Cosmic Diaries: September 2017 Monthly Horoscopes

Cosmic Diaries: September 2017 Monthly Horoscopes

— by Priya Kale

Aries. Illustration by Arun Kale ARIES – As you enter September you’re moving forward from a potent Total Solar Eclipse in Leo — setting the stage for at least the coming six months of your life. What do you want? What brings you joy? What makes you happy, fires you with passion, and makes you come alive? What/who do you love? Do you love yourself? Do you love your life? It might feel like a part of you is dying; but really you’re coming full circle with who you’ve always been in your heart. You’re coming to deep realisations, perhaps dreaming vivid dreams revealing to you profound subconscious and soul truths. Acknowledge your feelings, desires, and fears — personally, creatively, romantically, and sexually — especially of failure, and those you barely dare to admit even to yourself. A situation can heal if you avoid feeding drama, keep your ego out of it, and are humble enough to learn from your mistakes. You can’t heal anyone else, only yourself; be honest about what needs to heal in your life, and within you (physically, emotionally, spiritually, or mentally). Love, and accept yourself — even the parts you consider unlovable, and the talents and gifts you often take for granted, because they are so much a part of you. As Jupiter opposes Uranus at the end of the month, and prepares to change signs next month: unpredictable developments in a relationship are pushing your boundaries asking for deeper levels of trust. Let go of expectations and or the need for validation, acceptance, being liked, or loved; and offer other the freedom you too need. Then there can be a sense of true liberation, allowing you to attract the right opportunities, friends, lovers, and partners that appreciate, see, and love you for the real you. Regardless of what you fear: you have support from family, partner/s, a significant other. Every moment is a new moment to live, love, laugh, and create again; and you’re creating your reality (consciously or unconsciously) with every thought, word, deed, and with your very presence. Clarify and acknowledge a dream you have for your life. There’s something beautiful birthing from the chaos and things could work out more perfectly than you could imagine or have planned. Practise what you preach. Walk the talk, keep your sights on a long-term goal, and trust a process. Let healing be your focus as you integrate all that the recent Eclipse has brought to your consciousness. In awareness: you can create and build a life you love, dream of; that reflects your being and soul truth. And this month you take your first steps towards making it a reality.

A horoscope can only give you an overview of the astrology. For an in-depth look into your chart please contact me for a Personal Astrology Consultation.

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TAURUS – A Total Solar Eclipse in Leo followed by Saturn’s direct station in your 8th House last month suggests your life is changing on a core level. Rather than anything external, this change is coming from the inside out. A family, domestic situation is  highlighted — but on a deeper level this about your rediscovering your sense of belonging, security, inner-confidence, and ability to feel comfortable enough in your own skin to let your inner brilliance shine. What was your childhood like? Was it a happy one? What is your relationship with your family? Especially your father? Were you encouraged to reach for your ambitions? Be very honest with yourself — no matter what the past was like, (for better or worse) you’re heading towards a brighter future, and there’s gold for you to be mined in the present. A conversation might trigger memories, perhaps regarding an incident in childhood that caused you to hold back, shy away, hide your self, or dim your light because you didn’t want to alienate yourself, seem threatening, or risk being less than perfect. There’s always room for improvement, but avoid being self-critical. You can’t hide your life or light anymore, not if you tried. You’re more passionate, creative, talented, skilled, loveable, and even sexier than you realise — own it. Remember the reason you do what you do — so you can create a better life for yourself, your family, and leave this world a little better than you found it. Even if you currently feel powerless, you have a vital role to play in what’s unfolding. Also acknowledge the dreams and aspirations you’ve outgrown, and consciously avoid comparing yourself to friends or peers. Something or someone is deep under your skin, tugging on your heart strings. Not all is as it seems, but people are pretty transparent. Pull back your own projections then you won’t be disillusioned or disappointed when fantasies fail to match up to reality. You needn’t worry about what others think of you, or about being liked, or loved — you already are. But love is something you share — not need. Love yourself, then your presence itself will be a healing one extending to all you meet and into all you do. Dig deep to find what brings you joy, makes you come alive, and be honest about what you want. As Jupiter opposes Uranus at the end of the month, you’re reaching a breakthrough at work or a situation you’ve been trying to find a balance in. It is in giving you will receive, and the work you do, heals a touches more souls than you realise. As Jupiter enters Scorpio next month, you’re about to learn just how supported you are by friends, partners, family and the unseen benefactors that love you and want to see you succeed. You can create the life of your dreams, that reflects your rich inner-world gives back to the world, as much as it gives to you and all you care about. For now, trust your heart — it will not lead you astray and is leading you down the path towards your destiny.

