Cosmic Diaries: Special Horoscopes for Gemini Lunar Eclipse
(These horoscopes are part of the Subscriber service. To read horoscopes for other signs, sign up here for a One Week Free trial to the service.)
You’ve been deep in muck lately trying to tackle something at work or in your life that seemed to have gotten out of control. It may have seemed like the more you cleaned up the more dirt you discovered. But this has been an important and necessary process allowing you to confront all that isn’t working so you can begin to transform a situation. A Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in your sign is bringing you and your relationships in the spotlight. This comes on the heels of your ruler Mercury’s direct station, suggesting you are learning something now which could help you get back on the right track. Be creative and think of constructive solutions that work towards changing things towards the better. You can even sweeten relationships that seem to have gotten bitter, if you can focus on what is important rather than get caught up in irrelevant details that send you on a goose chase. In personal relationships especially, avoid polarizing situations and stay focused on healing. There are always two sides to a story and then there’s the truth. What you are learning now has the potential to change your life. You may be discovering feelings you didn’t know you had, someones true feelings for you, or something about yourself in the light of another. A financial or social situation is heating up too, but no one and nothing can control your freedom unless you give away that power. Reflect the truth back honestly without trying to manipulate or control a situation. Whether this is a relationship or financial situation once you acknowledge what’s wrong you can begin to change it consciously through your daily love and dedication.
Saturn in Scorpio Consultations – $125.00
A Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in your opposite sign is bringing your most important relationships into focus as well as reflecting a truth to you about yourself. The recent past has asked you to question your deepest beliefs about life and the role of certain others in it. You may be seeing another side to someone or discovering feelings you didn’t know you had. It’s true you do not have all the information but be patient and trust your intuition as more information comes to light. Something may feel like a risky proposition and you may not be sure if you’re ready to take a gamble. As long as you aren’t compromising your values, letting fears or selfish desires control you, you are free to choose what you want. You light the way for many souls who walk in your shadow. A relationship or financial situation holds deeper potential — but that could be potentially good or bad. You don’t need to trust anyone blindly nor hand over your power to another. Just be open to what you are learning, trust your instincts and avoid chasing superficial desires or commitments. Then you can consciously choose the relationships you can trust to have your back whether or not they are physically present. And experience the kind of love that touches not just your body but your soul.
Saturn in Scorpio Consultations – $125.00