Cosmic Diaries: December Monthly Horoscopes 2016
— by Priya Kale
ARIES – Recent years have been no cakewalk; 2016 has been dizzying for most, but you’ve been especially challenged. It’s taken you around the world, into the abyss, and spat you back out on top; asking you to regain perspective on what you want out of life. You’re reaching a milestone in your journey now bringing you to a fork in the road, presenting you with life-changing choices. This might mean the end of the road for certain situations; but when one door closes, another opens. Keep your perspective on an evolving professional situation. You’re learning information showing you: you have more options, freedom and support from your partners than you imagined to reach a goal. Really this is an end to old ways of thinking that have previously impaired your judgment, or limited your potential, so you can truly be free to explore all the options life has to offer you now. A vision is crystallizing this month, asking you to keep long-term goals in mind. As you acknowledge and let go of old ambitions you’re evolving from, you can reclaim your power in a professional situation that has held far too much power in your life. Something you thought was impossible is asking you to think again. There are huge developments and revelations coming through at the end of the month, which might cause you to question if you can trust what you’re being told. Become conscious of your own subconscious stuff, then you needn’t fear getting sucked into someone else schemes and can make wise choices. Also, when in doubt, avoid projecting suspicion, or any tendency to obfuscate information out of fear or paranoia. You’re breaking free of old identity, dissolving way of being, and awakening to an awareness of your infinite untapped potential. What you need are equal partnerships that give to you as much as you have to share with them. Be humble, trust your deepest intuition, and pay attention to who listens when you share your dreams. There are people who can guide and support you through this next part of your journey and adventure. Ask for the help you need and be open to receive. This is what they call liberation.
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TAURUS – This year has tested you and you’re reaching the end of your limits, steeling yourself for the worst. But all your trials and tribulations have prepared you for what’s to come. You’ve been through the abyss, back out and you’re about to come out on top with flying colors. You have huge life-choices to make, and it might seem like little is in your control. Keep an open mind and perspective on an evolving situation and have faith in your ability to deal with it as information arises. You’re not trapped, other than in your mind. Avoid giving away your power blindly to anyone or anything — especially superficial assumptions, beliefs, ideals about the world, relationships, success, failure — and avoid judging something or someone based on limited knowledge. Also, consciously let go of societal, cultural and parental conditioning — surrounding money and relationships. Your consciousness is evolving, as is your realisation of what you’re worth, and what you value above all else. You live, you learn, you grow. What are your long-term goals for your life? How have they have evolved? Where do you see yourself in five years? What do you value in your relationships? What do you need to feel emotionally and financially secure? What will matter at the end of your life? It is only the relationships born out of honesty and freedom that truly go the distance. Be honest with yourself and you can make wise choices, that support your goals. You’re reaching a breakthrough in a situation that’s given you sleepless nights, allowing you to regain balance and reach a cherished goal. Don’t be afraid to ask for what you need, but let go of expectations. You can have the emotional and financial security you need, as well as sexual intimacy. And you’re worth at least twice as much as you think — but you have to value yourself first. Consciously release illusions, fantasies, friendships that drain you, any desire to be accepted and or fit in; then you won’t be disappointed. Be wise about the company you keep, know your boundaries and bottom line. Then you can re-negotiate agreements to offer you the freedom you need; and clear the path to attract and deepen relationships that are truly supportive of your life, goals, and dreams; that truly value you, and quench your desires, heart, and soul. Perhaps dreams do come true after all.
