Full Moon, Horoscopes and a very special Birthday wish…

Hello and welcome to the Full Moon,

A quick note to say December Horoscopes have been posted to the site.

We are now heading towards the Gemini Full Moon at 2:30 AM EST on Dec. 2, 2009 at with the Sun and Moon at 10+ degrees of Sagittarius and Gemini.

On a personal note, I happened to read Jonathan Cainer’s thought for today on his site. About how his daughter thought he was making up stories about the earth spinning in space. It made me smile, especially since today is my father’s birthday. I don’t personally know Jonathan Cainer, but I do know he is a Sagittarian and that sounds exactly like something I would say to my father when I was little.

My dad is a Sagittarius with a Gemini Moon (and Virgo rising.) He used to and still does spin the wildest stories with a poker face. To this day I never know if I can believe him sometimes. But I just wanted to take a moment to say a special thank you to my Baba, for being the best father in the world. For making me feel each day like the most loved and beautiful (another wild one) girl in the world. I’m blessed and lucky. Happy Birthday…

I’ll be back with the Gemini Full Moon shortly. In the meanwhile be safe and have fun…

With love,





For previous months please see links at bottom of the page



You are being shown a new way forward within an important relationship. Or it could be a long dearly held aspiration that sets your heart on fire. Have faith in the new dawn creeping on the horizon. Financially as well as emotionally, aim high and be philosophical in your choices. You are on the road to creating greater financial freedom, as well as more honesty and understanding within a relationship. Be creative, imaginative and wise as you look at the bigger picture unfurling. As you explore your ambitions pay attention to a greater altruistic dream. Something that once filled you with hope can be resurrected now with love, wisdom and faith. Over the coming months, this will set you on an inward journey of rediscovering your inner fire and what really makes you come alive.

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Something sets your soul on fire this month, drawing you towards a deeper surrender within a financial or deeply intimate situation. Financially and sexually, you are burning hot. Your faith, optimism and commitment to a cause or a person has not gone unnoticed. Remember, the deepest commitments are formed when there is freedom to explore the world, knowing there is a safe place you can return to. You start a new cycle that can offer you emotional and financial security you need, as you resurrect your faith in a greater altruistic vision. You have a date with destiny later this month — at the top of that mountain you thought you’d never get to climb. Keep your sense of perspective as you move and feed your creative and sexual fire. It has the power to fuel faith and hope for a larger world that hungers for a divine truth.

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A New Moon in your opposite sign this month in close conjunction to Venus is heralding a new dawn for you within your closest personal and financial partnerships for the coming year. This is a journey that can open your world in tangible and emotional ways in a way that you could only hope to dream. But your ruler Mercury’s retrograde station in your 8th house suggests, there needs to be a conscious process of digging deeper to find your true values surrounding sex, money, life and death. There is a lot of stuff in there you’ve inherited from family generations and society you really need to get clear on. You’ve seen the frailty of life, which can subconsciously fill you with a mortal dread of experiencing intimacy. But how is this keeping you away from life itself? Be honest with yourself and others as you rebuild relationships based on trust, honesty, faith, integrity and yes love. As you evolve to find your integrity, you can attract those relationships that share your values of freedom and commitment.

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As you go deeper in your quest for meaning, ask yourself what motivates you to wake up each morning. Pay attention to your desires, as well as your need for independence and the freedom to be yourself daily. Love and creativity both need space to grow and breathe. Pour your energy into that which fills you with passion. There are important conversations you can have within your relationships that can help clear past debris and doubt. But this will mean letting go of the past to make room for a new truth. Indeed, you could heal the world if you wanted to with your new found optimism — but at the very least you can heal your inner world. You can rearrange the rules with the people in your life now based on values of honesty, transparency and integrity. Find pleasure in the little things and the greater the waves of generosity are bound to fill your life. There’s a fresh hope growing in your world, teaching you again it is in giving you receive.

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There’s a new hope and dawn arising, opening your creative and sexual horizons in a divine sort of way. You reach an important turning point within a partnership asking to push through walls of fear and move in faith of what you are birthing. You are on a journey of rediscovering your true being and who you were born to be. You are learning your cosmic gifts, divine passion and the sacred fire of creation that beats in your heart. Something may feel like a leap of faith, but the healing it will bring far outweighs any risks. Be honest with yourself and partners, in a space of mutual trust. You have always been a child at heart, but recognize this is where your deep wisdom comes from. Life was never meant to be taken to seriously. You were born to live and love in the moment, spontaneously, honestly and fully. What is the use of all this divine energy if you can’t share it? Let others into your Universe.

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You start a new cycle this month, marking a time of increasing emotional and financial security. But as your ruler stations retrograde later this month, you could be contemplating a situation you have your heart and mind set on. You may think things need to be done a certain way but I suggest you start by deconstructing old rules surrounding your romantic or sexual pursuits and your ability to take creative risks. If you are honest and dig deep to find truth, you are due to find pearls of wisdom that liberate and heal you. It matters more how you feel in your heart and soul, rather than what anyone in the world thinks. Have faith in the love, warmth and companionship that surrounds you daily. You have the support of partners and family as you give to that which feeds your soul. You’ve always been wise and mature beyond your years. Other people’s superficial lofty ambitions are child’s play to you. Be patient as you inch closer to discovering your destiny. It is unveiling a greater potential than even you imagined you possible.

