Dear Friends and Readers,
With the Solstice behind us, today the Libra Moon reaches it’s First Quarter as she squares the Sun. The recent New Moon in opposition to Pluto brought emotions to the surface we may have been in denial of. Pluto is the ‘full stop’ — what we have to go through for transformation to occur. Painful though this may have been, it has only brought us to a necessary point of surrender to take us into the future.
Relationships are changing and deepening in this climate in the way that truly matters. This week Venus squares the Jupiter, Neptune and Chiron in Aquarius and sextiles Uranus in Pisces; with Mars to follow suit at the end of the week.
Expect a few surprising developments surrounding relationship, financial and creative situations — but this seems to be more of an inner liberation (with all outer planets retrograde) where we can finally resolve, heal and move past the past.
Move in deep awareness this week of your wounds and gifts, they aren’t really that separate from each other. Only in total acceptance of both can we understand the potential we hold to be able to transform our emotional and material physical well-being.
Also Mercury changes signs this week and moves into Cancer on Friday. But first it will trine the planets in Aquarius and square Uranus. Expect a few breakthrough conversations that can be deeply healing and enlightening if we are willing to listen to the voice of wisdom and truth – whoever or where ever it comes from.
— Priya Kale, NYC
You can read my daily horoscopes today on Yahoo! 7 and the wonderful Yasmin Boland’s site Also a warm welcome to readers from Yahoo and Yasmin’s site… If you are new to these pages please click this link.
Daily Horoscopes for June 29, 2009 by Priya Kale
You may be wrestling with an emotional dilemma within a partnership that concerns your sense of emotional or financial security. There may be a feeling of not having your needs met — or a struggle between finding a balance between your needs and someone else’s. Do all you can to acknowledge your own insecurities and needs, so you can communicate these rather than get crabby and resentful. People are not mind readers, if you know what you want and ask for it there is more than likely a chance you can find a balance where both people involved can feel heard, understood and have their needs met.
Click here for your in-depth written 2009 Horoscope | Weekly Horosocopes | Personal Consultation
You may wake up with the feeling of having too much to do today and not enough time to do it. There is likely pressure mounting at work and plenty of tasks around the house, but I suggest you do all you can to not get overwhelmed. A couple of key conversations with partners or colleagues could help relieve some of the pressure so be willing to ask for help if you need it; rather than feel unappreciated and let it flow out in resentment. If you find your self feeling frustrated and like you’ve been working too hard for too little this may be a good time to take a look at your daily routine and see what you are doing live a balanced life. You can have more pleasure daily if you make the time for it.
Click here for your in-depth written 2009 Horoscope | Weekly Horosocopes | Personal Consultation
You may be contemplating an emotional matter, thinking about the best way to proceed with a situation close to your heart. You can overcome your insecurities if you recognize what you have to offer within a situation. More importantly be willing to acknowledge how YOU feel about something or someone and be willing to acknowledge this to yourself. You tend to pretend like nothing phases you, but you are a deeply emotional creature capable of feeling too much sometimes. It may feel risky to put yourself out there but if what you crave is more adventure you need to be able to come out of your shell a little more and dare to be your best self.
Click here for your in-depth written 2009 Horoscope | Weekly Horosocopes | Personal Consultation
You may be wrestling with a deeply personal dilemma concerning your sense of security or it could be family matters that require your attention. Being a Cancer your home and family means the world to you, as does your sense of financial security. Recognize though the need for balance of being able to give as well as receive the support you need. You can tend to take on more than your fair share and then end up feeling crabby and resentful. If you can acknowledge your needs first you can ask for support when you need it, rather than feeling like you are the one carrying all the burden on your shoulders.
Click here for your in-depth written 2009 Horoscope | Weekly Horosocopes | Personal Consultation
You may be deeply contemplating a matter at work or surrounding your daily life. An important conversation requires you to be on honest and fair or it may be an understanding you need to come to within yourself. I suggest you resolve any insecurity that keeps you from being honest about a need for more balance in your life. Over the next few weeks with the Sun passing through your 12th house, take the time to nourish your soul in whatever way you can. You may need to make adjustments to your schedule to make more time for rest but this can have you turning the corner towards being a healthier, wealthier and wiser you.