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GEMINI — Life is changing and there are a series of developments unfolding, early in the month which could be a domino effect asking you to keep your wits about you and perspective on an evolving work, life, and or health situation. You have dreams, and you also have the power to make these dreams a reality; and live a life that reflects a deeper soul truth. It will require hard work on your part, but you can heal something on a deep level. A situation reaches a peak mid-month, asking you to take time to go inward, rest and recharge if you’re feeling stretched or if you’re spreading yourself too thin. Prioritize your life, starting with your health — emotionally, mentally and physically — and consciously let go of what is a drain on your energy. Relationships too are evolving, especially those that involve sex and/or money. Be very conscious of your values, so you can align and deepen commitments that share your values. Also be conscious of attachments to sex and or money, that could prevent you from seeing a situation clearly — for better or for worse. A mystery is revealing itself and there’s more hidden potential in a situation than on the surface. Avoid jumping to conclusions, remain open-minded and you can sift through the dirt to discover something truly golden. Hopefully you’re gaining perspective and realizing you have more options than you could have imagined. You’re being freed, and you have more support than any lack you’d feared. As the Sun enters Sagittarius at the end of the month, you can start a new chapter if you’re willing to draw a line with the past. This might mean cutting losses in some cases and lowering your guard in others. Have faith this is a process that’s ultimately this is opening the door to relationships that are truly your equals and offer you the tangible, material support, emotional support and intimacy you seek.
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CANCER – A Full Moon in the part of your chart that represents your friends, social circle and “fulfilment of wishes’ suggests you can have what you wish for, so be careful what you wish for. I say this not to scare you, but often we choose second best because we don’t dare acknowledge our true desires. As the Sun moves through Scorpio, this is your chance to dive deep within yourself, and acknowledge what you really want in your heart of hearts. You are learning who your friends are, be grateful for this. A friendship or close personal relationship, or perhaps a social situation coming to light, reflecting a truth to you about yourself and your deeper desires — emotional, sexual, creative and personal. Don’t be afraid to ask for what you need, or express how you feel. You’ve been carrying a secret flame in your heart for a while. You can’t make someone/others love you; and any friendship or love you can buy with money, isn’t really worth it. All you can do is be yourself and learn to love yourself — even the parts you might consider less than desirable. Only with self-acceptance can you truly be free to be yourself and attract the friendships/relationships that are right for you; love you for you, are loyal, recognize the true value of what you offer beyond the physical, and your inner beauty. Avoid being attached to your desires taking a particular form. There’s real love in your world, tangible financial support, emotional support, creative partnerships and people you can form successful partnerships with — allowing you to materialize a vision. You just have to be willing to come out of your shell, and open your arms to embrace it. You may or may not get what you want, but you can have what you need. And if you let go of expectations, this could be better than what you could have imagined for yourself.
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LEO – With the Sun moving through Scorpio, you’re deeply invested in matters surrounding your home, family, sense of security and belonging this month. This is likely also asking you to confront the past, especially your relationship with your father and recognise what matters to you at the end of it all. Mid-month a professional situation comes to light, bringing you a very real opportunity to showcase your natural talents and let your inner light shine. Still it’s important that you are humble, even in the face of those who oppose and challenge your authority. Really thats what this is about — you’re reclaiming your power and authority in your life, to make choices that truly bring you a sense of belonging and security — beyond anything money can buy — allowing you the build the kind of success that is real, lasting, and is built brick by brick with commitment, dedication, that reflects your deepest values. So what does security mean to you? The present is not the past, and you have the power to (re)build your life so it supports your highest ambitions, deepest values and provides for the needs of those you care about most deeply and generations to come. There may be demands being made on your time energy, but don’t be afraid to draw boundaries where necessary and prioritise. By the end of the month, you’ll be ready to take a risk and expand your vision. You may wonder if you’re up for the challenge life is presenting you, but this is your opportunity to rise to the occasion. You needn’t hunger for the spotlight, but don’t shy away from it either. Just do what needs to be done. But remember the saying charity begins at home. In your life at least, you know what’s best. Water the roots of your life; it can only flourish, bear fruit, and give back to a world that seeks shelter from the storm.
