If you want to know how you can make the most of the opportunities coming your way, contact me for a Personal Astrology Consultation to get an in-depth look at your chart.
Or you can sign up for a week’s Free Trial to the Subscriber service, by clicking the banner below to stay updated with the skies each week.
— Priya Kale, May 21, 2012
Mid-Year Horoscopes: Gemini and Sagittarius Eclipses* – $15.00
Gemini Solar Eclipse Horoscopes – Part 1 (Valid until June 4, 2012 and until December 2012.)
Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse Horoscopes – Part 2 (Valid until June 19, 2012 and until December 2012.)
*Part 1 of Horoscopes will be mailed to you with 2-24 hours of purchase.
Part 2 of Mid-Year Horoscopes covering the Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius will be mailed out to your email registered with PayPal around the time of the Lunar Eclipse on June 4, 2012.
These horoscopes will be sent out to Cosmic Diaries Subscribers as part of your subscription. If you have yet to try the service you can sign up here for a Week Free Trial.
~ Have you purchased your 2012 Annual Horoscopes yet? ~
~ Or contact me for a Personal Astrology Consultation for an in-depth reading on your chart… ~