Personal Astrology Consultations
Weekly Horoscopes & Monthly Astrology reports
Cosmic Diaries: 2012 Astro Calendar
Hello Friends,
A quick check in. Currently, Mars is stationary in the sky as it prepares to station retrograde on Jan. 23, 2012 and it may feel like important plans are screeching to a halt. Also, the Moon is in Scorpio reminding us to let go of trying to control situations and flow with them instead. For all that may seem urgent or overwhelming, taking it a day at a time may be all we need…
Also you may know I am in the midst of finishing the 2012 Annual Horoscope project for your Individual signs. Just yesterday I started sending out files for proofing to Andrea (an angel) for who has helped and been an invaluable support to me over the past 4 years –especially during the Annual Project.
I am happy to announce the Horoscopes are shaping up nicely and are in-depth readings of roughly over 2500 words, describing in detail the astrological climate for you and your sign.
If you haven’t ordered yours already this is your last chance to do so at the current pre-order prices.
I would recommend you purchase readings for your Sign and Rising Sign to get a more in-depth picture. Or you can purchase all 12 at a ridiculously low price, (given the extent of the forecast and the work that has gone into these) for less than $10 a sign and share them with family and friends.
And if you have already purchased your readings, thank you for your faith and patience as I work on these. I am working hard to have them to you as soon as possible around the Aquarius New Moon and Chinese New Year.
2012 is indeed shaping up to be one of the most important years of our life times. I certainly do not know it all and a lot of what I write “comes to me.” But after years of watching the planets day in and day out, the one thing I can say for certain is — the Universe is not random, nor chaotic. The planets are a giant cosmic-clock and do work like clockwork. There is a method to the madness, purpose and always a reason, even if we don’t see it always immediately.
Even if things feel like a roller-coaster of change at times, (like we are now experiencing,) I feel grateful to have this astrological perspective and even more grateful to be able share it with you.
Thank you for being on the journey,
With Love,
Jan. 9, 2012 — Update: Note on your 2012 Annual Horoscopes
Pre-Order your Cosmic Diaries: 2012 Annual Horoscopes
**These are Pre-Order Prices which will go up at the time of release, by the Aquarius New Moon.
Cosmic Diaries: 2012 Annual Horoscopes – All 12 Signs – $100.00**
Cosmic Diaries: 2012 Annual Horoscopes – ANY 6 Signs – $75.00**
Cosmic Diaries: 2012 Annual Horoscopes – ANY 2 Signs – $28.00**
Cosmic Diaries: 2012 Annual Horoscope – ANY ONE Sign – $15.00**
“I have never taken horoscopes that seriously beforehand. I came across your website by fluke and have kept my eye on your monthly horoscopes of this year. They have been very accurate and so I back dated all your monthly and annual horoscopes of 2009. Last year was a very eventful year for me and each and every one of your forecasts were spot on. I wish I had read them beforehand because then I would have understood the process I was going through, responded accordingly and had a bit of reassurance when things got too stressful. My best friend (Libra) and I (Gemini) have recently purchased our annual 2010 horoscopes. Our first reaction after reading them was- they are so accurate that they are spooky. It was almost like you knew us personally and observed our lives over the year. We are very pleased with them and thank you. They help us understand what’s been happening in our lives and issues we need to look into. Over the last one year I have compared your astrological writings to several well known astrologers. I like you over them all because of your accuracy, simplicity in writing and what makes you special from them is you give practical advice to deal with trends and address the soul because I now know all changes can be made when you address the soul”.
— PK, New South Wales