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VIRGO – The first half of the year had you questioning your place in this world. You’re coming full circle now: hopefully you see the world is your oyster. The sense of belonging you seek, will come from truly being comfortable in your own skin, so you can go out in the world and shine. No matter how challenging a domestic situation has been, the hardest part is behind you; you have a family and people who support you. But it’s important you confront and honestly put the past behind you. As a professional situation comes to light this month — you have important choices to make. Consciously let go of ideas of success, failure, or any need for recognition; and avoid trying to keep pretenses or worry about your public image. What’s most important now is that you are being true to yourself. Your goals need to align with your integrity, deepest values and the foundations you’re building your life on. You are worth a whole lot more than you think, and you can afford to be generous. Still be conscious of the relationships that drain you, and those that replenish you. Be conscious of your values, value yourself and invest your energy accordingly wisely. Dig deep, and give yourself permission to be wholly yourself and shine. Humility is a virtue, but it’s important you at least acknowledge to yourself what you know you are capable of. A challenge is yours to rise to now, and the only thing standing in your way are subconscious impulses that keep you attached. Have more faith in yourself and give yourself permission to be yourself. You’re outgrowing your father’s limits, breaking free of old patterns, attachments and power-struggles. Confront the past honestly and you can put it behind you, perhaps even re-write history as you rebirth yourself. You’re in a process of shedding skin, chipping away at the layers to reveal the diamond within. Let go of how things should be especially in love, your creativity, or even trying to control your children, heart or its desires. What’s beyond valuable and worth its weight in gold — your heart and humanity. Give yourself permission to be yourself and dare to let your inner light shine.
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LIBRA – You’ve grown in leaps and bounds in wisdom and self-awareness these past few months. December brings huge unexpected changes in a relationship dynamic, a family/domestic situation, and/or matter that affects your sense of security. You needn’t fear the past repeating itself, if you remember your lessons and consciously stay in the present. Expect to have revealing conversations asking you to keep your perspective and an open mind as more information surfaces. Even if something triggers deep insecurities, by confronting them, you can get to the bottom of an issue and uproot it from the source — allowing you to free yourself and truly spread your wings. You might even be travelling or considering migrating to another country; but what’s unfolding is uprooting superficial ideologies, beliefs, and ideas about security, as you grow in awareness of a higher truth. What does security mean to you, and freedom — emotionally and financially? Keep the big picture and long-term goals in mind, then you can make wise choices and needn’t fear destabilizing yourself. It’s also important you clarify a vision of the kind of life you dream of living: so your outer reality — reflects an inner reality. Really what you most desire is greater freedom to be and express yourself wholly — personally, creatively, sexually — without being judged. You’re approaching a breakthrough at the end of the month, with sudden unexpected developments unfolding in your relationships, asking you to let go of expectations. You can afford to be generous, but you don’t need to suffer fools. Even if someone/something pushes your boundaries, avoid clinging and stay balanced. Pay attention to actions; be wise, kind, honest, avoid projections, and you can heal and/or clear up a situation in your life, at work, or a relationship, that has gotten messy, and drains your time and energy. You’re blossoming, blooming, becoming aware of your greater potential; you would do yourself and the world a disservice by hiding your gifts. You needn’t worry about being loved, admired, or even appreciated, just give yourself permission to live life more authentically, being true to yourself and your hearts deepest yearnings. Dare to be big and generous — of heart, mind, and spirit, and you can attract the right people to you, who can help you weave your dream life into a sublime reality.
