Saturn in Libra Horoscopes: 2010-2012 | Relationship and Finance Forecast 2010
Personal Astrology Consultations
And if I told you that I loved you
You’d maybe think there’s something wrong
I’m not a man of too many faces
The mask I wear is one
Those who speak know nothing
And find out to their cost
Like those who curse their luck in too many places
And those who fear are lost
— Sting, Shape of My Heart
Mercury Retrograde 10% Discount on Consultations booked by Dec. 30, 2010. (Money will be refunded to your account after you make the booking.)
Dear Friends and Readers,
Hope all is well with you under these magical stars…
Much is still unknown in my world; life has demanded my full attention. I am in the midst of writing 2011 Horoscopes and dealing with a housing situation that has been nothing short of a nightmare, along with personal stuff that I can’t even begin to talk about.
Yet there is a sense of things to come that I feel nervous and excited about all at once. I’ve been accused all my life of being happy-go-lucky (as if there is something wrong with that). It’s true; I can be, but that’s not because I am an optimist. Rather, I’m a realist and know all too well that reality is often dark. But I also know that life is mysteriously sweet.
I was two years old when my father explained to me what an Eclipse is. My aunt says I was so fascinated by it that I spent the next two months explaining how an Eclipse works to anyone who would listen. All these years later, it seems little has changed.
An astrologer can interpret something one way, but reading the planets and the stars is like trying to paint a picture with words. There are infinite ways to interpret something, just as there are infinite ways that the Universe can manifest its magic.
And all the words in the world could not express how divinely the planets are lining up right now. The energy is positively electric and, given the astounding climate we stand under, I thought I’d check in.
The Moon is now in Gemini, inching toward its opposition to the Sun in Sagittarius, exact on Dec. 21, 2010 at 3:13 AM EST at 29+ degrees of the Sagittarius and Gemini axis.
This Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse will be visible from North and South America and from Australia early at Moonrise. Here is NASA’s website showing the path of the Eclipse.
With the Sun and Mercury in Sagittarius, keep an open mind and perspective; now is not the time to be narrowing horizons. Expect a few mind-blowing revelations and perhaps to discover feelings you didn’t know existed.
Something may feel like a difficult choice, but avoid the tendency to analyze feelings. Feelings, after all, aren’t right or wrong; they just are. Move past fear. With the Moon in Gemini expect the ghosts of Christmas past and future, but in truth the “now” is all that exists. Be honest about how you feel today. Even if it means admitting you don’t know. In the space between the past and future lies the gateway to eternity.
As the Moon is eclipsed, there is a chance to wipe the slate clean and to see reality and truth for what they are, with clarity. There is due to be a deeper understanding of the past and perhaps a chance to see a whole other side to someone or something.
Communication will be key, and the Sun and Moon’s trine to Neptune and Chiron suggests that if we can dare to be honest, then honesty will free and heal us, as truth often does.
Eclipses remind us that the events and relationships in our lives are not here by random chance. These are karmic relationships and situations, and they have a greater message for your destiny. Assuming that we know it all would perhaps be the biggest mistake we could make.
With Pluto right there on the North Node, the future is certainly not cast in stone and is changing before our eyes. But this is also a clear message to be conscious of the fact that we are creating the future with every thought, action, word and deed here in the now. Only in breaking through old conditioning can we evolve to discover our true paths.
Also, Venus comes out of her shadow on the day of the Eclipse and moves into new territory for the first time since Oct. 7, 2010, when she stationed retrograde.
Her recent retrograde phase brought deep, dark, perhaps painful emotions and wounds to the surface. This has its roots as far back as the time between 1982-1984. Only in confronting the past can we interact and respond to relationships and situations in the present with a deeper understanding, free of baggage and memories that haunt us.
As Venus moves into new territory for the first time since Oct. 7, 2010, we are moving into the unknown with relationships, financial situations and deep desires. As the Full Moon brings important information to light, listen and speak with an open heart, and you could make a precious discovery.
At the end of the month, Venus trines Jupiter and Uranus, suggesting something that seems deeply mysterious and drawing us into the unknown, which is where the greatest treasures lie. This is not for the faint-hearted, but if you take a chance on your heart, you are more than likely to win big.
Sagittarius represents religion, spirituality and a ‘higher power’ that we often call God. But what we know of God and ‘knowing’ God are two different things. God doesn’t need religion to exist, and “religion,” as we sadly see in today’s world, sometimes exists without “God.”
Seek an inner truth, for the outer world is merely a reflection of the inner. And all the answers to all the questions can be found inside oneself. God does indeed reveal his mystery in a grain of sand as much as he does in the Bible, Gita, or in the movement of the planets. But truth is easily distorted by perception. Which is nothing but the trickster monkey mind, that seeks to justify, label and divide things into right and wrong. God is indeed paradoxical — black, white and every spectrum of infinite color between.
It takes an open mind and heart, without preconceived notions, to receive and listen to that inner voice of truth or to find wisdom in religion and every mundane conversation. Only then can we become vessels and channels for Light, love and a higher wisdom.
As the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Pisces forms a T-square to this Eclipse, look at where Pisces falls in your natal chart. (You can look it up at or write to me for a consultation.)
This is where we are being asked to push through boundaries and take a risk. Push past the sense of disillusionment and dare to dream. It is this area of your life that offers the greatest potential for a minor miracle and for positive change to come flooding in.
No matter what you fear is the end of the road, all hope is far from lost, and it won’t be too long before we see tangible change manifest in our world. Mercury stations direct on Dec. 30, 2010, and by the time of the New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Capricorn on Jan. 4, 2010, we will be ready to make a solid new start.
I wish you the warmest of Holy-days…
— Priya Kale, still in NYC, Gemini Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse, Dec. 21, 2010
I am thick in the 2011 Horoscopes, coming along slowly but surely by the grace of Mercury. If you haven’t ordered yours already, then you can do so now. The Horoscopes will be released sometime in mid-January 2011. Stay tuned for information on this page and check your email for updates closer to the release date.
Pre-Order your 2011 Annual Horoscopes
Horoscopes will be sent by email to the email provided around mid-January 2011. This is a pre-sale price and will change once on release. Order the full set of 12 signs now, to read your sign and rising sign and to share (as a great holiday gift) with family and friends!
Cosmic Diaries 2011 Annual Horoscopes (12 Signs) – $100.00
Cosmic Diaries 2011 Annual Horoscopes – Six Signs – $60.00
Cosmic Diaries 2011 Annual Horoscopes – One Sign – $12.00
Cosmic Diaries 2011 Annual Horoscopes – TWO Signs – $22.00
(Buy for your Sign and Rising Sign or for a partner.)