A horoscope can only give you an overview of the astrology. For an in-depth look into your chart please contact me for a Personal Astrology Consultation.

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GEMINI — Last month, Saturn stationed direct in your opposite sign, just after the recent Total Solar Eclipse in Leo. As you enter September and your ruler Mercury stations direct: no matter what you fear- this isn’t the end of a story, rather it’s just the beginning. You have a greater than usual chance to re-write history, recognise the potential and power of now, and take concrete steps towards laying the foundation for a brighter future. It starts by being brutally honest with yourself about what you want. Now more than ever your perceptions, thoughts, words, and choices, are colouring, creating, and shaping your reality. A professional situation comes to light early in the month, asking you to re-evaluate recent decisions. Not all is as it seems; but if there’s doubt allow the dust to settle before you make any decisions in haste or panic. What does success and security mean to you — emotionally and financially? Dig deeper to confront insecurities, ideas, and fears, about success and failure; the fantasies and ambitions you’ve outgrown, especially those that belong to your parents’ and father. You’re at the end of a chapter professional, but every end is a new beginning and the possibilities are endless. This is not about your public image, success, fame, or glory but about you feeling safe, and comfortable in your skin to express yourself wholly and live out your potential: personally, creatively, professionally, and in your relationships. Events are shedding new light on the (recent and distant) past; allowing you to re-negotiate arrangements that bring you the freedom of expression, and greater emotional and financial security you need. In all communication remember: you can attract more flies with honey, but it’s important you are authentic and honest. Also, beware of your pride, ego, defensiveness, or hubris that stands in the way of you expressing how you truly feel, hearing what someone has to say, or learning what you need to learn. It takes courage and humility to be vulnerable, but the truth will set you free. Clarify your ambitions, dare to walk your talk, and you can make conscious loving, creative choices, to manifest them. You’re reaching a huge breakthrough at the end of the month, that’s likely to make your heart leap with joy. Whether this is about love, a creative project, or any matter dear to your heart — don’t be afraid to ask for what you need, but let go of expectations of where something comes from. You are in a safe position to take a risk, and the greatest risk, would be passing up a chance to be happy. Consider September a month when you’re planting seeds, and laying the foundation for a life you’ve long hoped for, but never dared imagined possible. Opportunity is knocking, invite it in.

A horoscope can only give you an overview of the astrology. For an in-depth look into your chart please contact me for a Personal Astrology Consultation.

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CANCER – Last month brought a whirlwind of changes. As you move forward from the recent Total Solar Eclipse, September sees you growing in emotional and financial security, and most importantly in self-esteem. You can have what you want once realise you don’t really “need” very much. Financially you are in a comfortable position, and emotionally too you have partners who love, and support you. Love and value yourself, then you can find your power in a situation, deepen relationships that truly value you; and receive or attract the love or resources you desire. In truth, the only true power we have is the power of choice — how we choose to respond to life, and the choices we make which create our reality. There are important revelations coming through, asking to re-evaluate recent decisions, plans, and choices. Don’t be afraid of this process, or to admit if you have been mistaken — it isn’t worth hanging on to pride. Life has not been easy over these past two years, but you’ve learned life lessons you couldn’t have learned any other way. You have a safety net and a situation is more stable than you realise. Move beyond ideas of perfection and seek clarity instead; look for solutions, rather than problems or what aggravates you. If wrestling with a dilemma or what seems like an impossible choice: seek perspective — it’s the most valuable thing you can have; then you can have the clarity on your options, and the road ahead, allowing you to make wise conscious choices. You will need a plan, but stay flexible as you learn more information and clarify your long-term goals. Then you can (re-) negotiate important arrangements so they work better for all involved. As nerve-racking as it might feel: you’re close to a breakthrough in a professional situation asking you to let go of worrying what something looks like to the world, or what others think; and be careful of the information you digest or fill your head with. Your integrity matters above all — without that you have nothing; and integrity means your actions follow your words. Unpredictable developments in a professional situation are pushing your boundaries, but hopefully you can see this is the opening you’ve yearned for. Something is not as impossible as you think — but you have to dare to follow your passion and walk your talk. Whatever unfolds: be grateful, you’re being liberated allowing you to get back on track with your highest goals, and live a life that brings you a deep sense of purpose and fulfilment daily. By next month as Jupiter enters Scorpio, you will be ready to take a risk, dive into your next big adventure, and discover new depths within yourself and heart.