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SCORPIO – As a Scorpio you’re no stranger to change — but right now, its like the world has caught up speed with you, bringing the intensity home in a palpable way; putting you in the center of the action. You have more power than you to make life-changing choices that truly free you to live the life you dream of, chasing your passion daily. Be brutally honest with yourself, about the perceptions you need to let go of — especially surrounding success, failure, and security — financial, emotional and sexual; and how you think things should be. Your deepest sexual, personal, and financial commitments are evolving — asking you to be honest with yourself, so you can make wise choices aligned with your values. No one can define your worth other than you. You already have financial and emotional security, and a family (blood or soul) that loves you. Celebrate, be grateful for, and appreciate what you have, and you will see you’re blessed. Whatever else you think you need, everything is negotiable. Ask and let go of expectations, then pay attention to who steps up. Most importantly avoid trying to manipulate or control someone, situation, or an outcome. You needn’t cling to anyone or anything, and avoid thinking you know it all. If you listen, you can learn, and you’re unearthing valuable information that could change how you see everything. There are greater unseen forces at work: a dream you have for yourself, is the Universe’s dream for you. And the Universe has dreamed it bigger and better. Even if the world seems to be going crazy and a work/living situation is unknown, you’re reaching a massive creative breakthrough showing you the infinite depth of your untapped potential and your power to create your life. This is a chance to dive into your heart to discover an essential truth about its yearnings. You can lie to the world, but you can’t lie to yourself. Be in no denial of superficial fantasies and desires that leave you thirsting, and your deeper desire to be seen and loved for who you are. You’re overflowing with creativity, love and passion — share your many gifts, with ALL you meet, without worrying about what you will get back in return. In giving, you will receive — financially, as well as in terms of expanding inner bliss. This is about who you are at your depths and essence, when you think no one is watching. You are a magician and creator, casting a spell with your very presence and being, whose healing powers ripple out further than you could imagine. Use your powers wisely.
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SAGITTARIUS – You’re the star of the show this December. All eyes are on you, and you have a greater than ever chance now of bringing about the real lasting change you’ve been yearning for in a financial situation, your deepest commitments, and the greater freedom you need to be and express yourself. To say the past few years have been challenging would be an understatement. You’ve been stripped of false identities, asking you to dig deeper for you integrity, values, and what you stand for. You’ve learned your resilience, ability to resurrect, and come out on the other side stronger, with greater self-awareness. This month brings you to a moment of truth, and liberation — showing you just how much you have to give the world, your community and friends — and just how much love the Universe wants to shower you with. You are worth your weight in gold, and there are people in your life now who are reflection this truth back to you. Your social circle is widening and mid-month brings your relationships, especially one significant relationship to light. You might feel divided, or torn; but be brutally honest with yourself about how you feel in your heart rather than what you think. Consciously deconstruct your ideas about relationships, what they “should” look like, and ask yourself what you most value in your commitments — financial, personal, and intimate, sexual connections. You cherish your freedom, but you also value “commitment” — and you can strike a balance as you choose something/someone that aligns with your core values, is worthy of your commitment. What you most need is acceptance and trust; be honest with yourself, then you can be honest with others. Your relationships are evolving; you’ve reached the end of the road with some and you’re entering a new chapter now allowing you to deepen connections with others that love and value you for you — regardless of rich, poor, successful, young, old, or any other external material characteristic. And relationships never truly die, they change — give yourself the permission to be yourself wholly. No matter what the past has been like, the more you can release it, you can start to recognise your infinite potential and source of your creativity, magic and genius swirling at the depths of your being. You’re practically on fire now — creatively, sexually, personally — you’re a work of art, worth your weight in gold, and living proof that dreams do come true. Bottle that magic and shine on you crazy diamond.
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CAPRICORN — Something’s gotta give this month — and why not let it be you? If you bend you will not break, and the more you let go of trying to control situations now, you’ll likely to come out on top. This doesn’t mean you allow injustice — but life is calling you to break-free of old identities facades, and dig deep to reclaim your power in an unpredictable situation that has threatened your sense of security. As much you’ve felt like you’re finding your way through the dark, in a minefield, the true lessons here are the spiritual ones, — awakening you to your deepest potential, as well deep primal, subconscious fears that go far back — perhaps as far back as childhood — fantasies, and false perceptions, so you can truly be liberated from them. As Carl Jung said, “Until you make the unconscious conscious it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” Embrace this process and take the time early in the month, to clarify a vision for your life. If you had a magic wand, what would life look like? If money were not an issue, what would you do with your time? If you can clarify that, then you can materialize and build it, even if something is just a germ of an idea at present. Yes, it will take time, dedication and devotion. Life is inviting you to dream a new dream now that aligns with your soul vision — and then showing you what you need to do to manifest it. As a Capricorn, you scale the most daunting heights, (others wouldn’t dare dream of,) while making it seem like a breeze. Your whole life has been leading up to this moment, only now the stakes are raised and there’s a fire raging below. Keep your eyes on the prize, and you’re likely to accomplish what most would consider impossible. You’re surpassing your parents’ limitations asking you to reclaim your power to make choices in your life that will ultimately benefit you, all those you care about and give back to a larger world. Be kind, be generous, be humble and you can only come out on top. Anything that falls away is really clearing space for what’s to come — real success, the kind you can truly be proud of. This is a death of an old you, as you re-birth at a core level — changing the way you live your life from the inside out. Trust the process and your ability to rise to the challenge. You were born for this.