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There’s a growing hope in your world, that is likely filling you with excitement just with the thought of it. Have faith in your ideas, your creative vision and a hope you’ve long held in your heart. You are likely to meet the just the right people and have the support of at least one partner who can help you manifest your dreams. But this will mean asking for the help you need, as well as making the changes you need to you daily life. As you do this, work towards consciously deconstructing old thought patterns, handed down to you from your parents. It may mean actual conversations with family or digging into the past to unearth a source of a deeper belief. There is no room in your present for anything but faith and optimism. An idea you are birthing, can heal the world as much as it opens you to experiencing new heights of passion and creative freedom. When it comes to love – the fire of truth is truly divine.

Pre-Order your 2010 Annual Horoscopes | Weekly Horosocopes | Contact me for a Personal Astrology Consultation.


What is the measure of your being? Who and what do you value the most? And how do you feel about yourself? If you can be honest with yourself about what you have to offer, this month will go a long way in you find that elusive sense of belonging you’ve been long searched for. It is not necessarily in the four walls that surround you, but the warmth you feel deep in your heart. Emotionally and financially your wealth comes from the deep divinity of your being. Have faith in this higher power that sustains you like blood in your veins. There also may be one significant relationship in your life that opens your world, feeds and inspires your faith. This fuels your creativity and courage as you make your mark on the world. Consciously deconstruct old thought patterns, over the coming weeks. Be wise, put down old battles and open your doors. If you can act on the wisest part of your being, there is a warm breeze of hope, love and prosperity blowing into your world.

Pre-Order your 2010 Annual Horoscopes | Weekly Horosocopes | Contact me for a Personal Astrology Consultation.


You’ve been through a challenging year that may had you doubting your sanity at times, for being so optimistic. But your ability to see a greater truth is a gift sorely needed in this world and is about to start paying off. You are worth more than you give yourself credit for. But this realization will come once you stop letting other people and society define your values or your worth. Important negotiations you have in the coming weeks, will go a long way in stabilizing your emotional and financial situation. You are wise enough to know that there is way where everyone can gain through this. Be fueled by your creativity and help others see the greater possibilities. There is no need to control anything, it may take some a little longer to come around to your vision. Just have faith in yourself, your vision and trust the wave of optimism you feel. It heralds a new dawn.

Pre-Order your 2010 Annual Horoscopes | Weekly Horosocopes | Contact me for a Personal Astrology Consultation.


Over the coming weeks you are likely to be going through a process of re-identifying and reinventing yourself to the core. Do this as consciously as possible taking down old beliefs and ideas about yourself that are constructs of society rather than you. Then will come the matter of replacing them with truth. How will you know what is truth? As a Capricorn, you are an earth sign focused squarely on practical matters. But pay attention to your inner wisdom this month. There is a “knowing” growing deep within you that can’t be denied. This is not only an dream based on your altruistic values. But has the potential to generate tangible wealth and deepen your intimacy within key relationships in your life. What matters now is who you know you are deep within. By mid month next year — you will be ready to reveal your true self. For now, as they say in the Zen tradition, focus on finding your “original face.” The one you had before you were born.

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Over the past year, your self-awareness has grown leaps and bounds. This may have at times been a painful process of discovery but slowly you have managed to peel back the layers to find the essence of who you are. It has also brought you a greater awareness of humanity at large. You reach a new peak of crystallization this month, that can fill you with a fresh burst of hope and faith. This is opening you up to a larger audience and world that is in awe of your unique talents and humble creative genius. You may secretly worry that you don’t have the logistics all figured out. But now is your time to dream. There is a very lucrative idea lurking in your head. Be patient at this time, consciously letting go of old imprinted beliefs surrounding success or the way things “should be.” Focus on your highest ideals and trust you can summon the financial and moral support you need to create your vision. Your gift to the world is infinite and rich in what it gives. Have faith in that and confront the doubts that tell you otherwise.

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It’s been a long road to get where you are now, but look around you. This month brings you to an unexpected turning point within your career, showing you a greater depth within yourself. But is this really so surprising? You’ve been steadily crystallizing a vision deep within your soul and being so much so that you may be vibrating. Whether you believe it or not your dreams are coming to life. An idea whose time has come may still take a while to take the form that you want it to. Be patient as you work out the logistics with people involved. Just don’t lose sight of your target. You have a direct chance of creating exactly the vision you see in your minds eye. Just don’t forget your passion that keeps you creating each day. Your ability to pour your soul into what you, creating daily with passion is the secret to your success and yes – fame. And this is only the beginning.

Pre-Order your 2010 Annual Horoscopes | Weekly Horosocopes | Contact me for a Personal Astrology Consultation.

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