A horoscope can only give you an overview of the astrology. For an in-depth look into your chart please contact me for a Personal Astrology Consultation.

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LEO – Last month brought powerful Eclipses, including a Total Solar Eclipse in your sign — rearranging the dynamics of your relationships; asking for a total re-birth. The world does not revolve around you, but still you are the creator and centre of your life and what’s unfolding calls for greater self-awareness. Vulnerability is a sign of strength not weakness and it takes courage to drop the mask. Above all be honest with yourself in no denial of your desire for deeper connections — creatively, personally, sexually, emotionally, as well as your need for greater freedom of expression. Also, maintain transparency in your commitments — those who have nothing to hide, hide nothing. There’s a tidal wave of change sweeping through your life, a financial situation, commitments, and or a marriage. It could feel overwhelming, but ask yourself what do you need to feel secure in your commitments — intimate, as well as financial? What were your parents values surrounding marriage, sex, money, and commitment? How are yours different? You cannot take your money to the grave, and even relationships change. The only thing real and eternal is love. You have no control over others, or anything for that matter — but you have a duty to be authentic and true to yourself. But also be kind, compassionate, loving, and avoid being too (self) critical. The only thing you stand to lose are your illusions. Even if it feels like you’re touching rock bottom in a situation, really this is your chance to dig deep for your values, and self-esteem. The past two years have been a labor of love; consider this a re-birth on all levels, aligning you with your destiny as you unfurl into who you are becoming. You’re reaching a breakthrough at the end of September, opening your horizons, and mind to opportunities you couldn’t have dared image. You have a choice in how things unfold and more power than you think. Keep your perspective, make choices based in your long-term goals. Then have faith you can attract, invest in, and deepen the relationships and commitments that align with your values; see, appreciate, and love the real you, and offer you the true sense security you need.

A horoscope can only give you an overview of the skies as pertaining to your sign. For an in-depth look into your chart please contact me for a Personal Astrology Consultation.

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VIRGO – Happy Birthday Virgo! As you enter September, Mercury stations direct in Leo at the Pisces Full Moon, marking the culmination of the cycle that began with a potent Total Solar Eclipse in Leo. You’re awakening you to the deeper unconscious, and subconscious desires, fears, fantasies that you barely dare acknowledge to yourself. It might feel like your soul is on fire but to quote Carl Jung, “Until we make the unconscious, conscious it will rule our life and we will call it fate.” Be introspective, take stock of your life — what is and isn’t working, and clarify a vision birthing in your soul. Your relationships are mirroring truths to you about yourself, asking for deep self-reflection. Above all this is your journey of self-realisation, and without self-awareness, it can be easy to get caught up in projections and fantasies, which often don’t match up to reality. If something seems too good to be true, test the waters before you dive in. Not all is as it seems, but avoid acting in impulsively, in fear, anger, haste, or panic; and become aware of patterns you don’t wish to repeat. Be honest about your desires for deeper connections, security, intimacy, fears of abandonment, and or trust issues that need healing. In all relationships, seek transparency rather than perfection, and avoid clinging to anyone or anything — especially ideals and expectations of what a relationship should look like, then you won’t be shocked or disappointed if reality fails to match up to your fantasies. You’re reaching the end of a chapter in your relationships, clearing the path for relationships that replenish (rather than drain) you, and love you unconditionally for who you are in your soul. You have more power and indeed hold the aces in an unpredictable financial situation, marriage, or commitment that has pushed your boundaries and had you on edge. You needn’t trust blindly, but avoid projecting mistrust; any attempt to manipulate or control a situation is likely to backfire. You have a lot to offer and more to gain than any fear you have of losing and are nearing a major breakthrough showing you your power in a situation. As scary as the unknown is, the monsters in our head are almost always worse than reality. Let go of expectations for better or worse. In awareness you can make wise, conscious choices, and deepen connections that give back to you equally. Trust yourself and be fearless as you follow your passion. You’re re-birthing yourself in alignment with your soul. Life may never be the same again — but knowing what you know now, would you want it to?

A horoscope can only give you an overview of the astrology. For an in-depth look into your chart please contact me for a Personal Astrology Consultation.

