Weekly Horoscopes | Saturn in Scorpio: 2012-2015
Personal Astrology Consultations
Cosmic Diaries: 2012 Annual Horoscopes | Cosmic Diaries: 2012 Astro Calendar
I have my fears. But my fears do not have me. — Sam Kapasi
We’re just past Aries Full Moon or the Harvest Moon which took place at 11:18 PM EDT, September 29, 2012, (Saturday night) on the east coast of the US. The Sun and Moon opposed each other at 7+ degrees of the Libra – Aries axis, with the Moon in close conjunction to Uranus at 6+ Aries and Pluto at 6+ Capricorn at the apex of the a T-square.
Full Moons always bring a rising tides of emotions. And this lunation triggered the Uranus-Pluto square making it a wildly potent and unpredictable, perhaps bringing a shocking turn of events, or rude awakenings where we’ve been in denial, asking that we push through fear.
Given events in my personal life recently, I have had to confront a great deal of my fears as well — which has not been an easy task. One of my biggest fears since I moved to the US from Bombay has been that I will lose someone I love while I’m away. And it happened. But life goes on.
Libra’s symbol are the scales and it represents ‘relationships;’ and the Sun in Libra is a reminder that relationships are a fine balance — which at best manifests in two hearts beating as One. We are born alone and die alone, but “no man is an island”. The aspects are pushing for a balance between commitment and independence to create inter-dependency in relationships rather than co-dependency.
Who’s taking? Who’s giving? What do you want? What do you need? How are you expecting another to fulfill those needs. A relationship is only as good as it meets the needs of both people involved; be it a friendship, a child-parent relationship, a marriage or intimate relationship, a business partnership, or anyone we relate with one-on-one. It all comes down to boundaries which is the lesson Saturn in Libra has been teaching us over the past two and half years.
The Moon is in Aries the sign of the self. As it conjuncts Uranus, we are being asked to push through emotional fears (especially surrounding abandonment, loneliness, guilt, anger, pain and resentment) so we can be free to chase and live our passion.
Here is an excerpt from a Eric Francis’ Blog today at Planet Waves, which I found particularly insightful and practically useful given the energy.
“I am not suggesting that you wait until your life is on order, you’re healed and the Best Person You Can Be before opening yourself up to participating in what you know you’re drawn to or passionate about. Rather, I am suggesting that you get your priorities in order, that you clear a little space to take action (perhaps in increasing increments), and that you recognize how much tension you’re carrying around in your mind and body.
“Following your passions is about saying yes to yourself and something larger than yourself. That means letting go of all the ways you’ve talked yourself out of what you want to do and who you want to be. You cannot let go of that tension all at once. It takes a series of decisions, and at first they may feel awkward. You may feel guilty, like you’re betraying someone. You may feel ridiculous for caring, especially if the people around you don’t care and don’t see the point of why you do.”
Capricorn is the sign that represents the highest manifestation of material energy. And at the end of our lives it is not our achievements that will matter, but how many lives we touched and bettered by our ‘being.’ Pluto at the helm of the T-square in Capricorn is deep alchemy in action asking that we surrender our attachments to this material world, to conditioning surrounding ‘success’ or ‘failure,’ or conditioning handed down by society, authority figures, culture.
Dig deep to find personal integrity and the diamond within — the source of all your wealth and success. As a Scorpio, Capricorn rules your 3rd house, this is a transformation of your mind, let go of beliefs and you will see all that is possible, or as an Aries this would be your 10th house of career, profession, public image.
Meanwhile, Saturn is in it’s last few days of Libra, preparing to enter Scorpio on Oct. 5, 2012. Relationships are being taken to the edge and it’s sink or swim time. Bonds are either deepening and changing. And this Aries Full moon is bringing us a profound revelation of our personal fears and desires, and what we need from our relationships so there can be peace and balance.
The more we can acknowledge our needs and then let go of expectations, or fear, we can become conscious of our own patterns; allowing us to break free of them, rather than struggle to change another. This is an inner transformation which will bring external change. If everyone ‘minded there own business’ the world would automatically be a better place.
What meaning does life other than the meaning we bring to it, and how we touch each others with it? It’s true, death and dying aren’t in our hands. But living is. It’s wake up and recognize just how fragile life can be and we are… With the Sun in Libra this is also urging us to be creative, honest and communicate with love. When our energy is balanced, when there is inner peace, then there can be liberation.
“Make love, not war…”
— Priya Kale, Aries Full Moon, Sept. 30, 2012
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To Schedule an Astrology Reading please email me at priya@cosmicdiaries.com or click on link for rates, payment details and for further information. All sessions are conducted over phone (I will call you) or via Skype. I look forward to being your astrologer… Love – Priya.