December 2014 Horoscopes and Cosmic Weather
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December 2014 Cosmic Weather
This report is part of the Cosmic Diaries Subscriber service. To read the full report, sign up here for a ONE week free trial (only one free trial per person.) Your membership currently includes monthly astrology report and horoscopes, discounts on Consultations and other occasion special reports.
An Excerpt ==
“Among other major events this month, all personal planets change signs, Jupiter and Uranus change direction, Uranus and Pluto make their sixth (of seven) exact square aspects and Saturn enters Sagittarius for the first time in thirty years.
“We’re coming out of an intense Scorpio season. The Sagittarius New Moon occurred on Nov. 23, 2013 and we’re moving to the Gemini Full Moon. Currently Mercury, the Sun and Venus are all moving through Sagittarius; while Mars is in Capricorn is (sign of its exaltation) in mutual reception with Saturn in Scorpio.
“On Dec. 1, 2014, Mars in Capricorn sextiles Saturn in Scorpio. There are deep changes afoot, the rules are changing and there’s something resurrecting in the ashes of the past. But you have to let go of an old dream, if you want to reach the other shore and build something new.
“On Dec. 4, 2014 Mars changes signs and enters Aquarius, Venus in Sagittarius trines Jupiter in Leo and the Sun in Sagittarius trines Uranus in Aries. Venus and Jupiter are the two “benefics,” and a trine is an easy aspect.
“I’m not saying you could win the lottery, but still there is a luck factor in play and something rather serendipitous about this energy — finding yourself at the right place at the right time. Or something small, having greater implications than you realize in the moment. The Sun and Jupiter are in mutual reception, making the aspect even more potent. But very significantly, Jupiter is about to station retrograde.
“There is a sense of deferred gratification (or consequences), but there is also the danger of going a little too far with something. Know when you’ve had too much of a good thing, move in awareness, watch your ego, be wise and you could win big.
“Gemini Full Moon – Dec. 6, 2014 at 14+ degrees at 7:26 AM EST.
“The energy continues to build as we reach the Gemini Full Moon on Dec. 6, 2014 at 14+ degrees of the Sagittarius – Gemini axis bringing us to a fork in the road. Also, significantly Mercury (ruler of Gemini) trines Uranus and squares Chiron — adding to the potency of the lunation. This is a huge burst of fiery energy, propelling us forward into action.
“At the time of the lunation — the Sun is in Sagittarius the sign that represents knowledge, (what we know of) God, religion, high courts, law, long distance travel, international affairs, foreign cultures, philosophy, the higher mind — everything “beyond horizons.” The Moon is in Gemini the sign that rules communication, information, transportation, the mind, siblings, duality and even choices; these are some of the areas being highlighted now.” — Priya Kale, December 2014 Cosmic Weather. Read Full report.
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