Cosmic Diaries: 2015 Year Ahead & Annual Horoscopes
“I know nothing, except what everyone knows – if there when Grace dances, I should dance.” –W.H. Auden
A very happy New Year to each and everyone of you reading these words!
I apologize for being a day late in my wishes, but I was racing against time to get the 2015 Year Ahead uploaded to the site and sent out to subscribers.
Without further adieu, below is a brief overview of coming year, covering major highlights, taken from the detailed 2015 Year Ahead report.
To read the full detailed report you can sign up for the Cosmic Diaries Subscriber Service here, or purchase the Cosmic Diaries: 2015 Annual Horoscopes here. The password will be sent to you at the email used at the time of purchase. Please allow 2-24 hours for delivery.
(If you’ve already purchased your horoscopes, or are a subscriber and haven’t received the full report please, check your bulk or spam folder and or email me so I can send it out ASAP.)
Before I go a heartfelt thank you for your faith, support and encouragement through the years. I am grateful to be a part of your journey, as I am grateful for you being a part of mine.
I look forward to being your astrologer, in 2015 and the years to come!
With love and blessings for a joyous and prosperous New Year!
I’ll be back with a Blog on Saturn in Sagittarius shortly so do check back in. I just wanted to get this up here for now. Catch you soon. — pk.
Cosmic Diaries: 2015 Year Ahead (Brief Overview & Highlights)
Welcome to 2015!
“Over the past few years, we’ve been at a turning point globally and individually — with an ongoing series of seven Uranus-Pluto squares that have dominated the skies.
“2014 brought things to a head and came with a dramatic close, setting us on a whole new path. .
“Life is never without its challenges, and 2015 will have its share. That is how we grow. But for all the hard work, that evolution has demanded, its like there’s a cosmic celebration party waiting to welcome us to the other side.
“And 2015 will be a year we will look back on fondly, as a time when everything began to turn around. It’s time to give yourself permission to let your hair down, love, live, laugh, create and most importantly have fun…”
“Revolving Doors…”
Uranus-Pluto square – March 17, 2015 (Final aspect in a series of 7 squares till 2073.)
“…A process has been heating up; and 2012 marked the first of (seven) squares between Pluto and Uranus — reflecting the state of change we’ve been in collectively, globally and very personally.
“The most recent and 6th in this series of squares occurred on Dec. 15, 2015. Now the red-letter day, we’ve been waiting for, arrives on March 17, 2015, marking the seventh and final square between these two planets (until 2073) propelling us into the future.
“As the year progresses, the ongoing influence of the aspect starts to dissipate; we turn a corner to discover a new path and fertile new territory to be explored…” Continued… Read full detailed report of the 2015 Year Ahead here.
Saturn in Sagittarius
“Speaking of new pathways, we enter this year in an undeniably new world.
“Saturn entered Sagittarius on Dec. 23, 2014; doors closed and chapters ended, as surely as new ones have begun. And these first six months of 2015 call for an exploration of this new world.
“But don’t stray too far. Saturn returns to Scorpio from June to September 2015 and there’s unfinished business, relationships and situations that yet need to be resolved. But hopefully we can do so with renewed wisdom, given our experiences through the first half of the year. Then you can re-evaluate important boundaries given all you’ve learned.
“Sagittarius represents the higher mind, higher educations, law, high courts, philosophy, psychology, international travel, foreign cultures, languages, everything beyond boundaries and beyond the horizon. It also rules religion, spirituality, what we know of “God,” wisdom, knowledge and you can expect these themes to be highlighted in your life.
“Sagittarius is also the sign of “flight” and we’ve already seen and will continue to see the aviation industry in the news. The aviation industry and laws, especially surrounding international travel, international law. We’re also likely to see the reshaping, redefining borders across the world, new international coalitions. Immigration laws too will be under focus; really everything to do with borders, foreign land, education, including hopefully the severely outdated laws surrounding student loans in the US.
“There may be a sense of having to slow down, look before you leap; aim before you let go of the arrow. Think of this transit of Saturn in Sagittarius, over the next two and half years as construction on the highway. The road to get somewhere will be long, you will encounter obstacles along the way, perhaps a few road-blocks, detours and dead-ends.
“Remain humble and keep your perspective at all times. Every situation and person you encounter has something to teach you. Your journey is the destination…” Continued… Read full detailed report of the 2015 Year Ahead here.