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LIBRA – Last months Eclipses have blasted your heart and world open, drawing you into unexplored territory. Your social circle is widening, connecting you with others who can help you further your ambitions; but recent developments might have caused you to question whom you can trust. Avoid jumping to conclusions, but be wise: about the company you keep and when mixing business with pleasure — especially when you don’t know someone well. For the first three weeks of September: find a way to balance your social life with alone time, to cocoon, be introspective and reconnect with an inner truth. Meditation, and/or any spiritual practises will be greatly beneficial to you on all levels — for your physical, emotional, and mental, health and well-being; bringing you clarity on your life, work, and a greater soul mission. In any situation you’ve felt in over your with remember: we’re only as sick as our secrets. Be honest with yourself about your desires and fantasies that you don’t readily admit; dig deeper in your subconscious to confront any issues surrounding trust, abandonment, or fears that hold you back and acknowledge what needs healing within you. You needn’t broadcast your business to the world, but its important you keep partners informed on a need to know basis. Unpredictable developments in a relationship, might catch you off-guard or push your boundaries asking you to trust. You needn’t trust anyone blindly, but have more faith in yourself to deal with situations as they arise rather than project mistrust, fear, or even hold on to expectations. The truth always comes out and you’re nearing a breakthrough of epic proportions showing you just how protected and even loved you are. If something triggers you, take a deep breath before you react. You have nothing to fear, and really, this is a gift — awakening you to what truly matters to you. With Jupiter moving through your sign over the past year: you’ve grown leaps and bounds in self-awareness, wisdom, and self-awareness of how much more you have to give — your relationships, and the world. You needn’t hide your light, compare yourself to others, or seek validation. There is only one of you — and you have a unique and vital role to play in existence. Have more faith in yourself, be grateful for all your blessings, ask for the help you need, and when you give — give freely; then you needn’t feel resentful, and can see who shows up when you need them. You’re worth a lot more than you realise and, as Jupiter enters Scorpio next month, it won’t be long before you see real proof. As the Sun enters your sign at the end of the month, prepare to step into the light and shine.

A horoscope can only give you an overview of the astrology. For an in-depth look into your chart please contact me for a Personal Astrology Consultation.

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SCORPIO – Professionally you’re at the top of your game and you’re going places. As the recent Total Solar Eclipse aligned in Leo (the part of your chart that relates with your profession, career, and public image): this is a whole new chapter asking you to let go of ambitions you’ve outgrown, as you boldly step into the light and fullness of who you were born to be. The powers that be are smiling down on you, beckoning you to open your mind, horizons and go for gold. Ask yourself what does success mean to you? What would you do to get it? It’s a cut-throat world, but you needn’t play games to get ahead — your integrity is what matters. Acknowledge your fears of failure, as well as success — so they don’t cast a shadow on your brightest vision for the future. You needn’t compare yourself with others, be anyone you are not, or worry about what people will think — no one really has it all figured out. This is not about fame, success, failure, glory, or your public image — although you’re pretty golden right now — this is about you being authentic, true to yourself, sharing the light of your consciousness, your heart, and being, with a world that hungers for it. There’s an infinite pool of creativity and love within you; and its overflowing. You couldn’t hide this magic if you tried. Dare to shine and be fearless as you chase your passion. But also be humble, then you won’t be in danger of slipping up or getting ahead of yourself. You reach a major breakthrough at the end of the month in a work situation, and unpredictable developments unfolding thrusting you into the unknown. As scary as it is to enter uncharted territory, this is the freedom you’ve yearned for — to live your life by your rules. Be in no denial of your desires and the life you dream of. Life’s too short to waste living up to anyone else expectations, and you have a duty to yourself to live your best life. You needn’t doubt yourself or your abilities. You have friends and people in high-places who believe in you — just believe in yourself as you rise to a challenge. Next month Jupiter enters your sign for the first time in 12 years — this is huge. The coming year sees you growing in wisdom, and self-awareness of your potential, which is a lot greater than even you currently imagine. As you’re about to see, dreams really do come true. But first, you have to dare to dream.

A horoscope can only give you an overview of the astrology. For an in-depth look into your chart please contact me for a Personal Astrology Consultation.