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AQUARIUS — You’re on fire and you’ve got the wind in your sails as you enter December – asking you to channel this energy consciously in awareness of your power. You’re on a journey now — connecting with friends, and people, asking you to widen your horizons and explore new possibilities. Mid-month as the Full Moon aligns your friendships and or one close relationship, is revealing an important truth to you about yourself, your heart and its desires. You might feel divided and it might feel like a risk to be vulnerable to share your heart; but avoid comparing yourself to others, worrying about what others think, or fearing judgment. Even if you aren’t ready to reveal all, be very honest with yourself – we are only as sick as our secrets. Acknowledge what you need to feel loved and appreciated; your needs for freedom and honesty in your friendships; as well as secret desires, perhaps sexual, that you dare not admit even to yourself. Dig deeper and uproot subconscious ideas — about success, failure, sex, love, how you think things are — from the source so you can awaken to a more hopeful reality. Also be in no denial of attachments you need to release to relationships, habits, possessions, that are perhaps toxic or a drain on your time, energy, bank account and resources. You can negotiate arrangements and deepen relationships that truly give back to you equally, but it starts with clarifying your values. Especially when it comes to making commitments, remember everything is negotiable and there is no urgency. You need not feel pressured to make any decisions, until you are clear on significant details. You might not have all the information, but be open minded, keep the big picture in sight, and you can learn what you need to know to make wise choices. As long as you don’t compromise your values, chase “success,” or project fantasies, you won’t get sucked into empty promises. As an Aquarius you are a natural a pioneer at heart: you have the gift of foresight, allowing you to see an un-manifest reality before its time, more clearly than most. You’re nearing a breakthrough and moment of truth that’s likely to blow even your mind, as you realize how infinite your potential is. Your consciousness is blazing, intuition is on point and an idea could be your ticket to freedom. Have faith in yourself and abilities as you reach for your most altruistic vision. Where there is a will there is a way and the Gods, and powers that be, are smiling down on you, guiding you every step of the way.
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PISCES – With the Sun and Saturn moving through the highest part of your chart: you’re in the public eye, asking you to stay anchored in your integrity, as the winds of change blow through your life this month. You’re reaching a milestone professionally, and personally, asking you to clarify your goals and acknowledge how they have evolved. What does success mean to you? What you would do to get it? Any doors that close, are opening the way for new opportunities that align with your highest mission. As a professional situation comes to head, it’s reflecting deeper needs and insecurities, drawing your attention to a domestic situation. What do you need to feel safe? Emotionally? Financially? How much money do you need in the bank? What was your childhood like? What were your family values? No matter what the past is like, or how much a situation pushes your boundaries — this is really the Universe’s way of showing you, your infinite depth. This is not just about your career, fame or even success. It’s about your duty to the world and new vision, in the face of a world that is crumbling. You don’t have all the answers and not everyone may share your vision. But be honest with yourself, in no denial of attachments to power, fame, success or money and you need not fear slipping up. If you’re caught in a power struggle, let go. You need not compare yourself to others and avoid any temptation or desire to manipulate a situation, the truth or compromise your values. Be humble enough to admit your mistakes, learn from those that have gone before you, and remember everyone is your equal. Then you can gain the respect and support you need. As long as you reach for your most altruistic vision, people will eventually come around. Your relationships too have a lot to offer you; but be wise about the company you keep, especially if mixing business with pleasure. Invest in the relationships that share your values and vision then you can gain not just financially, but truly awaken to your infinite potential.