Click here for your in-depth written 2009 Horoscope | Weekly Horosocopes | Personal Consultation
You may be wrestling with an emotional dilemma surrounding a friend or a financial partnership asking you to recognize your own worth. I suggest you not feel too pressured in an attempt to be fair and recognize that you are indeed a naturally fair person — but in an effort to keep balancing the scales just ‘so’ and seeing both sides of the situation over and over again, you could be wasting precious energy. At some point you have to learn to trust your natural judgment and take a call on what you want and trust your caring approach will work in the favor of all parties involved. You can rely on your wisdom and imagination to shine a steady bright light leading the way.
Click here for your in-depth written 2009 Horoscope | Weekly Horosocopes | Personal Consultation
With the Sun in your 10th house career matters are likely taking up most of your time. But you turn a corner today personally in understanding your deeper needs for security that come with your job. I would suggest you do what you can to find a balance within yourself without feeling pressured. Keep a sense of perspective and if you need help be willing to ask for it, rather than feel pressured and then blow up. You have solid support on hand now and you’ve come a long way in recognizing your own insecurities that keep you from reaching for your dreams. Be creative and resourceful and you can move forward from here rather successfully.
Click here for your in-depth written 2009 Horoscope | Weekly Horosocopes | Personal Consultation
Today may bring up some of those old fears again but recognize how far you’ve come even in just the last month. You’ve been through a lot lately and slowly you’re moving into a phase of being more comfortable and being able to feel at ‘home,’ with a sense of perspective. Use your time for introspection and take some quiet time today to find your inner balance, rather than giving into old mental thoughts and fears. You’ve seen proof of what is real and constant in your life now and there is no reason to fear the worst. Take comfort in what or who brings harmony to your soul and allow yourself to be divinely nourished by that which brings you pleasure.
Click here for your in-depth written 2009 Horoscope | Weekly Horosocopes | Personal Consultation
You’ve been working hard and selflessly towards your greater dreams but may long for more freedom to do what you do best — be inspired to create. Financially as well you’ve been searching more security and you may feel like a friend or intimate partner holds the key in a matter surrounding a financial or deeply personal situation. This may be true but trust that this person wants to be fair and is open to hearing what you have to say. Recognize your own insecurities that may stop you from being honest about your needs for greater security or perhaps access to resources. If this is a personal relationship, recognize your friendship is the answer so strive towards having both peoples needs met and you can find a way forward.
Click here for your in-depth written 2009 Horoscope | Weekly Horosocopes | Personal Consultation
You’ve been focused on your partnerships lately and one of them may hold the key in an important career situation. Resolve your own insecurities of a situation first before you feel powerless within a situation. You can find a balance now between your needs and someone elses if you work towards that. Examine your own need for control within a situation will get you further down your path. A creative idea could be the key that opens up a gust of fresh new possibilities, so keep your ears open in all your conversations. There could be an answer to your dilemma blowing in the wind.
Click here for your in-depth written 2009 Horoscope | Weekly Horosocopes | Personal Consultation
A situation at work now requires you to keep your highest perspective about you. You may be wrestling with the best way to proceed with something that affects your daily life and I suggest you do all you can to recognize your needs for feeling comfortable in your surroundings. Whether it is your daily routine where you have your morning cup of coffee or being able to get along with the people you work with. This is generally when you feel most productive and emotionally involved with your life. You know it’s not what you do with your time but how you feel at the end of the day that matters. Seek a balance in your life now and keep a perspective on any fears that tell you you’re not working hard enough.
Click here for your in-depth written 2009 Horoscope | Weekly Horosocopes | Personal Consultation
With the Sun now in your 5th house you’re likely thirsting for adventure and this always gets your creative juices flowing. But something now seems to be calling on you to take what feels like an emotional risk. You can reach a deeper understanding of a personal situation if you can recognize how you truly feel about someone. Yes you want to have fun, but for you this comes only when someone or something is able to touch and soothe the depth of your soul. When it comes to a creative project, you may wonder if you can find the resources to make this happen. But if you can overcome your insecurities, you could find the balance within a key partnership to make an idea a reality.
Click here for your in-depth written 2009 Horoscope | Weekly Horosocopes | Personal Consultation