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SAGITTARIUSThe past two and half years have tested your limits, but you’ve also discovered resilience, and strength that you didn’t know you had. As you enter September you’re moving forward from the Total Solar Eclipse in Leo and Saturn’s direct station in your sign, marking a pivotal moment in your life’s journey. As Saturn prepares to leave your sign in December, consider this the home stretch of you reclaiming your authority. Slowly but surely there’s a new awareness dawning on you, awakening you to a higher perspective, and what matters to you above all. Professionally you’re in the spotlight, but early in the month the Pisces Full Moon in Pisces is highlighting a domestic situation. Hopefully see, you have more than enough of what you need (emotionally and financially) to not just stay afloat, but to offer shelter to others in a storm. If you feel like you’re drowning, remember the first rule is to not panic. Have more faith in yourself as you rise above your insecurities, especially those you inherited in childhood, or from your parents. This is your challenge to rise to, showing you just how endless your depth is. Yours is the sign of the creator: you have the talents, skills, and power to create (at least) your world as you envision and the power to call the shots in a professional situation and your life. But only humility precedes true greatness. Stay anchored in your integrity as you lead the way by example for those that hunger for the light. Then you can earn the respect you need and make wise choices that further your goals and work for all you care about. For those that doubt you — it won’t be long before partners see the light, and the wisdom of your ways. There’s something or someone that makes your heart skip a beat; you cannot deny your desires anymore, at least not to yourself. Self-acceptance is key. It doesn’t matter what others think, your public image; and you needn’t worry about being liked or loved — you already are. Be bold, confident, and optimistic as you reach for the brightest hope on the horizon. This is the beginning of a whole new chapter professionally showing you, your true place in this world. As your ruler Jupiter opposes Uranus at the end of September and changes signs next month: you’re nearing a breakthrough of epic proportions liberating you towards the freedom you’ve yearned for personally, in your relationships, professionally, creatively, and financially. As risky as something feels, the real risk would be to pass up a chance to be happy and be all you were born to be. Failure is only guaranteed if you don’t try, and if you do — you’re more than likely to surprise yourself with what you achieve. By next month you’ll be ready to dream a new dream.

A horoscope can only give you an overview of the astrology. For an in-depth look into your chart please contact me for a Personal Astrology Consultation.

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CAPRICORN — Over the past two years, your ruler Saturn has been transiting your 12th House bringing you greater awareness of a soul truth. But at times it might have felt isolating and more like stumbling through the dark. As Saturn enters Capricorn in December, consider the next few months the home-stretch as you return to your true self. As you move through September: whatever is unfolding externally, keep your perspective. Saturn’s recent direct station, after a powerful Total Solar Eclipse in Leo has brought dramatic changes in your deepest commitments and life. At its essence: this is a process of ego death, drawing you deeper into your journey of self-realisation so you can reclaim your true power in your life and this world. Consciously let go of superficial attachments to material security, what it looks like; move beyond the veil, and look into the heart of a situation/or person. What were your parents’ values surrounding money, security, sex, marriage, and commitment? Become aware then you needn’t engage in power struggles, replay patterns, and or recreate the past unconsciously, or subconsciously. You cannot lose anything of true value and its better to walk away than, than compromise your values. Death is of the body. Your soul is eternal, life and love go on; what matters most is your integrity. A revealing conversation, or information you learn early in the month, is asking you to open your mind. If something seems too good to be true, or triggers you, seek clarity rather than project suspicion or fantasies — if the water is muddy, it’s better to let the dust settle; stirring it up will only make it muddier. Remember the worst lies are the ones we tell ourselves — so be honest with yourself above all. Be in no denial of what you want, your ideas, beliefs, fantasies, and desires, then you won’t project them; and be willing to listen, rather than think you know it all — because you don’t. And half knowledge is often more dangerous than ignorance. Your pride isn’t worth hanging on to, and it doesn’t matter what you believe; it’s not about “who” but “what” is right and true. Events are drawing you to a vantage point. Don’t be afraid to re-evaluate recent decisions and take stock of your options in light of what you learn. There is no perfect choice, it’s about making wise choices based on your long-term goals and what works for you. You can renegotiate arrangements that work for all involved. In all conversations: seek and offer transparency, be humble, open minded, willing to listen and learn — all you stand to lose are your illusions. An ambition is not out of reach, and you’re nearing a massive breakthrough at the end of the month asking you to step out of your comfort zone as you follow your passion. As scary as it might be, this is liberating you from the past, and from insecurities that have previously held you back putting you on the track with your highest goals and mission on earth. You’re a Capricorn: there’s no mountain in you can’t climb, what matters is which mountain you wish to climb… Be humble, wise, walk your talk, and you will be shown the way.

