Horoscopes: Mars in Virgo – Nov. 2011 to July 2012

Horoscopes for 12 Signs: Mars in Virgo + November Cosmic Weather $13.00

(Valid from Nov. 2011 until July 2012)

(Includes Horoscopes for all 12 signs. Horoscopes will be emailed to you within 2-24 hrs of purchase.)


Horoscopes for 12 Signs: Mars in Virgo- $11.00

(Valid from Nov. 2011 until July 2012)

(Includes Horoscopes for all 12 signs. Horoscopes will be emailed to you within 2-24 hrs of purchase.)


Sample Horoscopes: transit of Mars in Virgo: November 2011 – July 2012

“You can trust you are the person for the job, don’t underestimate you contribution or your ability to do what needs to be done to bring a permanent lasting change within a professional situation, stabilizing it and revealing what is precious within it.”
Purchase Full Horoscope – Mars in Virgo: Horoscopes till July 2012
Saturn in Libra: Horoscopes for 2010 – 2012

“Nurture yourself, your creativity and what you love rather than focus on or expect perfection from yourself or others at this time. What you truly seek is healing for your heart.”
Purchase Full Horoscope – Mars in Virgo: Horoscopes till July 2012 
Saturn in Libra: Horoscopes for 2010 – 2012
GEMINI “…watch how you are expressing yourself and you can find a way to heal the past and your relationships with them. You may worry if you are living up to expectations, but recognize this is your life and you are not a child anymore.”


Purchase Full Horoscope – Mars in Virgo: Horoscopes till July 2012
CANCER“You have the power to get your point across  lovingly, logically and rationally rather than get critical or feel criticized. Learn to listen as well as speak and you can find a solution to whatever it is that may be bothering you. Address your issues head on rather than worry…”Purchase Full Horoscope – Mars in Virgo: Horoscopes till July 2012

Saturn in Libra: Horoscopes for 2010 – 2012




“When it comes to your personal commitments try not to be too picky or critical. You’ve been wounded in the past, perhaps deeply disillusioned by past sexual experiences even.”


Purchase Full Horoscope – Mars in Virgo: Horoscopes till July 2012

Saturn in Libra: Horoscopes for 2010 – 2012




“What you want matters but it also matters how you go about getting it. Pace yourself at this time, rather than stress about the things that you need to do. Slow and steady wins the race and in truth this is no competition…”


Purchase Full Horoscope – Mars in Virgo: Horoscopes till July 2012

Saturn in Libra: Horoscopes for 2010 – 2012




“This may be nerve-racking at times, you may even be working hard, perhaps late nights but make sure you are doing all you can to get the rest and respite that you need.”


Purchase Full Horoscope – Mars in Virgo: Horoscopes till July 2012

Saturn in Libra: Horoscopes for 2010 – 2012




“The people you meet at work or in your daily life can be opening you to new healing experiences. But you have to learn to open up and trust. What you do has the potential to heal and change lives…”


Purchase Full Horoscope – Mars in Virgo: Horoscopes till July 2012

Saturn in Libra: Horoscopes for 2010 – 2012




“You’ve been working hard with little recognition or even in the way of compensation for your efforts. But this transit is great news for you professionally and as worried as you may have been you can expect work to get a whole lot busier.”


Purchase Full Horoscope – Mars in Virgo: Horoscopes till July 2012

Saturn in Libra: Horoscopes for 2010 – 2012



“Whether this is a physical journey or a metaphorical one, you are being asked to open your mind now to new experiences and cultures which may take you out of your comfort zone. We are never too old to learn…”


Purchase Full Horoscope – Mars in Virgo: Horoscopes till July 2012

Saturn in Libra: Horoscopes for 2010 – 2012




“It may be time though to redefine and re-examine your values surrounding sex, money and relationships. What are these? And where did they come from? Your values are changing and this is not a bad thing…”


Purchase Full Horoscope – Mars in Virgo: Horoscopes till July 2012

Saturn in Libra: Horoscopes for 2010 – 2012




“This transit is bringing your relationships or a particular relationship is in focus. Your friendships are evolving as well and although it may be time to let go of those that no longer serve you, do what you can to find forgiveness within…”

Purchase Full Horoscope – Mars in Virgo: Horoscopes till July 2012

Saturn in Libra: Horoscopes for 2010 – 2012

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