“Fire of creation…”
Three Venus – Mars conjunctions
Venus conjuncts Mars at 01+ Aries on Feb. 22, 2015
Venus conjuncts Mars at 14+ Leo on Sept. 1, 2015
Venus conjuncts Mars at 24+ Virgo on Nov. 3, 2014
“Perhaps the most exciting part about 2015 is the occurrence of three Venus and Mars conjunctions (usually we have one) suggesting three times the fun, passion, excitement and fertile, lush potential for financial situations, all relationships — romantic, business, platonic and all matters of the heart and your creativity.
“Mars being the male principle, the seed of life and creation — and Venus the female of feminine principle, the womb from which all is born.
“As the final Uranus-Pluto square culminates, the climate is fertile like the soil after a forest fire in the wake of destruction, ready new growth.
“Venus and Mars are relatively fast moving planets, so the actual influence of the individual aspects are likely to span a few days on either side. But with three conjunctions in a year, there is a greater story arc being played out.
“So I would ask you to play close attention to what surfaces and the people and situations you are dealing with at the time of the conjunctions. These are the key players. And there’s a lot of potential here, but you have to dance.
“Love and relationships are heating up. Sparks, could turn into a roaring fire allowing you to rekindle an existing relationship, meet a partner who could be your equal or then perhaps even see dramatic re-unions…” Continued… Read full detailed report of the 2015 Year Ahead here.
“Big Love…”
Jupiter in Leo 2014 – 2015
“Jupiter is retrograde in Leo as we begin the year, and there is a sense of retreating into oneself.
“This is a chance to get honest about what you’re aiming for, what you truly desire and making sure they align. Also ask yourself if you might be holding back from exploring an opportunity, because of self-doubt or a false lack of confidence. Also, be in no denial of your conditioning that perhaps prevents you from exploring your greatest potential.
“Jupiter stations direct on April 8, 2015 and will make it’s final pass through Leo until mid-August. The transit continues to renew optimism, passion, zest for life, bolstering confidence.
“Where ever you have Leo in your chart — this is your chance to make hay while the Sun shines. There are likely to be more spontaneous journeys, adventures, once in a lifetime opportunities beckoning you to explore them.
“Be wise, reach for your most hopeful, optimistic vision and you can trust you will land on your feet…” Continued… Read full detailed report of the 2015 Year Ahead here.
“All things great and small…”
Jupiter in Virgo: 2015 – 2016
“Jupiter enters Virgo on Aug. 11, 2014 for a period of a year. The last time Jupiter was in Virgo was in 2003 and we’re coming full circle now.
“Jupiter enters Virgo for a period of a year in August 2015, and with Venus retrograde at the time of the ingress and Saturn in Scorpio — this transit will likely have a lot to do with reconnecting with old partners relations healing, building or rebuilding bridges –strengthening connections through the experiences you’ve shared with another.
“Something may seem like a huge mess, making you all too hyper-vigilant and aware of all that is wrong, could go wrong; perhaps overwhelmed with the task at hand. But Rome wasn’t built in a day; you have to start somewhere and you can start small.
“Be it physical or emotional wounds you’re dealing with, a situation at work or in your life: It will take dedication commitment, love care and devotion, but you can heal or fix anything during this time — from a broken heart, to cleaning up your life…” Continued… Read full detailed report of the 2015 Year Ahead here.
As you enter this new year, what are you leaving behind? What makes your life worth living? What stirs your passion? What do you wish to create? What’s stirring deep in your soul?
You’re embarking on a journey of a lifetime, and early in the year, a powerful Cancer Full Moon offers a chance to wipe the slate clean, consciously let go of the past, emotional baggage, patterns and conditioning.
Then you can greet life and this New Year with your arms wide open.
Get your dancing shoes on…
— Priya Kale, Cosmic Diaries: 2015 Year Ahead Overview. (Part One of Annual Horoscopes)
To read the full detailed report you can sign up for the Cosmic Diaries Subscriber Service, or purchase the Cosmic Diaries: 2015 Annual Horoscopes at this link. Report will be sent to you at the email used at the time of purchase. Please allow 2-24 hours for delivery.
(If you’ve already purchased your horoscopes, but haven’t yet received the report please, check your bulk or spam folder and or email me so I can send it out ASAP.)
Thank you and I look forward to being your astrologer, in 2015 and the years to come!