A horoscope can only give you an overview of the astrology. For an in-depth look into your chart please contact me for a Personal Astrology Consultation.

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AQUARIUS — The recent Total Solar Eclipse in Leo marked the beginning of a whole new chapter in your relationships. With Saturn your traditional ruler direct: you’re on your way to the greater freedom you’ve long yearned for. Early in the month, your deepest commitments, and a financial situation is evolving, asking you to get clear on your values. You are not powerless, rather your depth is endless. But you have to value yourself and what you bring to the table — emotionally in your personal relationships and friendships, as well as in your business partnerships. Also, what are your values surrounding marriage, sex, money, commitment? How are these different from your parents? What do you need to feel emotionally and financially secure? Be clear in your arrangements and the fine print, and in no denial of your attachments to material security. You can’t take your money to the grave, and all relationships change — or die; only the love you share is eternal. Let go of the perceptions and beliefs that keep you from seeing the truth, or expressing yourself wholly. Often you play it cool; but that’s because you’re more sensitive than most. It takes courage to be vulnerable and reveal how you truly feel but people are not mind-readers. You can have the intimacy, as well emotional and financial security you need, if you realise you really don’t “need” much. Don’t be afraid to express yourself, or ask for what you need to feel safer and freer (emotionally and financially) in your commitments, and then pay attention to who shows up and be open to receive. Your life is changing on a core level; you may not have total control over what’s unfolding, but trust things are working in your favor, and you do have a say and choice at least in your life. You needn’t fear being judged and the more you can let go of expectations of how something plays out, you can be pleasantly surprised. Something is not as impossible as you thought and you nearing a massive breakthrough that could blow your mind with the possibilities. Trust a stroke of genius and the hope you see on the horizon. You have more choices than you imagined: dare to explore your opportunities, and you can make wise choices that take you closer to a long term goal. You’re on a journey and hopefully you can see you don’t have to make this journey alone unless that is what you want. Have more faith in yourself and the powers that be that are smiling down on you. By next month, you’ll be ready to take a huge leap of faith towards a long cherished ambition. Free your mind and the rest will follow.

A horoscope can only give you an overview of the astrology. For an in-depth look into your chart please contact me for a Personal Astrology Consultation.

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Pisces. Illustration by Arun Kale.
PISCES – To say life has changed dramatically since the Eclipses, and especially the Total Solar Eclipse in Leo last month, would be an understatement. As you enter September a Full Moon in your sign Pisces,  marks the culmination of this recent Eclipse cycle, putting you in the spotlight asking you to be very clear about how you feel — especially with regards to your relationship/s — working and personal. You’re learning new information, shedding a light on recent events showing you the deeper layers of a situation. You can create a life that you love, enjoy and makes you happy to greet the day, but if you didn’t have people you loved to share it with, it wouldn’t mean as much. What do you need to feel safe, or like you can trust another? And what do you give? Love is not something you need, it’s something you share. Pisces is the sign that represents unconditional love — but this need not mean unconditional giving. And if you don’t love yourself, then no matter how much love is showered on you, you will still feel empty or unable to receive. No one is responsible for your needs and or emotions other than you. Learn to love yourself, be clear on what you need from partners, seek and offer transparency, then you can build trust. A relationship can heal, so can your heart — but you have to allow space for it. Your relationships are changing, but that’s because you are changing. Don’t be in a hurry to fill a void. Nature abhors a vacuum. Be honest about who you are today, what you need, and consciously release any past resentments, anger, pain, sadness, abandonment issues, and fears. Also become aware of your patterns and learn your lessons, then you need not repeat them. There are huge unpredictable developments unfolding at the end of the month, asking you to make life-changing choices in a commitment or financial situation. Be in no denial and avoid holding on to expectations, trusting blindly, or conversely project mistrust, try to control, or manipulate a situation (which is likely to back fire.) You’re not powerless; you can choose where you invest your time, money, love, and energy. Above all, be true to your values — then you needn’t fear anyone taking advantage of you. Regardless of what you fear, you have more to gain than anything you stand to lose. What’s unfolding is ultimately freeing you — and by next month you will be ready to take a leap of faith. Be honest with yourself and you can create a life that you love, enjoy, and makes you happy to wake up to greet the day, and deepen relationships that you trust and give back to you equally — emotionally and financially.

A horoscope can only give you an overview of the astrology. For an in-depth look into your chart please contact me for a Personal Astrology Consultation.

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