New Video: Mars-Saturn conjunction in Scorpio: 2014 – 2016
Mars-Saturn Horoscopes (2014 – 2016)
Cosmic Diaries Subscriber service
Personal Astrology Consultations
Hello Friends & welcome to September!
First — I’ve written Daily Horoscopes for you and your sign for this whole week of Sept. 1 – 7, 2014 for Yasmin Boland, at her website, so do check them out.
A few hours ago, Monday at 1:40 PM EDT, the Moon entered Sagittarius — a welcome relief after the intensity of the weekend as the Moon moved through Scorpio, making an occultation to the now separating Mars-Saturn conjunction.
Pay attention to the insights that came through though over the weekend. You’ve learned painful lessons. You’re in a new cycle and you need not repeat them if you remain conscious of them. Just watch your own desire now to manipulate the truth, to suit your own devices. And if you’re going to play with fire, then at keep your eyes open and don’t pretend its water.
Tomorrow, Mercury enters Libra; and this week among other aspects, the Sun trines Pluto, and Venus changes signs to enter Virgo. Also tomorrow we reach the First Quarter of the Moon, marking the half-way point between the Virgo New Moon and a potent Pisces Full Moon a week from now, on Sunday Sep. 7, 2014 at 17+ Virgo – Pisces.
The Sabian Symbol for the Virgo Sun at the time of this Pisces Full Moon is “A Volcanic Eruption.” Dane Rudhyar’s ‘Keynote’ for this symbol reads: “The explosive energy of long-repressed contents of the subconscious.” So be in no denial and move in awareness this week.
I’ve interpreted these and other aspects over the coming week in detail in the Weekly Weather report sent out to subscribers earlier today. Below is last week’s report as a sample, and a hopefully a useful look back as you move forward this Full Moon week.
Also, you may have read, I’ve changed my Consultation rates recently. And in an effort to work with you better, I’m introducing a new 3 month, 6 month and 1 year intensive astrology consultation package. We would do an hour session every two weeks, following progress with current transits to your natal chart, secondary progressions, as well as diving deeper into your natal chart.
Besides being a more cost effective option, I am hoping this will help you learn your chart and natural cycles intimately, as you observe them play out in your life, offering you tools you can carry with you a lifetime as you navigate your earthly journey. I will update the Consultation page sometime tomorrow (Tuesday) with these options, so please do check back in.
The report below is part of the Cosmic Diaries Subscriber service which currently includes weekly astrology reports, a monthly horoscope, discounts on Consultations, special reports and more.
More soon…
Cosmic Diaries: Week of Aug. 25 – 31, 2014
This report below is part of the Cosmic Diaries Subscriber service. To read the current report for this week of Sep. 1 – 7, 2014 you can sign up here for a One Week Free Trial. If you cancel anytime within the first week you will not be charged. (Only one free trial per person.)
Monday 25 August 2014
09:38:15 UT – Venus (16 le 3’5″) trine Uranus (16 ar 3’5″ Rx)
12:29:18 UT – Mercury (17 vi 39’32”) sextile Saturn (17 sc 39’32”)
14:12:45 UT – NEW MOON – Sun (2 vi 18’31”) conjunct Moon (2 vi 18’31”)
19:29:38 UT – Mars (17 sc 40’31”) conjunct Saturn (17 sc 40’31”)
We begin this week with the much anticipated Virgo New Moon and Mars-Saturn conjunction. This is a clean slate, new start, the end and more importantly the beginning of a new chapter. What are you seeding? What are you leaving behind?
Dig deep, clear space — emotionally, physically, mentally. Virgo is all about healing, organization, routines… Be conscious as you plant seeds for something that’s growing deep in the earth, taking new life, resurrecting from the ashes of the past. With Venus in a trine to Uranus and Mercury in a sextile to Saturn, these are harmonious aspects, and there may be surprising developments unfolding in relationships, financial situations.
Doors are closing and opening; some may be open waiting for you to, turn the handle and, walk through. Have a vision, but stay grounded in reality. As long as you learn your lessons, you need not fear repeating them. Feel the fear, and do it anyway — the only way out now, is through something. And you can start something now that could continue to live on, give back and serve a greater purpose, long after you’re gone… That’s the goal if any, anyway…
Tuesday 26 August 2014
18:21:51 UT – Venus (17 le 43’45”) square Saturn (17 sc 43’45”)
With Venus square Saturn today, this is a turning point in financial and creative situations as well as in relationships. Remember you are in a new cycle now, so this is your chance to turn a corner from old patterns. And squares always point to an inner resolution. What you perceive as an obstacle is actually your strength, own it.
It will require taking courageous steps. But this is a step forward, and you will never know what’s around a corner until you turn it. Whether you go left or right is up to you always, but at some point you commit — not to a goal, a person or anything outside of you but — to a direction, aligned with your inner compass. And when you find that point, you go for it. This is that moment.
Wednesday 27 August 2014
15:45:44 UT – Venus (18 le 49’36”) square Mars (18 sc 49’36”)
The Moon remains in Virgo today, and we’re still in this new cycle seeding new growth. This is very passionate, sexual, creative energy. You’ve turned a corner with Saturn, now this is the time to recognize your inner desires and passions, acknowledge them — and feel to share and express them. But still this is a personal thing, which means letting go of attachment of what will be reciprocated or attachment to an outcome. Especially as we move to a Sun-Neptune opposition tomorrow,
This is about you being you, wholly. Financially too there can be turning points now, setting you on a new path. You may have to work for it. But you have the resources you need to create what you need.
Friday 29 August 2014
14:32:38 UT – Sun (6 vi 11’6″) opposite Neptune (6 pi 11’6″ Rx)
With a Sun – Neptune opposition today, for romantics, artists and dreamers this is the garden of eden. There is a dreaminess to the energy, but at best this is where spirit and matter meet.
Empty yourself, surrender to the Universe and allow yourself to become a vessels for the divine spirit that flows, breathes and lives through you. Allow it to move you, and allow yourself to be moved. You are merely a channel.
But still keep your feet firmly in reality, you’ve learned important lessons. Now you can grow and be graced if you let go of expectations but just be open to what the Universe is showering you with, without clinging or trying to attach a meaning to it. Analysis kills the magic.
This is a great time for you to channel the muse, lose yourself in art, music, even love. But Neptune is always about a greater unconditional soul love, that goes beyond earthly attachments.
The Moon is in Libra at this time, so in relationships especially, be careful not to get swept away in a fantasy, or project suspicion or fear.
If something seems too good to be true, it may or may not be — just proceed slowly, “one day at a time…” then you can learn what you need to learn, allowing you to make informed choices and are in no danger of slipping up.
Saturday 30 August 2014
08:52:49 UT – Moon enters Scorpio (direct)
Sunday 31 August 2014
19:06:48 UT – Occultation of Saturn by the Moon (18 sc 2’5″)
There are no major aspects occurring over the weekend, but with the Moon’s ingress into Scorpio, the changes are coming in thick and deep.
A situation is evolving and as the Moon passes over Mars and Saturn this weekend it will also make aspects to Venus, so situations that began early this week are deepening and evolving now. There are deep passionate emotions arising, perhaps sexual desires.
Surrender, rather than control is the easier way forward. Be honest about how you feel, but let go of the attachment to the outcome of a situation. The less you cling, to the past or future, the easier the transition through.
And with that we also reach the end of the month. If you didn’t feel it at the beginning of the week, you will this weekend. You are in a whole new chapter of your life now. You can set in motion changes that could carry you forward a long way.
It will require your commitment; recognize, you have the power to choose consciously who or what you invest your energy, then you can reclaim power.